miércoles, 14 de junio de 2017


The first lesson Part 1, by Javier Figuerola or Haripada dasa
The first lesson in the spiritual life is to understand and accept that we are not the temporary material body, but eternal spiritual souls, loving servants of God or Krishna and His devotees. Let's analyze the difference between a living body and a dead body, living body means that the soul is inside the body and dead body means that the soul left the body. In reality the body is always dead what gives life to the body is the soul. If you burn a dead body, nothing happens, no one will protest, but if a living body you pinch it with a pin the person will protest, that is why the symptom of the soul is the conscience and that consciousness passes through everything Our body through the blood. For example, you, the person is inside the shirt and the jacket, but you are not the shirt or the jacket, in the same way the soul is the person, and the body that covers it is impersonal, we have two bodies that cover To the soul, one is called the coarse or gross body that is composed of earth, water, fire, air and ether, that body we see, and there is another body that is subtle, that we do not see it and is composed of mind, intelligence And false ego, that's why it's called subtle because we know we have it but we do not see it. Both gross and subtle bodies are impersonal bodies, but the soul is the true person.
The causes of all wars is to live in corporeal concept and religious fanaticism, Hitler thought the Germans are the maximum, we are going to kill the others who are inferior, the Christians thought we are the maximum we are going to kill the Muslims, and the Muslims thought we are the greatest, we are going to kill Christians, all this is pure ignorance, people living in the corporeal concept are full of ignorance and envy, and the result of this is much suffering, if the rulers of the world taught this Scientific knowledge that we are not the temporal material body but eternal spiritual souls, this is called extra education, if there were in each country a Ministry of Spiritual Education and educational institutions teach spiritual education, the result would be that people would be free and Happy.
https://alimentosparalapaz.blogspot.com  https://haripadadasa.blogspot.com

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