martes, 28 de junio de 2016


Sheep, by Javier Figuerola or Haripada dasa
Share an interesting story told by a friend of mine, he and another person were to present some ideas to a political party, spoke with the president of the party and presented the ideas, the president said who are you to present these ideas, you are a sheep and you have to do what I tell you, I am the oldest sheep, my friend said then that where our individuality and independence is, the president replied that they were sheep and lambs have no independence or individuality, they do tell you the biggest sheep. These two people were very frustrated and told the other that the president is a very strange person and the other told him that even stranger must be the people who follow him. When there is a brave and determined lamb that is out of the pack to try to be happy and free and get it in the herd of sheep, the other sheep instead of rejoicing, grab them envy. In connection with the politics our spiritual master Srila Prabhupada says in his books that today's politicians are agitators demons and that everyone who issue these infernal leaders who take refuge in this process of God consciousness or Krishna and also says that if devotees of God or Krishna take control of the government, then people will be happy.
The difference between the devotees of God or Krishna and sheep is the devotee of God has all the good qualities of God and are always thinking of doing good to others, and sheep suffer when they see the devotees of God filled happiness and freedom and become very happy when they see others suffer, have no good quality for living in the physical and mental plane, and are very selfish and live in terms of me and mine.
Thought to ponder:
"Get out of the darkness and see the light, God or Krishna is like the sun and ignorance is like darkness, where is God or Krishna, there can be ignorance or darkness."
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martes, 21 de junio de 2016


Sexual desire, or Haripada Javier Figuerola dasa
Our spiritual master Srila Prabhupada always told a story to illustrate that sexual desire is there until the end, I share this story. Once a King told his secretary if sexual desire is there to the end or when you get older the senses are not as strong and decreases sexual desire, the secretary replied that sexual desire is there to the end, King was not very pleased with this response and the secretary told the king that someday I'll show in a practical way. He spent some time and once a very important kingdom old man was dying, the secretary took the opportunity and told King to accompany him and to bring her daughter the princess with him when they got there it was announced that reached the King and the he dying ignored, but when it announced it was accompanied by her daughter princess, the dying immediately wanted to see the princess, that the King was convinced that sexual desire is there to the end. In connection with this subject I agree that once was distributing books of our espirtual master Srila Prabhupada in Madrid, and gave him a book to a very pretty girl, I asked if he was a teacher and she told me she was a prostitute senior, and she informed me that their best customers were elderly.
I share a beautiful verse from the Bhagavad Gita, 2, 59 which says that although the embodied soul strives to renounce the enjoyment of the senses by strict regulations, still remains with the same sensual desire, but to experience God or Krishna, which is a superior taste, it can turn away from material pleasure, in this connection is the story of Srila Haridas Thakur, was a very powerful person who was very jealous of Srila Haridas Thakur and hired a famous prostitute to contaminate this great saint, Srila Haridas Thakur sang every day 300,000 names of God or Krishna, the prostitute was to tempt him and when he heard the transcendental sound of Maha-mantra from the lips of Srila Haridas Thakur was pure devotee of God or Krishna, he distributed all his wealth the poor and devoted himself to the spiritual life, that is the power of pure devotees of God or Krishna, who according to his mercy can transform a great sinner into a pure devotee of God or Krishna.
Thought to ponder:
"Give good advice to a foolish person and angry"
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jueves, 16 de junio de 2016


Back to God, by Javier Figuerola or Haripada dasa
Human life is to get values. This form of human life is one that can provide values. And what is the best value you can get in life? The return home, back to God, selfishness one should aim at going back to God. Notice that merciful is God or Krishna, pure goodness, although we have given back, He keeps giving us food, water, etc., all, because we are in this material world the world of envy is we have misused free will, and we have turned away from God thinking that we will be happy without God, and God is so merciful that not meddle in our freedom, the material world is a real prison where the rebel souls punishes them, pleasures assumptions materials cause more suffering, but because the punishments are remedies, souls are reformed through suffering, when a person suffers false ego is loosened, but big reason was Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura when always said the rebellious soul is hostile to serve God and His devotees.
God consciousness or Krishna is a spiritual science, and to reach the goal of life is to have love for God must pass through nine stages, the first is faith, then one associates with pure devotees of God, result of this is that faith increases, then one begins in chanting the maha-mantra Hare Krishna, by chanting and lead a sinless life the heart is purified of evil qualities that rob power to the soul, these are the lust, anger, greed, envy, pride and ignorance, then one is fixed in spiritual life, then one likes the spiritual life, then one sticks to the spiritual life, then when it's their spiritual practices feels spiritual emotions, tears in his eyes and body hair stand on end, etc., and then love for God, when you get to this goal can not live without God as a fish can not live without water.
The difference between spiritual culture of India and other cultures is that in the Holy Scriptures of India there are ten billion verses that tell us of the unlimited names, forms, qualities and pastimes of God, and there is also a lot of detailed information about what is the Kingdom of God, that there is one God, and His Devotees love relationships between God or Krishna and His devotees.
In the Nectar of Devotion Chapter 9 the price you have to pay to return to God, to return to our true home, in other words being said, we must learn to mourn for the Lord. We should learn this small technique, and we should be very eager and actually --- --- mourn for taking some kind of service in particular. This is called laulyam, and those tears are the price of the highest perfection. If someone is laulyam, or excessive desire develops to find and serve the Lord in any particular way, this is the price to enter the Kingdom of God. Moreover, there is no material form of cualcular the value of the ticket that allows us to enter the Kingdom of God. The only price for that entry is this lālasāmayī laulyaí, or desire and great longing.
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lunes, 13 de junio de 2016


Pride, by Javier Figuerola or Haripada dasa
It is said that pride is the prelude to the fall, pride is not good, there are so many people in history who were proud, for example Stalyn the dictator of Russia, he killed not only the family of Tsar but to all who criticized they not tolerate anyone criticizing him, which he criticized killed him. Pride is a demonic quality, explains very well the psychology of demons in the Bhagavad Gita, 16, 13-15, there it is said that the demonic personality today I think all this wealth, and gain more according to my schemes. All this is mine now and in the future will increase more and more. That was my enemy and I have killed him, and my other enemies will also be killed. I am the lord of all, I am the enjoyer, I am perfect, powerful and happy. I am the richest man there, and I'm surrounded by aristocratic relatives. There is none so powerful and happy as I am. I will celebrate some sacrifices, give some charity, and thus I shall rejoice. That way the characters that sort of tricks ignorance.
A person is proud of living in the darkness of ignorance, of course, in the Lord's vineyard is everything, people are like magnets attract each other according to which mode live, a leader in the mode of ignorance will attract people who live in the mode of ignorance, another in passion attract those who are in passion, and another in goodness will appeal to those who live in goodness, and our spiritual master Srila Prabhupada who lives in goodness pure will appeal to those who live in pure goodness. We live in Kali Yuga era of ignorance, in that mode people confuses everything, they think that religion is irreligion and irreligion is religion, they think that a good person is bad and bad is good, they think we should eat meat, fish and eggs that have the teeth of a crocodile, for that mistake dentists become rich, crocodiles never go to the dentist, people instead of using their intelligence to develop good qualities, used to degrade. Humility is a divine quality, when you are humble you feel the most insignificant person, and if he does something marvel gives all the credit to God or Krishna and His devotees. A humble person learns from around the world, and a proud not learn of anyone that thinks he knows everything.
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viernes, 10 de junio de 2016


We have to get naked, by Javier Figuerola or Haripada dasa
Our spiritual master Srila Prabhupada always said that when a man and a woman want to enjoy sex life have to undress, also if we want to enjoy God or Krishna we have to get naked lust, anger, greed, envy, pride and ignorance. God or Krishna is always pure and pure goodness, so to partner with God or Krishna must live in pure goodness and be pure. The big problem that people do not understand or accept the simplest truths of life is that they are full of sinful activities. It is said in the Bhagavad gita, 7, 28, God or Krishna says that people who have acted piously in previous lives and in this one, whose sinful actions are completely eradicated and who are free from the illusory duality, engage themselves in My service with determination.
Of the four imperfections we all have it is to say, one is that we are always full of ignorance and envy, another is to make mistakes, to err is human, the other is that we have imperfect senses and the fourth is that we have the propensity to cheat us themselves and others, the most difficult to eradicate or purify is that we have the propensity to deceive ourselves and others, people think that I can do what I please and I will not spend anything, that's not so, it is said in the Srimad Bhagavatam that each activity we do here are seeing 33 million demigods, the sun, moon, and all the elements like earth, water, fire, air and ether, and that we are not alone, we are always accompanied though we do not know. Another point is the law of karma, the law of God or Krishna is called the infallible law, and is very simple to understand and accept the law of karma means that any pain that you will do to others what you'll have to suffer in your own person, the boomerang and what you sow crops. The only activity that does not create karma but you purify your karma is to serve God or Krishna and His devotees with love, gratitude and humility.
Thought to ponder:
"There is no greater power in the Universe than pray to God or Krishna, I will pray that you please not offend any living or mobile or stationary entity."
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miércoles, 8 de junio de 2016


Good people and strange, by Javier Figuerola or Haripada dasa
In this world there are two kinds of people, good people and strange, I will try to expose them to the qualities do not be fooled, because this world is a world of cheaters and cheated.
Good people always live happily in God consciousness or Krishna and are free, (The Truth will set you free) and are kind, tolerant, friendly with everyone, always respect everyone and never want to be respected, are true, pure of heart, conquer hunger, thirst, lamentation, envy and old age, not deceive themselves or others, they are happy when they see others happy in God consciousness or Krishna and suffer when they see others suffer and have as their best friends to God or Krishna and his representatives. At no time forget God or Krishna and His devotees, in every moment of life feel God's protection or Krishna and His devotees. They live free of fear that their future is very bright and know they go back home back to God or Krishna. God or Krishna hold to turn strangers into good persons. They use their selfishness to go back home back to God or Krishna. They do not envy anyone for living filled with peace and satisfaction. Know God or Krishna and love him as God or Krishna and His energies only they exists naturally love everyone and everything.
Strange people live always filled with fears, doubts, envy, bigotry, prejudice and intolerant, dirty heart, only they seek to be respected and they do not respect anyone, are very envious and do not believe in God or Krishna, themselves they think they are God, or Krishna. They are very adept at exploiting and control others. His greatest suffering is good to see happy and free in God consciousness or Krishna people. If a person is associated with good people just being a good person and if associated with strangers ends up being a stranger, tell me who your friends are and I'll tell you who you are. When strangers are good people instead of rejoicing envy them, and thus become more strangers.
Thoughts to ponder:
"Do not you learn one more thing, life is a continuous learning and can also be a continued degradation."
Who is a pure devotee of God or Krishna?, A pure devotee of God or Krishna is one that is beyond the influence of gold, women and Tigress of fame ... Such a person is unattached and pure ... Tal person can defeat the ignorance of the world.

lunes, 6 de junio de 2016


Do not trust anyone, Javier Figuerola or Haripada dasa
I agree I had a very interesting conversation with my two brothers, the eldest is called Paco, the middle Jaime and I am the smallest yesterday, what struck me most is when Javi Jaime told me do not trust anyone. In this connection in the Bhagavad Gita, God or Krishna informs us that there are two kinds of people, the fallible and the infallible. To understand the fallible is very interesting to understand and accept that in all the world Scriptures say that the origin of everything is God. God has unlimited power and energy, so that we understand the great sages have classified into three main, spiritual energy, the material energy and the marginal energy. We belong to the marginal energy, is said in the holy scriptures of India that the soul has a glimpse of the spiritual world and also has a look of the material world, 99 percent choose to go to the spirit world to live with God or Krishna and never fall to the material world, and there is a one percent that we are seeing that the opulences of God we grab envy and give him back to God and chose to go to the material world, free will means that you choose. To understand this point I advise you to read Milton's Paradise Lost. It is said that three quarters of the creation of God is the espirtual world and the material world is only one fourth of God's creation. Fallible born with four imperfections, one is that we are always full of ignorance and envy, another is to make mistakes, to err is human, the other is that we have imperfect senses and the fourth is that we have the propensity to deceive ourselves and the rest. It is natural that an intelligent and pure person not rely on fallible.
Infallible are pure souls who come to this material world sent by God or Krishna to a mission, called avataras saktyavesas, avatara means one who descends, before coming to this world the Holy Scriptures prophesy, for example in a Book called the Bhavisya Purana was written 5,000 years ago the coming of Jesus Christ is prophesied to say that come the Son of God and be crucified for meat eaters, and our spiritual master Srila Prabhupada there are also many prophecies about his coming, Nostradamus come from the east said an older gentleman who always go with a stick to establish the Universal Religion of Love for God. In Bengal in India a great mystic that when he saw the photo of Srila Prabhupada said that this person has the ability to make a home in which everyone lives in peace and harmony. There is a prophecy about saying that Srila Prabhupada's books will be the law books for all humanity for the next 10,000 years. Here the thing is very simple, you choose to be with fallible or infallible.
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jueves, 2 de junio de 2016


We all understand and accept, by Javier Figuerola or Haripada dasa
I share this message sent to the media, politicians, scientists, philosophers, teachers, students and people in general.
We all understand and accept that unhappily politicians, scientists, philosophers, teachers, students and everyone live a life full of ignorance and envy. There are five kinds of ignorance, believing that the body is the self, making material sense gratification model that, being in anxiety because of the identification with matter, lamenting and believe that there is something beyond the Absolute Truth or God, and people kill and eat animals out of sheer envy. The ignorance and envy are not removed by laws, only remove associating with pure and free from the ignorance and envy souls.
Now in Spain we will have new elections, politicians will make thousands and thousands of questions, but nobody will ask you if you have any interest in take away your ignorance and envy, and another question that no one will make them is that to you would be a person as God commands, this question probably would answer that I do not believe in God.
We all understand and accept that unhappily when a person has no God consciousness is lower than animals, because that person becomes very happy when he sees others suffer and she suffers a lot when he sees the pure devotees of God filled with happiness , freedom, peace and satisfaction.
We all understand and accept that unfortunately all the wars in the world have been because of not understanding that we are not the body, also by religious fanaticism, Hitler thought the Germans are superior and others are worthless, we will conquer the world, also the Catholic Monarchs thought that the Spaniards were superior in the name of God we will conquer the world and the same thought Muslims today politicians are better actors than there are in Hollywood, and religious assumptions are the most hypocritical people , the stamp them that I am a Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu, etc. are made, but in practice we see that no one follows the commandments of their religion.
The solution to this mess is to chant the Maha-mantra: Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare / Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare (H reads j jot) and serve Srila Prabhupada , the representative of God with love, gratitude and humility and be extremely happy.
Thought to ponder:
"Each person is the architect of his good fortune and his misfortune".
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