viernes, 28 de junio de 2019

On respect

On respect, for Haripada dasa
We all understand and accept that respect is the basis of coexistence, when there is no respect there are envy, offenses, criticism, wars, etc., Srila Prabhupada always said that you do not have to be anxious for others to respect you, but inspire respect , and the Gurudeva of Srila Prabhupada when he saw that two disciples did not get along, called them and put them face to face and said to one, you glorify your spiritual brother, and then he said to the other, you glorify your spiritual brother so they appreciated each other and the problem disappeared.
In relation to the theme there is a very interesting story in the 4 chant of the Bhagavatam, in 4, 3, 22, it is said that my dear and young wife, it is true that friends and family exchange greetings getting up, welcoming each other and offering obeisances. But those who have risen to the transcendental plane are intelligent and offer those signs of respect to the Supersoul, which is within the body, and not to the person who identifies with the body, and in the meaning Srila Prabhupada says that someone could argue that, being Dakṣa his father-in-law, Lord Śiva certainly had a duty to pay his respects. In response to that argument, in this verse it is explained that the learned person, when he gets up or when he offers obeisances of welcome, is paying his respects to the Supersoul, which is in everyone's heart. Therefore, among the Vaiṣṇavas or devotees of Krishna we can see how even when a disciple offers obeisances to his spiritual master, he immediately responds with his, because that exchange of reverences is not being offered to the body, but to the Supersoul. Therefore, the spiritual master also offers obeisances to the Supersoul that is in the body of the disciple. In Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam, the Lord says that being respectful of His devotee is more valuable than being respectful of Him. Devotees do not identify with the body; so that being respectful of a Vaiṣṇava means being with Viṣṇu. It is also explained that, as a matter of etiquette, as soon as a Vaiṣṇava is seen, one must present due respect immediately, attending to the Supersoul that is in him. The Vaiṣṇava sees the body as a temple of Viṣṇu. Lord Śiva, being aware of Kṛiṣhṇa, had already presented due respect to the Supersoul, and therefore he had already paid his respects to Dakṣa, who identified with the body. There was no need to offer respects to the body, since no Vedic injunction orders it.
Courage, and all together let's try to make Jagat-guru Srila Prabhupada Mahasaya happy.

martes, 25 de junio de 2019

Letter King of Spain

Hare Krishna, with love and trust I send you this letter that I have written to the King of Spain, and if you want you can give me your opinion.
Cocentaina, (Alicante), June 25 2019
Dear Felipe VI, King of Spain.
With love and confidence, I am writing this letter to you, as a Spanish citizen I explain my concerns and experiences, now I am 60 years old.
When I was 24 years old, I read the Bhagavad Gita as it is and I came to the conclusion that true happiness is not exploiting or enjoying the matter, but it is in the spiritual life, the first thing I did not to be an accomplice of the killing of innocent animals to satisfy the palate is to stop eating meat, fish and eggs, the result was fabulous, my health improved and my conscience was influenced by kindness, my spiritual master named Srila Prabhupada always said that the karmic reaction of the killing of innocent animals, is that every few years there is a world war, and the world becomes a universal slaughterhouse, if I were the King of Spain, the first thing I would do is to prohibit bullfighting, in Catalonia for years they were banned , violence breeds violence, Mahatma Gandhi always said that if you want to know the human quality of the people of a nation, look at their diet, and Pythagoras always said that my When man continues to be the ruthless destroyer of inferior living beings, he will never know health or peace. As long as men slaughter animals, they will kill each other. In fact, the one who sows the seed of murder and pain can not reap joy and love. The first time I went to India was in 1986, when I saw that there bulls and cows went in full freedom through the streets and seeing that people gave them so much love melted my heart and I was very excited, Unhappily India has also degraded and now killing thousands and thousands of cows in the slaughterhouses, there are only 3 States that is strictly prohibited to kill cows, some friends of mine in the streets of Catalonia in several years distributed almost half a million natural cookbooks , and thousands of people stopped eating meat, I share with you that the other day I saw a friend of mine from childhood and he told me that he earns 430 euros of unemployment, and that he spends them on drugs and drinks, and not to die of hunger goes to Caritas for food, and told me that in Spain there are thousands of people in that condition, the truth that made me very sad to see that, what the government can do for these people, nobody can turn a thief into a honest person making laws, what I see not only in this country but in all countries with many material comforts, is that people are empty inside, it is amazing to see that the countries of northern Europe that are very developed They are the ones with the highest suicide rates, one does not commit suicide because he is happy, but because he is frustrated and has no hope, since 1984 he practiced the spiritual culture of India, I follow 4 regulative principles very strictly, 1, eat meat, fish or eggs, 2, no illicit sex, only sex is allowed to procreate and with one's wife, 3, no games of chance, and 4, do not drink tea, coffee, alcohol, drugs, etc., and I sing every day in my rosary 27,648 Holy Names of God, that with practice takes an hour and a half to two hours, the result of these practices is that I live full of peace, happiness and tranquility, and I have friends all over the world who do the same, I repeat that a person becomes kind not by making laws, but by authorized spiritual practices, it would be a very good idea if the Spanish government made a Ministry of Spiritual Education, and help everyone out of ignorance, the ignorance is the cause of t All the sufferings, according to the spiritual culture of India, there are 5 kinds of ignorance, 1 - Believing that the body is the self, 2- Making the material sense gratification the model of happiness, 3- Being in anxiety due to the identification with matter, 4- Lamentation, and 5- Believing that there is something beyond God.
The problem that Catalonia wants to become independent, nobody can solve it with material arrangements, the only solution is spiritual, if spiritual education were taught in educational institutions people would leave ignorance and be very happy, what do you think of all this? , finally I share the qualities of good people: Good people always live happily in God or Krishna consciousness and are free, (The Truth will set you free) and they are kind, tolerant, friendly with everyone, always respect everyone and never they want to be respected, they are truthful, pure of heart, they conquer hunger, thirst, lamentation, envy and old age, they do not deceive themselves or others, they are happy when they see others happy in conscience of God or Krishna and suffer when they see others suffer and have as their best friends God or Krishna and His representatives. At no time do they forget God or Krishna and His devotees, in all moments of life they feel the protection of God or Krishna and His devotees. They live free from fear because their future is very bright and they know that they will go back home to God or Krishna. God or Krishna seizes them to turn bad people into good people. They use their selfishness to go back home to God or Krishna. They do not envy anyone because they live full of peace and satisfaction. They know God or Krishna and they love Him and as there is only God or Krishna and His energies naturally love everyone and everything.
One question, in Spain, Europe and in other countries there are some planes that throw chemicals, and people say that this is very bad for your health, what do you think about this?
Here I give you our blog, and if you give a donation, many children in Vrindavana, in India, will thank you very much, I say goodbye, praying to God to help you make the Spaniards happy in God consciousness. And if you want you can give me your opinion about this letter.

sábado, 22 de junio de 2019

Unlimited mercy

Unlimited mercy, by Haripada dasa
Srila Prabhupada is an ocean of unlimited mercy, thanks to him we are relating to God or Krishna and His energy Radharani through the Hare Krishna Maha-Mantra, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare / Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama , Hare Hare, thanks to your boundless mercy through your books we are relating to the incarnations of God or Krishna such as Sri Gauranga Mahaprabhu, Nrisimha, Vamanadeva, Lord Ramachandra, and His devotees, the nectar of Krishna consciousness is in the relationship, that is why Srila Prabhupada wanted the devotees to relate to love and trust, love means that there is no envy, and trust means that there is no betrayal, people who have full faith that Srila Prabhupada is the way, the truth and life, and if someone goes back home to God or Krishna, it is by the mercy of Srila Prabhupada, with people who have that faith it should be easy to relate with love and with bail, I met the people who carry this web, at the beginning there was a very good relationship, to the point that they gladly put my messages on their website, then the relationship broke and now there is almost no relationship, nor do they put my messages on their website, once I got the emails from that web to send my messages, the reaction of this was very negative, several people with a lot of anger told me they did not want to know anything about me, you because you think they happen those things among the devotees, my humble opinion is that the thing is in you, if your heart is full of nectar you will not give poison, but if your heart is full of poison you can not give nectar, thanks to the unlimited mercy of Srila Prabhupada and Krishna do not affect me at all, as my brother Jaime told me the other day, we have to turn the page right away, I take this opportunity to tell you that if someone does not want to receive my messages, they will tell me and I will erase them from me. touches, for my part I am trying to do two services to make Srila Prabhupada happy, one is to collect donations for the Food for life of Vrindavana and the other is to try to send positive messages that convey the teachings of Srila Prabhupada. We want nectar, I do not criticize anyone, it will always be better to pray to Srila Prabhupada and Krishna for others to criticize, and for others to do what they want, it does not concern me, I already have a lot of work purifying my mind by chanting Hare Krishna and trying to make Srila Prabhupada happy.

jueves, 20 de junio de 2019

Overcoming the world

Overcoming the world, by Haripada dasa
Pure souls like Jesus Christ, Srila Prabhupada and others are sent by God or Krishna from the spiritual world to the material world, to demonstrate the qualities of a pure devotee of God or Krishna and to overcome the world, to overcome the world means that nobody can control or to influence these pure souls, they are totally independent, free and happy in Krishna consciousness, and when we conditioned souls obey the instructions of these pure souls, we also become pure devotees, in relation to Srila Prabhupada we have the example of their Perfect disciple named Jayananda prabhu, Srila Prabhupada said that I am very proud to have had such a good disciple as Jayananda prabhu, everyone should follow his example. As I understand it, only people who have sacrificed their lives to make Srila Prabhupada happy can receive the mercy of Krishna.
Now a question could arise, if these pure souls overcome the world because they have the special protection of God or Krishna, because Jesus was crucified and Srila Prabhupada poisoned him, as I understand it this is done by God or Krishna to show the world that these pure souls love even their enemies, so Jesus forgave their enemies and surely Srila Prabhupada also forgave those who poisoned him, but on the other hand God or Krishna never forgives the people who offend His devotees, the whole battle of Kuruksetra was because they insulted and offended the great devotee Draupadi, Krishna said that by doing this all the women of the Kurus will remain widows, and for having offended Jesus the entire Jewish race has suffered much, and for having poisoned Srila Prabhupada , these people have become strange, envious and very dangerous, and if they do not repent they will have to go to the worst hell.

martes, 18 de junio de 2019

About the determination

About the determination
In the Gita there is a verse, on the 2, 41 that Srila Prabhupada cited a lot to emphasize the determination, the translation says that those who are on this path are very determined, and their goal is one. O beloved son of the Kurus, the intelligence of the irresolutos has innumerable ramifications, and in the meaning Srila Prabhupada says that the resolution of a person with Kṛṣṇa consciousness is based on knowledge. Vāsudevaḥ sarvam iti sa mahātmā sudurlabhaḥ. A person with Kṛṣṇa consciousness is the good and hard-to-get soul who knows perfectly well that Vāsudeva, or Kṛṣṇa, is the root of all manifested causes. Just as watering the root of a tree, automatically one provides water to the leaves and branches of the tree, in the same way, by acting in Kṛṣṇa consciousness, one can lend everyone the maximum service, that is, to be, to the family, society, the country, humanity, etc. If Kṛṣṣṇa is satisfied with one's actions, then everyone will be satisfied. And also in the Gita the verse, 7:28 says that to engage in devotional service to Krishna with determination, one must be free from all sinful reaction, in other words, one must be pure.
Srila Prabhupada also said that the story of Dhruva Maharaja of the Bhagavatam is a very good example of determination, Dhruva was 5 years old and was insulted by his stepmother, he went to complain to his mother and his mother told him that only God or Krishna could help, and Dhruva asked him where where Krishna was and his mother told him that the sages say that Krishna is in the forest, Dhruva went to the forest and as Krishna is in everyone's heart to see the great determination of Dhruva sent him to his dear devotee Narada Muni, he gave a mantra to Dhruva and in 6 months of spiritual practices Dhruva saw Krishna face to face, and Dhruva said that I was looking for broken glass and now I am seeing God who is like a mountain of diamonds .
The great determination that Srila Prabhupada had to obey his Gurudeva's order to preach Krishna consciousness in Western countries will be the inspiration for all in the next 10,000 years.

jueves, 13 de junio de 2019

Making Srila Prabhupada happy

Making Srila Prabhupada happy, by Haripada dasa
As I understand it, if we are able to follow these points Srila Prabhupada will be very happy with us:
1. Srila Prabhupada said that I am very proud to have had such a good disciple as Jayananda prabhu, everyone should follow his example. As I understand it, only people who have sacrificed their lives to make Srila Prabhupada happy can receive the mercy of Krishna. 2. Sing at least 16 rounds of the Hare Krishna Maha-mantra without offenses and sing the 3 Gayatris. 3. Strictly follow the 4 regulative principles, 1, do not eat meat, fish or eggs, 2, no illicit sex, only sex is allowed to procreate and with one's wife, 3, no games of chance, and 4, no drink tea, coffee, alcohol, drugs, etc. 4. Do not envy anyone, and be very grateful to the people who help us in the spiritual life. 5. Follow the Ekadasis, the Purusottama month, the Chaturmasya, Kartika Vrata, the apparitions and disappearances of the Supreme Lord and His devotees, avoid bad association and always be happy and eager to associate with the serious and sincere devotees of Srila Prabhupada. 6. Do not criticize anyone, it will always be better to pray to Srila Prabhupada and to Krishna for others to criticize. 7. Do not waste time on topics unrelated to Srila Prabhupada and Krishna. 8. Let the others do what they want, I already have a lot of work to make Srila Prabhupada happy. 9. Be humble, tolerant and respect everyone, and never expect respect from others. 10. Not being a politician, I like this one, it's my friend, I do not like it, it's my enemy. 11. Be friendly and nice to everyone. 12. Only respect Krishna prasada, food offered to Srila Prabhupada, Sri Gauranga Mahaprabhu and Sri Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. 13. Study the books of Srila Prabhupada very much, the result of this is that we will live without doubts. 14. Share our wealth in three parts. 1-50 percent give it to Brahmanas and Vaisnavas, 2- 25 percent to relatives and 3- the other 25 percent for personal emergencies, by practicing this a transcendental atmosphere is created and selfishness is destroyed. 15. Do not speculate, understand and accept that a person is speculating, when doing things in a capricious way without relying on the Guru, Sadhu and Sastra. 16. Help one another to obey the instructions given in Srila Prabhupada's books and 17. Do nothing that displeases Srila Prabhupada.
If we are able to follow these 17 points, surely Srila Prabhupada will be very happy with us, and will take us with Krishna to the Spiritual World.

martes, 11 de junio de 2019

About feelings of separation

About feelings of separation
With love and confidence I share these verses of Sri Chaitanya Charitamrita, Madhya lila, 4, 178 and 197 about feelings of separation.
The translation of verse 178 says that Chaitanya Mahāprabhu exposed the intense level of love of Mādhavendra Purī to the judgment of Nityānanda Prabhu. "All your love activities are extraordinary," Chaitanya Mahāprabhu said. Truly, when we hear about his activities, we are amazed. "And in the meaning Srila Prabhupada says that the living entity has achieved supreme success in life when he feels spiritual separation from Kṛṣṇa (kṛṣṣṇa-viraha). When you do not feel an interest in material things, you are simply experiencing the other side of attraction for material things. However, feeling separation from Kṛṣṇa and engaging in the service of the Lord to fulfill His mission is the best example of love for Kṛṣṇa. Śrī Chaitanya Mahāprabhu wanted to point out that intense love for Kṛṣṇa that was shown by Mādhavendra Purī. All the devotees of Chaitanya Mahāprabhu later followed the steps of Mādhavendra Purī, serving the Lord free of personal considerations.
The translation of verse 197, this verse is considered the supreme verse on the feelings of separation, there it says that "Oh, My Lord !, Oh, most merciful master !, Oh, master of Mathurā! When I'll see you? Because I do not see You, My troubled heart is restless. Oh, the dearest, what am I going to do now? "And in the meaning Srila Prabhupada says that the pollution-free devotees who are strictly based on Vedānta philosophy are divided into four sampradāyas or transcendental groupings. Of those four sampradāyas, Mādhavendra Purī followed Śrī Madhvācārya-sampradāya, and he received the order of sannyāsa according to the paramparā, the disciplic succession. From Madhvācārya to the āchārya Lakṣmīpati, who was the spiritual master of Mādhavendra Purī, there was no understanding of devotional service with conjugal love. It was Śrī Mādhavendra Purī who introduced for the first time the concept of conjugal love in the Madhvācārya-sampradāya; During His journey through southern India, Śrī Chaitanya Mahāprabhu revealed that conclusion of the Madhvācārya-sampradāya when He interviewed the Tattvavādīs, who supposedly belonged to the Madhvācārya-sampradāya.
When Śrī Kṛiṣhṇa left Vṛindāvana to accept the kingdom of Mathurā, Śrīmatī Rādhārāṇī, feeling the ecstasy of separation, expressed the love for Kṛṣṣṇa in separation. Therefore, devotional service with feelings of separation is the central aspect of this verse. For the Gauḍīya-Madhva-sampradāya, the worship with feelings of separation is the highest level of devotional service. According to that understanding, the devotee sees himself as an unfortunate who has been abandoned by the Lord. Therefore he addresses the Lord with the words dīna-dayārdra nātha, as did Mādhavendra Purī. That feeling of ecstasy is the supreme form of devotional service. Śrīmatī Rādhārāṇī suffered greatly because Kṛṣṣṇa had left for Mathurā, and He expressed Himself in the following way: "My dear Lord, now that I am separated from You, My mind is very agitated. Tell me, what can I do now? I am very unhappy, and You are very merciful. Please have compassion on Me and let me know when I can see you ». Śrī Chaitanya Mahāprabhu was always expressing the ecstatic emotions that Śrīmatī Rādhārāṇī showed to Uddhava in Vṛindāvana. In this verse, Mādhavendra Purī expresses those same feelings, according to his own experience of them. Therefore, the Vaiṣṇavas of the Gauḍīya-Madhva-sampradāya say that the ecstatic feelings that Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu experienced in His incarnation came from Śrī Mādhavendra Purī through Īśvara Purī. All devotees who follow the line of Gauḍīya-Madhva-sampradāya accept these principles of devotional service.

sábado, 8 de junio de 2019

The leaders of Iskcon

The leaders of Iskcon, by Haripada dasa
By the mercy of Krishna and Srila Prabhupada and his devotees I have come to the conclusion that the leaders of Iskcon and his followers are very strange, envious and dangerous people. Once a person told me that the Jewish mentality is that they think that they are the race chosen by God to save the world, and that is why they see others as inferior, everyone knows that nowadays the whole economy and all the information is controlled by several Jewish families with names and surnames, in Harisauri's diary it is said that once they were talking Srila Prabhupada and Tamal Krishna and there was also Harisauri, and when Tamal Krishna left Srila Prabhupada said that this devotee is very intelligent, he is making plans to be my successor when I leave, when Tamal Krishna left the body I was in Mayapur, the class of the Bhagavatam was suppressed to glorify Tamal Krishna, when Kirtanananda left the body, several Iskcon gurus were to turn his body around in reverence, and the mentality of the followers of these people is that when my guru leaves the body I will be the next guru, when Srila Prabhu Pada entered into his lila samadhi, the entire strategy of Iskcon's leaders was to convince people that Iskcon gurus were authorized and infallible, and that no one could question them, they even invented that each guru had a special quality of Srila Prabhupada, they emphasized that the most important thing in Iskcon is to have titles, because that way people will think that you are a great soul and everyone will serve you with a lot of love.
Of all the 4 defects we have conditioned souls the most difficult defect to purify is the propensity to deceive oneself and others, so the current Iskcon is a society of deceivers and deceived, they are attractive to deceivers, but for those people who try to make Srila Prabhupada and his devotees happy, these people are very strange, envious and dangerous, on the other hand there are people who have full faith that Srila Prabhupada is the way, the truth and the life, and if someone goes back home to God or Krishna, it is by the mercy of Srila Prabhupada, there are many groups here, the only group that has tried to expand this idea internationally is this web:, I I tried to get in touch with all the groups, but I have come to the conclusion that nobody is interested in joining forces, I have come to the conclusion that the reason there is no relationship In these groups it is because they are neophyte devotees, as the Bhagavatam says the neophyte does not know how to relate to devotees or people in general. What do you think of all this?

viernes, 7 de junio de 2019

About the lofty life

About the lofty life
With love and trust I share these two verses of Bhagavatam, 6, 2, 34 and 35, there Srila Prabhupada talks about the exalted life.
In the translation he says that Ajāmila continued: I am a shameless deceiver who has destroyed his brahminical culture. In truth, I am the personification of sin. What is my position compared to the chanting of the holy name of Lord Nārāyaṇa, which is completely auspicious, and in the meaning Srila Prabhupada says that those of us engaged in the propagation of the holy name of Nārāyaṇa, Kṛṣṇaṇa, through the movement for Kṛṣṣṇa consciousness should always remember what our position was before coming and what is our position now. Our life was abominable; We were meat eaters, drunks, and womanizers who carried out all kinds of sinful activities; but now we have been given the opportunity to chant the Hare Kṛṣṇa mantra. Therefore, we must always appreciate this valuable opportunity. By the grace of the Lord, we are opening many centers, and that good fortune we should take advantage of to chant the holy name of the Lord and serve the Supreme Personality of Godhead directly. We must keep in mind the difference between our current condition and the past, and always be very careful not to fall from this exalted life.
In the next verse the translation says that I am a great sinner, but, since I have received this opportunity, I must completely control my mind, my life and my senses, and always engage in devotional service, so that I do not fall back into the deep and dark ignorance of the materialistic life, and in the meaning Srila Prabhupada says that we must all have this determination. By the mercy of Kṛṣṣṇa and the spiritual master, we have risen to an exalted position, and if we remember that it is a great opportunity and we pray to Kṛṣṇaṇa not to fall again, we will make our life a success.

lunes, 3 de junio de 2019

On detachment

On detachment, by Haripada dasa
With love and confidence I share some nectars of Srila Prabhupada's books on the subject of detachment. In the Gita, 6, 35, God or Krishna tells Arjuna that containing the restless mind is undoubtedly something very difficult to do, but this is possible through proper practice and detachment, and in the meaning Srila Prabhupada says that the Impersonal spiritual detachment is more difficult than attaching the mind to the activities of Kṛṣṇa. This is practical, because when one hears about Kṛṣṇa, one becomes automatically attached to the Supreme Spirit. That attachment is called pareśānubhūti, spiritual satisfaction. It is exactly the same as the feeling of satisfaction that a hungry man produces every morsel of food that he eats. The more you eat while you are hungry, the more you feel satisfaction and strength. In the same way, through the performance of devotional service a transcendental satisfaction is felt, as the mind becomes detached from the material objectives.
In the Bhagavatam, 1, 2, 7 it is said that by rendering devotional service to the Personality of Godhead, Śrī Kṛṣṣṇa, one immediately acquires knowledge without cause and detachment from the world, and in the meaning Srila Prabhupada says that the principles of knowledge and Detachment are two important factors in the path of transcendental enlightenment. The whole spiritual process leads to the perfect knowledge of everything material and spiritual, and the results of that perfect knowledge consist in that one detaches oneself from material affection and adheres to spiritual activities.
In Chapter 19 of the Nectar of devotion, it is said that the Emperor Bharata is a typical example of detachment. He had everything that can be enjoyed in the material world, but he abandoned it. That means that detachment does not mean artificially staying away from the temptations of attachments. If even in the presence of these temptations we can avoid feeling attracted by material attachments, we are said to be detached. Of course, at first a neophyte devotee should try to stay away from all kinds of tempting attachments, but the true position of a mature devotee is that even in the presence of all temptations, he does not feel attracted to them at all. That is the true criterion of detachment.
It would be a good idea if you with love and trust share nectars from Srila Prabhupada's books, in this age full of hypocrisy and quarrels, Srila Prabhupada's books are the only mercy.

sábado, 1 de junio de 2019

We are all servants

We are all servants, by Haripada dasa
The essence of the philosophy of Krishna consciousness is in a verse from Sri Chaitanya Charitamrita that says that only God or Krishna is the master and all others are his servants, in relation to this it is very interesting what Srila Prabhupada says in the Gita, 6, 29, there says that while the living entity is in the bosom of the material energy, it serves the material senses; and while in the bosom of spiritual energy, it serves the Supreme Lord directly. In either case, the living entity is the servant of God. This vision of equality is perfect in a person who is in Kṛṣṇa consciousness. We are an energy of God or Krishna that is called marginal, marginal means we have two tendencies, the original, pure and eternal tendency is that we are happy serving God or Krishna and His devotees, and the other tendency is that we misuse our free agency and we think we will be happy living independently of God or Krishna and His devotees, this point is very well explained by Srila Prabhupada in the meaning of the Hare Krishna Maha-mantra, there he says that this atmosphere, in which we now live, is called maya , or illusion. Maya means "what is not". And, what is that illusion? The illusion is that we try to be the lords of material nature, when the reality is that we are subject by the shackles of their strict laws. When a servant tries to artificially imitate his almighty master, that is called illusion. Contaminated by this concept of life, we all try to exploit the resources of material nature, but the reality is that we get entangled more and more in its complexities. Therefore, despite our hard struggle to conquer nature, we depend more on it. This illusory struggle against material nature can be stopped immediately if we revive our Krishna consciousness. The cultivation of Krishna consciousness is not an artificial imposition that is done to the mind; This consciousness is the original energy of the living entity, who revives when we hear the transcendental vibration. And this is the process recommended by the authorities for this era. Direct experience also allows us to perceive that the chanting of this maha-mantra, this Great Chant for Liberation, can make us feel an immediate transcendental ecstasy that comes from the spiritual plane. And when in fact we are in the plane of spiritual understanding, having overcome the levels of the senses, mind and intelligence, we situate ourselves on the transcendental plane.
Here the point is to get rid of the false ego, I share that in Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam, Chapter Twenty-two, verse 39, where Sanat-kumāra says:
"My dear King, the false ego of the human being is so strong that it keeps him in material existence as if he were bound by a very strong rope, only the devotees can cut the knot of that rope very easily, by engaging in the process of Kṛṣṇa consciousness Others, who are not in Kṛṣṇa consciousness consciousness but try to become great mystics or great practitioners of ritual ceremonies, can not advance like devotees. the activities of the Kṛṣṇa consciousness process, to get rid of the tight knot of false ego and the execution of material activities. "