miércoles, 27 de agosto de 2014



The 25 transcendental qualities of Srimati Radharani are:
1 - She is sweetness personified .
2 - She is a lusty young .
3-Your eyes are always moving .
4 - She always exhibits a bright smile .
5 - It has all the marks on his body favoravles .
6 - She can agitate Krishna with the scent of her body.
7- She is an expert in the art of singing .
8- She can speak very sweet and pleasantly .
9- She is an expert in showing the attractive female .
10 She is modest and gentle.
11 She is always very merciful .
12 She is transcendentally cunning .
13 - She knows how to dress neatly .
14 - She is always shy.
15 - She is always respectful .
16 - She is always patient .
17 - She is very serious.
18 - She is enjoyed by Krishna .
19 - She is always situated on the highest devotional level .
20 - She is the abode of the residents of Gokula .
21 - She can give shelter to all kinds of devotees.
22 - She is always affectionate to superiors and inferiors.
23 - She is always obliged by the dealings of its associates .
24 - She is the largest among the friends of Krishna .
25 - She always keeps Krishna under his control.
When Srila Prabhupada arrived in U.S.A. wrote some very beautiful poems , one of them said : 'O , my, I say that until we get the mercy of Srimati Radharani , never achieve the favor of Krishna .
In the Nectar of Devotion Srila Prabhupada says that we should not go directly to Krishna , but through his compassionate nature represented in Srimati Radharani .
In 1972 KARTIKA OF Srila Prabhupada VRATA said : If we take shelter of Krishna 's external energy , where the neglect of Krishna is very prominent , then we move more and more of Krishna , but if we take refuge in the internal energy of Krishna , Radharani because she is serving Krishna directly and in Vrindavan , Radharani always talk to very easily get closer to Krishna , DAIVIM PRAKITIM ASRITAHA , ease of Vrindavan is that if you take shelter of Radharani directly , she will help you get closer Krishna very soon, that's the idea coming to Vrindavan .

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