viernes, 29 de noviembre de 2013


Celibacy , for Haripada Dasa BrahmachariIn the book of Krishna in the chapter entitled the prayers of the personified Vedas said : "There are four types of brahmacaris or people who practice celibacy , and the first is called Savitra , which refers to a brahmacari after initiation and the sacred thread ceremony should be observed at least three days of celibacy , the next is called prajapatia , which refers to a brahmacari who observes celibacy strictly for at least one year after the initiation, the following is called brahma- brahmacari , which refers to a brahmacari who observes celibacy from the time of initiation to the time of completion of his study of Vedic literature , the next step is called naisthika , which refers to a brahmacari who is celibate throughout his life , of these, the first three are upakurvana , which means that the brahmacari can marry later , after the brahmacari period passes, the naisthika - brahmacari is completely reluctant to have any kind of sex life , therefore , the Kumaras and Narada Muni are called naisthika - brahmcari , he also called vira -vrata , the system brahmacari life in particular has the advantage of increasing the determination and the ability to memorize , is specifically mentioned in this connection , that because Narada Muni was naisthika - brahmacari could remember everything he had heard from his spiritual master , and never forget , one that can remember everything perpetually called sruta - dhara , it can repeat everything you've heard, word for word, without notes and without having to refer to books .By the mercy of Srila Prabhupada understand that the great devotee of God or Krishna called Prahlada Maharaja recommends that all this information is entered in colleges and universities to change the demoniac face of society .By the mercy of Srila Prabhupada understand that all activities in the material world are influenced by the three modes of material nature , ignorance , passion and goodness , I will try to illustrate the sexual life for these three modes , sexual life the mode of ignorance means sex men with men , women with women , prostitutes , raping children by artificial means such as masturbation, passion means after a good meal and have drunk alcohol , sex is like tigers and lions , and goodness is as God intended in marriage and childbearing . It is very interesting to understand that in the same way that a soul leaves a body and go to another body according to your state of consciousness at the time of conception to the state of consciousness of the spouses and will attract a soul. Another point to understand is the difference between love and lust , lust means sense gratification and love to please the senses of God or Krishna , here the problem arises impersonalism , the limited experience we have of God or Krishna is a transcendental person and his spiritual body is made of eternity, bliss and full knowledge .The conclusion of this is that anyone can experience a higher or spiritual taste but lives with God or Krishna , one of the unlimited names of God is Rama which means the source of all pleasure , I say if we do not experience this higher or spiritual like we to fall to the bottom or like material.OM TAT SATA thought to ponderGod Consciousness or Krishna means love even your enemies .http://haripadadas.blogspot.comhttp://prabhupadanugas108.blogspot.com

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