martes, 3 de diciembre de 2013

The four contamination

The four contamination by Haripada Dasa BrahmachariNo one can see or experience God or Krishna if not relieved of envy , fear , fanaticism and prejudice. I will try to explain these four contamination and how to get rid of them.Envy, God or Krishna says in the Bhagavad Gita , 7.27 that all persons born in the illusion , subjugated by the illusory duality of desire and hate, and Srila Prabhupada says in the purport that because of the desire and hatred , ignorant person wants to become one with God or Krishna and envy Krishna as the Supreme personality of Godhead . How is freedom from envy? glorifying God or Krishna 24 hours a day.Fear, in the meaning of the Bhagavad Gita , 10, 4-5, by the mercy of Srila Prabhupada understand that fear is due to the concern for the future . A person in Krishna consciousness or God is not afraid because by virtue of their activities, are sure to return to the spiritual sky , back home, back to Godhead. Therefore, his future is very bright . Others, however , are unaware of what their future holds for them , they have no knowledge of what the next life holds for them . So, live in constant anxiety. If you want to get rid of anxiety, then the best method is to understand God or Krishna and always put ourselves in Krishna consciousness . That way , we get rid of fear.Fanaticism , Srila Prabhupada always said that religion without philosophy is sentimentalism or fanaticism , also Jesus said to build a house with a foundation stone nobody can tear down, but to build a house with a foundation of sand, the first ventorral will take the home, when faith in God or Krishna a person is based on a genuine philosophy and personal experience , no one influence , but if faith is based on sentimentality or fanaticism , faith that eventually disappears. The solution is to apply the essence of all religions , since you get up until you go to bed always glorifies God your Lord .Prejudice , remember a video that Srila Prabhupada was explaining the philosophy of Krishna consciousness to a gentleman from Australia , Srila Prabhupada to see that this person does not accept anything told him that unless you are prejudiced , and the man was honest and told Srila Prabhupada that of course I'm prejudiced . A prejudiced person does not trust anyone, not herself. The solution to this is that we have to go through life with an open heart and have full faith that God or Krishna and Lord Nrisimhadeva protejerán us .OM TAT SAT PEACE AND WELLhttp://haripadadas.blogspot.comhttp://prabhupadanugas108.blogspot.com

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