domingo, 8 de octubre de 2017

Quotes from the books of Srila Prabhupada

Quotes from the books of Srila Prabhupada, by Javier Figuerola
With love and trust I share some quotations from the books of Srila Prabhupada. BG means Bhagavad gita, SB means Srimad Bhagavatam and CC means The Chaitanya Charitamrita.
In BG 4, 42 it is said that an authorized spiritual master is in disciplic succession from eternal time ..... in BG 11, 49 it is said that he who sees an injustice and does not protest is an accomplice ....
In SB 4, 8, 54 it is said that one should receive initiation from a guru authorized by the guru who preceded him ... in SB 4, 28, 48 it is said that when the Acharya comes, it establishes the principles of religion , but when he leaves the disorder and thieves, bandits and opportunists take advantage of the situation .... in SB 3, 27, 20 it is said that souls come to the material world by the desire to enjoy matter and by the envy that we have to God or Krishna ..... in SB 10, 3, 23 is said to make us feel fearful if the demons will kill this movement of Krishna consciousness in SB 3, 16, 26 it is said that the conclusion is that from Vaikuntha or the spiritual world no one falls, for that abode is eternal .... in SB, 1, 6, 37 it is said that surrendering to the spiritual master is to achieve a life of complete freedom .. in the SB, 5, 23, 3 it is said that only the Deity of the Sun, Surya Narayana is an incarnation of God .... in SB, 9, 24, 58 we are said to have all been Br Ahma the creator.
In CC, ML, 6, 261 it is said that Sri Caitanya did not approve the change Sarvabhauma Bhakttacharya made mukti for bhakti .... CC, AL, 3, 50 it is said that the next 10,000 years will be of Krishna consciousness and then, all of them will become melechas and yavanas, the lowest of humanity ..... CC, ML, 1, 220 it is said that the election of a guru is not made by votes ..... CC, ML, 15, 108 it is said that as long as we are not initiated by a genuine spiritual master, all our devotional activities are useless .... CC, AD, 1, 35 says that a devotee should have only one initiating guru, because in Scripture always prohibited to accept more than one ...... CC, ML, 25, 9 describes the devotee maha-bhagavata or higher devotee ..... CC, ML, 18, 128 it is said that the word guru is applies equally to vartma-pradarsaka guru, diksa guru and siksa guru ..... CC, ML, 7, 130 says that it is best not to accept disciples ..... CC, ML, 1, 218 and 220 it is said that in this movement there is pe They are disguised as vaisnavas but are very envious people and must be ignored ......
In book 36 of the talks page 367 Srila Prabhupada says that they are poisoning me and in the books of the talks says on May 28, 1977 that you will be guru when I order it, there is no document signed by Srila Prabhupada to say that he orders your disciples will be gurus, but when admirers, disciples and journalists asked him how his movement will continue when you died, Srila Prabhupada always answered that I will never die, but will always live in my books and you will use them.
If you want to see the books of Srila Prabhupada go to

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