miércoles, 5 de febrero de 2014


I was born in ignorance, or Haripada Javier Figuerola Dasa Brahmachari
The mantra to bona fide spiritual master is that he was born in the darkest ignorance , and my spiritual master opened my eyes with the torch of knowledge , to him I offer my most humble obeisances. When there is a decline in religious principles or God Krishna comes to the material world to protect His devotees and kill the demons or sent from the spirit world to His devotee to establish the principles of religion , the bona fide spiritual master is the representative God or Krishna , and the disciple must worship him as worship God . When one satisfies the spiritual master to obey his instructions, God is pleased , once Lord Siva told his wife Parvati, the largest worship there is worship of Vishnu or God, but this is higher than worshiping the devotee God , and God or in the Adi Purana Krishna tells Arjuna that one who says it is My devotee is not My devotee , but who says that is the devotee of My devotee of My devotee of My devotee , that itself is my devotee . Also the Bible says I am the way, the truth and the life, no one comes to the Father except through me . By the mercy of Srila Prabhupada understand and accept the humble devotee of God , and the devil is proud, humble person learns from all over the world, and a proud person does not learn from anyone, the devil thinks I'm God know everything , so no one can teach me anything, but a devotee of God thinks I'm a petty soul , and if I do something well is pure mercy of my spiritual master .
Today there are many cheaters , they travel the world teaching that you do not need any guru, the guru is within you , I say to that deceiver if no need for anyone to teach you , then your going by there teaching? , others say there is no need of any book, in India a deceiver wrote a book entitled no need of any book, but I tell that deceiver , if there is any book that you present yours ? , many contradictions , that reason was Srila Prabhupada when he always said that Krishna consciousness is easy for people of simple heart and is very difficult for twisted mind, and also said that very few people are interested in being happy , live the truth and be free , most people like to suffer and be deceived , and also said to be a preacher of Krishna consciousness is not easy, since the person must live the truth and pass it on to others and people with a lot of false ego when you tell them the truth they feel insulted and they take it personally , and sometimes poison crucify and preachers .

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