jueves, 5 de septiembre de 2013


Share with the group extracts the monumental work written by Bhaktivinoda Thapura entitled , THE Bhagavatam , YOUR PHILOSOPHY , THE ETHICS AND THEOLOGY . 1Bhaktivinod Srila Thakura(1938-1914)Founder of the Krishna Consciousness movement in the nineteenth centuryThis publication is an introduction to Bagavata , the jewel of spiritual and literary heritage of India. Compiled by Sage Vyasa in the year 3000 BC , the summit presents Bagavata devotional perfection and contains the essence of Eastern thought .Speech at Dinapur , West Bengal, 1869.We all like to read a book that never have read . We are eager to assimilate any information contained in it , and once done that our curiosity is over. This form of study prevails among a large number of readers who are considered great men in their own estimation , as well as in the estimation of those who are of the same lineage . Actually , most of the readers are just facts and statements deposits of other people. However, that is not research . The student must read the facts in order to create and not for the purpose of withholding futile . Like satellites , students must reflect any light they receive from the authors , and do not pinch the facts and thoughts as judges imprison convicts in cárcel.óúThought is progressive . The author's thought must progress in the reader in the form of correction or development. The best critic is one who can show the subsequent development of an old thought , but a simple complainant is the enemy of progress and therefore of nature. " Begin again - says the critic - because the old doctrine gives no current answers. Bury and the old author because his time has passed . " These are trivial expressions . Progress is indeed the law of nature , and there should be corrections and development with the progress of time , because progress means going forward or climb higher.Now if we will continue to critics fools, back down to our previous positions , we will try again and when we are in the middle , another equally critical will cry : "Begin again, because they go astray ! " De thus, our stupid critics never allow us to go all the way and see what's at the end of it . The shallow critic and the reader vain are the two great enemies of progress we should avoid them.

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