lunes, 3 de julio de 2017


The True Education, by Javier Figuerola or Haripada dasa
I share this beautiful verse of The Bhagavad Gita, 9, 2, it says that this spiritual knowledge is the king of education, the most secret of all secrets, is the purest knowledge, and because it gives perception of the self through Enlightenment, is the perfection of religion, is eternal and runs happily. Following in the footsteps of our spiritual master Srila Prabhupada I try to present the facts with a lot of logic, nowadays finding a balanced person is very difficult to say to find a pure devotee of God, usually people are so absorbed in material life Who forget to feed the soul, the result of this is that people live full of anxieties and disturbed, a person full of anxieties and disturbed will never experience peace or happiness.
Modern education teaches people material things, teaches nothing spiritual, nor teaches people to develop good qualities, people who have good qualities always live happily in the consciousness of God or Krishna and are free, (The Truth will make you Free) and are kind, tolerant, friendly to all, always respect everyone and never want to be respected, are truthful, pure in heart, conquer hunger, thirst, lamentation, envy and old age, do not be deceived To themselves or to others, are happy when they see others happy in the consciousness of God or Krishna and suffer when they see others suffer and have as their best friends God or Krishna and His representatives. At no time do they forget God or Krishna and His devotees, at all times of life feel the protection of God or Krishna and His devotees. They live free from fear because their future is very bright and they know that they will go home back to God or Krishna. God or Krishna seizes them to turn bad people into good people. They use their selfishness to go back home to God or Krishna. They do not envy anyone because they live full of peace and satisfaction. They know God or Krishna and love Him and as there is only God or Krishna and His energies naturally love everyone and everything.
There is a big difference between a teacher and a spiritual master, the teacher is paid a salary for certain information, but the spiritual master is empowered and authorized by God or Krishna to lead people back to God, of course whenever The disciple obey his instructions.

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