jueves, 30 de agosto de 2018

On envy, part 2

On envy, part 2, by Haripada dasa
Our envy against the Supreme Personality of Godhead and His devotees makes us envious of other living entities. When we stop being envious of the Supreme Personality of Godhead and His devotees, in human society there will be true peace, unity and brotherhood.
With love and trust I share some nectars of Srila Prabhupada's books in relation to envy, in Srimad Bhagavatam, 5, 18, 9, in word by word he says that khalah- the envious (practically all); and in the translation it says that good fortune reigns throughout the universe, and that all envious people are appeased. May all living entities find peace through the practice of bhakti-yoga, for devotional service will make them think always of the welfare of others. Let us all occupy ourselves in the service of God or Krishna, the supreme transcendental reality, and always remain absorbed in thinking of Him. And in the meaning of this verse it describes the pure devotee of God or Krishna as a desire tree, the devotee of God or Krishna can satisfy all the desires of everyone who takes shelter at his lotus feet. Prahlāda Mahārāja, as a good devotee of God or Krishna, does not pray for himself, but for all living entities, both those who are noble and envious and evil. He always thought of the good of evil people like his father, Hiraṇyakaśipu. Prahlāda Mahārāja did not ask anything for himself; on the contrary, he prayed to the Lord asking him to forgive his demonic father. That is the attitude of a devotee of God or Krishna, who always thinks of the good of the entire universe. And in the same meaning Srila Prabhupada says that if the movement for Krishna consciousness is spread throughout the world, and if, by the grace of Krishna, the whole world accepts it, the mentality of the envious will change. Everyone will think about the welfare of others. In the realm of material activities, everyone feels envious of others, but in a Krsna conscious environment, nobody feels envious of anyone; Everyone thinks of the good of others.
I share the meaning of Srila Prabhupada of Srimad Bhagavatam, 9, 11, 23, there he says that in the material world, everyone feels envious of others. Even in religious life we ​​sometimes see that, if a devotee has advanced in spiritual activities, other devotees envy him. These envious devotees are not completely liberated from the bondage of birth and death, and no one can enter the spiritual world, that is, the eternal pastimes of the Lord, until he is completely free from the causes of birth and death. Envy comes under the influence of false identification with the body, but the liberated devotee has nothing to do with the body, so it is perfectly situated on the transcendental plane. The devotee never feels envy of anyone, even if it is his enemy. Knowing that the Lord is his supreme protector, the devotee thinks: "What harm can that supposed enemy do to me? The devotee, therefore, trusts that he will be protected. The Lord says that to the extent that you surrender to Me, I correspond to you. The devotee, therefore, must be completely free from envy, especially from envy towards other devotees. Feeling envious of other devotees is a great offense. A devotee who is constantly engaged in listening and singing is freed from the disease of envy, and thus becomes apt to go back home, back to Godhead.
I take this opportunity to wish you a Happy Janmastami 2018 and a Happy Vyasa Puja of Srila Prabhupada.
www.fflv.org https://haripadadasa.blogspot.com

viernes, 24 de agosto de 2018

On envy, part 1

On envy, part 1, by Haripada dasa
God or Krishna says in Bhagavad gita, 7, 27 that Oh, scion of Bharata !, O conqueror of the enemy, all living entities are born in the bosom of illusion, confused by the dualities that arise from desire and the envy. And Srila Prabhupada says in the meaning that because of desire and hatred, the ignorant person wants to become one with the Supreme Lord, and envies Krishna as the Supreme Personality of Godhead. In the book of Bhaktivinoda Thakura entitled Jaiva Dharma it is said that we are an energy of God or Krishna called marginal, this means that we have two tendencies, the original, natural and eternal tendency is that we are with God or Krishna and His devotees in the spiritual world, and those souls never fall into the material world, and the other artificial and temporary tendency is that we want to enjoy matter and live without God or Krishna and His devotees, in that book it is explained that we have a vision of what is the spiritual world and the material world, most souls 90 percent go with God or Krishna and His devotees to the spiritual world and only 10 percent to see the spiritual world and see that God or Krishna has so many opulences, they He grasps envy and they want to live in the material world and they do not want to know anything about God or Krishna.
I share this very interesting information that comes in the book of Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, there Srila Prabhupada says that the serpent is considered the most cruel and envious living entity that exists, but those who are human beings and who envy others are considered to be even more vicious than snakes. The snake can be subjugated or controlled by herbs and enchanting mantras, but no one can control an envious person. In relation to the subject it is very interesting what Srila Prabhupada says in Chaitanya Charitamrita, Madhya Lila, Chapter 19, 159 there says that Jiva Himsana refers to killing animals or envying other living entities, if we kill defenseless animals, we should not There is doubt about that, the envy we feel for those animals. Now we are going to give the solution to eliminate this envy. I'm going to give a very simple example, I have a neighbor and I envy him a lot, the remedy is to make a change in my conscience, instead of envy I start to appreciate it, look at my neighbor always has the garden very fixed and I always have it dirty , my neighbor always has the car clean and I dirty, etc. So the cause of envy is that we envy God or Krishna, then the solution is to be 24 hours glorifying their unlimited names, forms, qualities and pastimes, in that way naturally the latent love we have for God will awaken. Srila Prabhupada always said that if you are full of hate and envy that means you are in the material world, and if you are free from envy, that means you are in the spiritual world.
Thought to meditate:
"The most valuable thing in life is to relate to the devotees of God or Krishna, this relationship is based on love and trust."
www.fflv.org https://haripadadasa.blogspot.com

miércoles, 22 de agosto de 2018

The qualities and behavior

The qualities and behavior, by Haripada dasa
We all understand and accept that a person is known for his qualities and for his behavior, the entire spiritual culture of India was destroyed by the priests who invented that one can be a priest if he was born in a family of priests, that it is a great speculation because in the Sacred Scriptures it says the opposite of this, there it is said that a person is known by his qualities and by his behavior, if a person born in a family of a priest has the qualities of a dogs and their behavior is from a dog eater, he is a dog eater not a priest, and if a person is born into a dog-eater family and practices the rules and regulations of the Krishna consciousness process and becomes a pure devotee of God or Krishna, he has to be accepted as a pure devotee of God or Krishna, Srila Prabhupada was criticized a lot in India by the priestly class because he made many devotees of God or Krishna in the countries Europeans, in America and around the world, when Srila Prabhupada preached Krishna consciousness in India, 30,000 people and up to 50,000 people were listening to him, the Hindus were surprised and said this is our spiritual culture and we are imitating the way live from the West and we have rejected our spiritual culture, and now Srila Prabhupada is making devotees of God or Krishna all over the world, without discriminating against anyone.
Srila Prabhupada says in Srimad Bhagavatam, 4, 28, 48, that the authorized representative of God or Krishna, establishes the principles of religion, but when he leaves, disorder reigns again and bandits and non-devotees take advantage to introduce unauthorized principles, pretending to be svāmīs, yogīs, philanthropists, social workers, etc. This is like a prophecy of Srila Prabhupada, at the end of his life he was very sick and he said that you are poisoning me, Srila Prabhupada ordered his disciples to initiate in his name, then when he discarded his disciples led by his personal interests they invented that Srila Prabhupada left them as gurus, and they also made the great desecration of changing their books, Srila Prabhupada made a movement full of spiritual nectar, but then his disciples converted their movement based on horror and fear, so people like I and others, in order not to be complicit in all the offenses and injustices that they are doing to Srila Prabhupada, we had to get out of their movement.
Thought to meditate:
"Nobody can hurt you, only you can hurt yourself"
www.fflv.org https://haripadadasa.blogspot.com

lunes, 20 de agosto de 2018

Hare Krishna

Hare Krishna, glories to Srila Prabhupada, I am writing to ask you how you realized that Srila Prabhupada ordered his disciples to initiate in his name and that they did not obey that order and therefore they deviated, personally it helped me a lot to understand this point the book of the ritviks entitled the final order, what I liked about this book is that everything was supported with quotes from Srila Prabhupada, on the other hand, I tried to establish a personal relationship with Krishna Kantha the leader of the ritviks, and I wrote several times and he never answered me, I am very sad to see that on the one hand there are many people who understand and accept that Srila Prabhupada is the Jagat-guru the guru of all, and on the other hand I see that these people do not have sympathy for others who also have their own spiritual ideals, what do you think is the cause of this lack of sympathy and that we are very disunited, Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Prabhupada always said that in ali-yuga the combined efforts will give very good results, in other words, the union is strength, for me the answer of this is in the Bhagavatam, there it is said that the devotee kanistha or neophyte does not know how to relate to the devotees or to the people in general, the devotee kanistha or neophyte is not pure, still envies, we should all make an effort to establish personal and devotional relationships, and encourage each other to obey the instructions given in the books of Srila Prabhupada and lead a spiritual life pure, the result of doing this will be that Srila Prabhupada will be very happy with us, awaiting your reply, in the service of Srila Prabhupada, Haripada dasa.

viernes, 17 de agosto de 2018

Good people and bad people

Good people and bad people, by Haripada dasa
Almost all films are based on the struggle between good people and bad, those who are good people identify with good and bad identify with bad. Now I am going to describe the qualities of good and bad people, so they will not deceive you.
Good people always live happily in God or Krishna consciousness and are free (The Truth will set you free) and they are kind, tolerant, friendly to everyone, they always respect everyone and never want to be respected, they are true, they are pure heart, conquer hunger, thirst, lamentation, envy and old age, do not deceive themselves or others, are happy when they see others happy in God or Krishna consciousness and suffer when they see others suffer and have as their best friends God or Krishna and His representatives. At no time do they forget God or Krishna and His devotees, in all moments of life they feel the protection of God or Krishna and His devotees. They live free from fear because their future is very bright and they know that they will go back home to God or Krishna. God or Krishna seizes them to turn bad people into good people. They use their selfishness to go back home to God or Krishna. They do not envy anyone because they live full of peace and satisfaction. They know God or Krishna and they love Him and as there is only God or Krishna and His energies naturally love everyone and everything.
Bad people live always full of fears, doubts, envy, fanaticism, prejudice and are intolerant, dirty of heart, only seek to be respected and they do not respect anyone, they are very envious and do not believe in God or Krishna, themselves They think they are God or Krishna. They are very adept at exploiting and controlling others. His greatest suffering is to see good people happy and free in the consciousness of God or Krishna. If a person is associated with good people ends up being a good person and if you associate with bad people ends up being a bad person, tell me who you are with and I will tell you who you are, for bad people the devotional service to God or Krishna and His Devotees are very difficult, because their lives are selfish, irregular and lack spiritual goals.
Today eighty percent of people are bad, so there is no peace or prosperity, when eighty percent of the people are good, then there will be peace and prosperity.
Thoughts to meditate:
"You will not go to bed without knowing one more thing, life is a continuous learning and it can also be a continuous degradation."
Who is a pure devotee of God or Krishna? A pure devotee of God or Krishna is one who is beyond the influence of gold, of women and of the tigress of fame ... Such a person is unattached and pure ... Such person can defeat the ignorance of the whole world.
www.fflv.org https://haripadadasa.blogspot.com

viernes, 10 de agosto de 2018

The men of Srila Prabhupada

The men of Srila Prabhupada, by Haripada dasa
Srila Prabhupada's men are people who have decided to use their lives to please Srila Prabhupada. Srila Prabhupada's men are naturally meek and humble, but when they see that there are people who offend Srila Prabhupada they are like lightning. In the same way that drug addicts can not go without their drugs, Srila Prabhupada's men can not live without reading Srila Prabhupada's books every day. Srila Prabhupada's men are always making plans for people to be happy in Krishna consciousness or God. The men of Srila Prabhupada are the most intelligent people because they are always chanting Hare Krishna. Srila Prabhupada's men love even their enemies. Srila Prabhupada's men never engage in the indulgence of their senses. Srila Prabhupada's men are the only people who have overcome the inferior taste by finding great satisfaction in the superior taste. Srila Prabhupada's men are assured of returning home their return to God. Srila Prabhuada's men use everything for the service of Sri Guru and Sri Gauranga. Srila Prabhupada's men are obedient to the instructions of Srila Prabhupada. Srila Prabhupada's men do not have time for maya. The men of Srila Prabhupada understand and accept that Srila Prabhupada is the Acharya through his books for the next 10,000 years. Srila Prabhupada's men establish relationships with other devotees based on spiritual love and trust. Srila Prabhupada's men are very careful to make offenses to any mobile or immobile living entity. Srila Prabhupada's men have found a taste in being the servants of others. Srila Prabhupada's men have decided that their love is for Srila Prabhupada. Srila Prabhupada's men understand and accept that many unauthorized persons have used Srila Prabhupada to make a living. The men of Srila Prabhupada understand and accept that Srila Prabhupada is our direct link to the guru-parampara. The men of Srila Prabhupada understand and accept that Srila Prabhupada is the Jagat-guru the guru of the universe and all the devotees who have accepted Srila Prabhupada as the way, the truth and the life offer their respectful obeisances. Srila Prabhupada's men establish a friendly relationship and see all the devotees who have accepted Srila Prabhupada as their Gurudeva as spiritual brothers. Srila Prabhupada's men obey Srila Prabhupada's order to initiate in his name, they do not speculate.
www.fflv.org https://haripadadasa.blogspot.com

lunes, 6 de agosto de 2018

Very strange, envious and very dangerous

Very strange, envious and very dangerous, by Haripada dasa
I share that I joined the International Association for Krishna consciousness, (in short Iskcon), in 1984, my service was to distribute the books of the Founder Srila Prabhupada, I traveled through Spain, 16 Latin countries and the USA, the donations I received were going to the food program for the life of Vrindavana, in india, God or Krishna distributed through me more than a quarter of a million of Srila Prabhupada's books, when I saw that the Iskcon authorities led by their personal interests did not obey the Srila Prabhupada's order to initiate in the name of Srila Prabhupada and that they changed the books of Srila Prabhupada, so as not to be an accomplice in all the injustices and offenses that they were doing to Srila Prabhupada I left Iskcon, by the mercy of Srila Prabhupada and From Krishna in 2008 a disciple of Srila Prabhupada initiated me in the name of Srila Prabhudada, there I began to feel very much the presence of Srila Prabhupada in my life. spiritual, and that helped me a lot to counteract or purify the great contamination by having been initiated by two false gurus before, today I have come to the conclusion that the false gurus of Iskcon and his followers are very strange people, and Most strange of these people is that they admit that Srila Prabhupada did not leave anyone as his successor, but no one asks the question, so they do more than a hundred gurus there, as Krishna says in Bhagavad-gita, ignorance has robbed them of their intelligence, by the mercy of Srila Prabhupada and Krishna one of the false gurus who died appeared to me in dreams and told me that he was suffering a lot in hell, they could have obeyed Srila Prabhupada's order to initiate on his behalf, and Srila Prabhupada would be the center of Iskcon and all the rest of his loving servants, the result of offending Srila Prabhupada is that one becomes a Mayavadi or atheist, the only occupation of the ma Yavadis is that no one serves or loves God or Krishna, and they do that because of the great envy they have for God or Krishna, likewise the false gurus and their followers their only occupation is that nobody serves and loves Srila Prabhupada, they have so much false ego that they want everyone to serve them and love them, and they do this because they are very envious of Srila Prabhupada and the followers are worse because they think that when my guru dies I will be the next guru, the false gurus receive service from others their false egos are increased, so these people are very dangerous, any contact with these people your spiritual life is ruined, Srila Prabhupada prophesied to those people in the mantra 12 of Sri Upanisad.
On May 28, 1977 were disciples of Srila Prabhupada talking with him about how the initiations would be done when Srila Prabhupada entered his Samadhi-lila or discarnated, Srila Prabhupada told them that he would name some of his disciples to be his representatives, Tamal Krishna asked him if that was Ritvik and Srila Prabhupada said yes, then on July 9, 1977 Srila Prabhupada sent a special letter to all his temples, in this letter he appointed some of his disciples to be his representatives and initiate in his name , for Srila Prabhupada everything was very clear, but some disciples of Srila Prabhupada who wanted to control others, invented that Srila Prabhupada named them as gurus, there all Iskcon disconnected from Srila Prabhupada, because the relationship with Srila Prabhupada comes through obeying his instructions, my conclusion is that Srila Prabhupada ordered the Ritvik philosophy and here they who are against this philosophy are against Srila Prabhupada and have hell assured.
www.fflv.org https://haripadadasa.blogspot.com

viernes, 3 de agosto de 2018

The maximum charity work

The maximum charity work
I share this beautiful verse of Bhagavad-gita, 5, 25, there it says that those who are beyond the dualities that arise from doubts, whose minds are engaged within, who are always busy working for the welfare of all living beings and who are free from all sins achieve liberation in the Supreme. And in the meaning Srila Prabhupada says that only a person who is fully in Kṛṣṇa consciousness can be said to be engaged in welfare work for all living entities. When a person is actually in the knowledge that Kṛṣṇa is the fountainhead of everything, then when he acts in that spirit he acts for everyone. The sufferings of humanity are due to forgetfulness of Kṛṣṇa as the supreme enjoyer, the supreme proprietor and the supreme friend. Therefore, to act to revive this consciousness within the entire human society is the highest welfare work. One cannot be engaged in such first-class welfare work without being liberated in the Supreme. A Kṛṣṇa conscious person has no doubt about the supremacy of Kṛṣṇa. He has no doubt because he is completely freed from all sins. This is the state of divine love. A person engaged only in ministering to the physical welfare of human society cannot factually help anyone. Temporary relief of the external body and the mind is not satisfactory. The real cause of one’s difficulties in the hard struggle for life may be found in one’s forgetfulness of his relationship with the Supreme Lord. When a man is fully conscious of his relationship with Kṛṣṇa, he is actually a liberated soul, although he may be in the material tabernacle.
In the meaning of Bhagavad-gita, 11, 55, Srila Prabhupada informs us how difficult it is to preach Krishna consciousness, there he says that a devotee of Kṛṣṇa is friendly to everyone. Therefore it is said here that he has no enemy (nirvairaḥ). How is this? A devotee situated in Kṛṣṇa consciousness knows that only devotional service to Kṛṣṇa can relieve a person from all the problems of life. He has personal experience of this, and therefore he wants to introduce this system, Kṛṣṇa consciousness, into human society. There are many examples in history of devotees of the Lord who risked their lives for the spreading of God consciousness. The favorite example is Lord Jesus Christ. He was crucified by the nondevotees, but he sacrificed his life for spreading God consciousness. Of course, it would be superficial to understand that he was killed. Similarly, in India also there are many examples, such as Ṭhākura Haridāsa and Prahlāda Mahārāja. Why such risk? Because they wanted to spread Kṛṣṇa consciousness, and it is difficult. A Kṛṣṇa conscious person knows that if a man is suffering it is due to his forgetfulness of his eternal relationship with Kṛṣṇa. Therefore, the highest benefit one can render to human society is relieving one’s neighbor from all material problems. In such a way, a pure devotee is engaged in the service of the Lord. Now, we can imagine how merciful Kṛṣṇa is to those engaged in His service, risking everything for Him. Therefore it is certain that such persons must reach the supreme planet after leaving the body.
www.fflv.org https://haripadadasa.blogspot.com