viernes, 27 de enero de 2017

YEAR 2.987

Year 2,987 by Javier Figuerola o Haripada dasa
Beliefs in human society change, for example in the Middle Ages people believed that man had soul but woman did not, so the Inquisition burned so many women, also had a belief that the Earth was flat and Not round. Now we are in the year 2,987 and some gentlemen are talking about what happened in 2015. In the year 2015 in Spain they arrested a very famous singer called La Pantonja for stealing money, and gave her 4 days of vacations and very people Gladly went to see her to glorify her, and one of the gentlemen said that surely those who went to glorify her would be thieves also and had the singer as their inspiration. Another thing that happened in Spain is that a nurse was infected with an illness and had to kill her dog for safety, and people protested about it, but the people who protested were not aware that they were accomplices of the mass slaughter of Millions, millions and millions of innocent animals in the slaughterhouses, and one of the gentlemen said that stranger and crazy people were then in Spain. By the year 2015 around the world, the media, finance, politics, etc., were all controlled by several very wealthy families, and in a country called USA they wanted to put a chip on everyone to control them as if Were robots, thank God that the religious leaning on the Bible stopped this. In the year 2011 it was believed that people have soul but not animals, so they ate them and science was very advanced and they came to the conclusion that people's teeth were the same as the tigers, And one of the gentlemen asked if the tigers also went to the dentist. In the year 2,015 there were nations that people lived very well and there were also other nations that people were starving, and one of the gentlemen asked and why rich nations did not share with the poor ?, because of nationalism, Materialism and ethics, we had the belief that we are the body and that all of us born in the nation are brothers and sisters except the animals we chew, the result of materialism was that they treated people as if they were refrigerators or machines, And nobody believed in God and religion was pure business and finding a person happy and free was impossible, the generality of the people were quarrelsome, lazy, misdirected, unfortunate and above all always disturbed. The gurus of that time were the psychologists and the one-eyed guru television. There are eternal, absolute truths that are practiced with joy, for example that Krishna is God, that we are not the body but spiritual souls eternal loving servants of God or Krishna, that the goal of human life is to have love for God or Krishna , And since there is only God and His energies in a natural way you will love everyone and everything, that no one can go to God directly but through His representative the genuine spiritual master. Now we are in the year 2987 and all people are happy chanting the Maha-mantra: Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare / Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare, now no one does sinful activities, no one does Unlawful sexual life, no gambling, drugs and no one consumes meat, fish and eggs and everyone sings every day 27,648 names of God in their rosaries, the books of laws are the books of Srila Prabhupada and all the people Is happy and free, and everyone is preparing to go back home to God.