miércoles, 22 de febrero de 2017


Love and trust, by Javier Figuerola or Haripada dasa
People usually think that love means giving in love affairs as much as they receive from the other person, they are simply business deals, selfish or egocentric, and when this fails violence enters, and they kill each other. Sincere love can be seen when parents love their children despite the rejection of their children. Then there are the people who are satisfied in themselves, they do not require the love of anybody, these people are absorbed in thoughts about the Supreme Personality of Godhead and, therefore, they do not care if someone loves them or not, these people are oceans of Mercy, and try to help human society so that people become pure devotees of God or Krishna, these people are full of love for God or Krishna, and since there is only God and His energies, naturally they love everyone already Everything, to understand this point there are two examples, when you water the root of a plant, naturally benefit the branches, stems, leaves and flowers and to feed the stomach, all the senses are satisfied. The goal of human life is to awaken the latent love that we all have for God or Krishna, and God or Krishna reciprocating us with bliss, spiritual knowledge and eternity. Unfortunately ungrateful people exist, are said to be insensitive, and rebel against superior persons, which means that they receive favors from their parents or the spiritual master, and even disregard them. Srila Prabhupada said that relationships between devotees should be based on LOVE and TRUST, and in establishing these relationships wonderful things will be done to serve and please God or Krishna and His devotees. In spiritual relationships based on love and trust there is harmony and happiness, there is neither selfishness nor envy, and in material relationships there is only selfishness, envy and much suffering.
Trust is lost when there is betrayal. Trust is only possible between pure devotees of God or Krishna, because only devotees of God or Krishna have good qualities, materialistic and atheistic people do not have good qualities, we see in practice that for nothing they quarrel with one another.
https://alimentosparalapaz.blogspot.com  https://haripadadasa.blogspot.com

martes, 14 de febrero de 2017


I share this message that I have sent to the politicians of Spain and the media:
Hello, I am writing to you because I am worried about the subject of the planes that throw chemical, in relation to this subject I would very much appreciate you to answer me 3 questions:
1- Who authorizes these planes to shoot chemicals the Spanish Central Government or Autonomies?
2 - They all say that those chemicals that they throw are very bad for health, why they do that?
3- Why and what do the chemicals shoot those planes?
Another issue is to ask you why in Spain there is no ministry of spirituality, because spirituality is not taught in educational institutions, in relation to this I share with you a message that I liked very much in the media.
Extra education, by Javier Figuerola or Haripada dasa
I share this beautiful verse of The Bhagavad Gita, 9, 2, it says that this spiritual knowledge is the king of education, the most secret of all secrets, is the purest knowledge, and because it gives perception of the self through Enlightenment, is the perfection of religion, is eternal and runs happily. Following in the footsteps of our spiritual master Srila Prabhupada I try to expose the facts with much logic, today finding a balanced person is very difficult to say that finding a pure devotee of God, usually people are so absorbed in life Material that they forget to feed the soul, the result of this is that people live full of anxieties and disturbed, a person full of anxieties and disturbed will never experience peace or happiness.
The other day a friend told me that now in Spain they are introducing meditation in schools, they see that children so small are so full of anxieties and disturbed that with meditation at least will calm their minds. But they do not know what true meditation is, true meditation means finding God who is in the heart and following his instructions, the result of which is that one becomes divine. We urgently need extra education, spiritual education, the first lesson is to understand and accept that we are not the material body, but eternal spiritual souls, and that the relationship with the body is temporary, but the relationship with God or Krishna is eternal and full of bliss And knowledge. In the spiritual world there are three things, there is God or Krishna, there are his devotees and there is the love relationship between God or Krishna and His devotees, the spiritual world is our natural environment, the material world is the perverted reflection of the spiritual world, That here people live full of anxieties and disturbed, it is as if you took a fish out of the water and gave it all the material facilities, the fish would never be happy because its environment is water. The goal of human life is to know and love God and to go back home to God.
There is a big difference between a teacher and a spiritual master, the teacher is paid a salary for certain information, but the spiritual master is empowered and authorized by God or Krishna to lead people back to God, of course whenever The disciple obey his instructions.
Thought to meditate:
It is better to suffer an injustice than to commit it, love your enemies
https://alimentosparalapaz.blogspot.com  https://haripadadasa.blogspot.com

jueves, 9 de febrero de 2017


Srila Prabhupada, by Javier Figuerola o Haripada dasa
By His mercy God or Krishna sends from the spiritual world to the material world His most intimate devotees to restore the principles of religion, religion means the Laws of God, and the result of obeying the laws of God is that one gets rid of the plot material. When Srila Prabhupada was born the astrologer said that this child when he is 70 will leave India to go to the Western countries to preach Krishna consciousness, open more than a hundred temples of Krishna, write 80 books and these books will be the books of laws For the next 10,000 years for all mankind. To date, more than 500 million books have been distributed in all the languages ​​of the world. Srila Prabhupada did not come to make a new religion, but to preach concepts and truths that are eternal, as Jesus Christ said that I have not come to abolish the law but to fulfill it. When humanity obeys these eternal truths there will be peace and prosperity in the world. I will try to expose those eternal truths that Srila Prabhupada taught us, the first lesson to be understood and accepted is that we are not the temporal material body but eternal spiritual souls, we are parts and portions of God or Krishna, and our happiness is in serving To God or Krishna and His devotees, taught us that God is Krishna and gave us a process to awaken our latent love that we all have for God or Krishna, and as there is only God or Krishna and His energies in a natural way when we love God Or Krishna, we will love everyone and everything, taught us that everything is from God or Krishna because He has created everything, and that a person becomes honest and wise when he uses everything to serve God or Krishna and His devotees, he taught us that There is the spiritual world, and that the goal of human life is to go back home to God. He taught us that the real problems are to free ourselves from birth, death, old age and disease, taught us that the only spiritual process in Kali yuga or the present era is to sing the Maha-Mantra Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna , Hare Hare / Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare, and taught us that the pure and intimate devotees of God or Krishna never die, they live eternally in their instructions, and Those who obey his instructions live with them.
Thought to meditate:
"My mother is the truth, my father is spiritual knowledge, my occupational duty is my brother, kindness is my friend, tranquility is my wife, and forgiveness is my son. These six are the members of my family. "
https://alimentosparalapaz.blogspot.com  https://haripadadasa.blogspot.com