lunes, 9 de julio de 2018

Sex life

Sex life, by Haripada dasa
I share this beautiful verse from Srimad Bhagvatam, 7, 9, 45, which says that sexual life is compared to the act of rubbing one's hands to relieve an itch. The married, the false married lacking spiritual knowledge, believe that this itch is the highest degree of happiness possible, although in reality it is only a source of affliction. The greedy ones, the fools who are the opposite of the conscious persons of God or Krishna, surrender themselves again and again to the enjoyment of the senses without reaching satisfaction. However, those who are dhīras, those who are sober and can tolerate that itch, are not subject to the sufferings of fools and scoundrels. Srila Prabhupada called sexual life to unite the urinals, he always said that people go crazy after sexual life, what happiness there is in joining urinals. There is illicit and licit sex, God or Krishna says that I am the sex that does not go against the provisions of the Scriptures, in other words, licit sex means with the attitude of procreating good children, illicit sex means to please the senses, the result of illicit sex is that it puts the soul in a deep body concept. The materialists criticize the spiritualists saying they repress the senses, the senses must be given full freedom of action, there is happiness, but spiritualists criticize the materialists saying that you give full freedom to your senses, but repress your senses spiritual, if happiness is to please the senses then because we see in practice that in the richest countries in the world where there is much sense gratification in Denmark or Sweden people commit suicide, usually a person commits suicide because they are frustrated everything and full of suffering. The genuine spiritualist plays with great advantage with the materialists, the spiritualist has already had a life of sense gratification and has changed it for a life dedicated to satisfying God or Krishna and His representative, the authorized spiritual master, but the materialist only has had a life, pure sense gratification, a materialist has never experienced spiritual happiness.
Srila Prabhupada had many problems in his preaching of Krishna consciousness in the USA and in Europe, some very materialistic parents could not understand that their children had abandoned their material life because they were happy glorifying God or Krishna 24 hours a day. In the USA, they even tried the Hare Krishna to decide if it was a genuine religion, the trial lasted 18 days and all the judges decided that it was a genuine religion whose roots were in India, and it was supported by all the Scriptures. Sacred from India such as Bhagavad Gita, Srimad Bhagavatam and Sri Chaitanya Charitamrita, etc., and the judges said that they would not bother the Hare Krishna anymore. After this trial Srila Prabhupada said that this has been my total success, how wonderful is God or Krishna. The preachers of the conscience of God assume many risks, Jesus was crucified, Srila Prabhupada was poisoned, but these pure souls full of love for God and for all humanity and full of mercy transcend death, they always live in the world spiritual even being in the material world, and he who obeys his instructions lives with them.

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