miércoles, 17 de mayo de 2017


Respect, by Javier Figuerola or Haripada dasa
In chapter five, verse 18 of The Bhagavad Gita, it is said that he who has spiritual vision sees with equal equality a humble priest, a cow, an elephant, a dog and a dog, that is to have true respect. Today people do not respect anything or anyone because they do not respect themselves, the other day a young woman went with her drugged car and ran over 3 cyclists and killed them. Respect is the basis for coexistence, when you lose respect come insults, people do not know how to live without offending others. There are no educational institutions that teach people to be peaceful and respectful, and parents do not want their children to be peaceful and respectful, once parents told me that they had to take their child to the psychologist because they saw that their child was very Strange, he did not go after women and he did not go to discos, he went to the mountains and he was a vegetarian, that's why they were very worried. Political leaders do not want people to be peaceful and respectful, political parties are made to expand materialism and atheism, today they make hate judgments, they do not believe in the law of karma, the law of karma means that any Suffering that you do to another living entity, that same suffering you will have to suffer in your own person, violence breeds violence, animals follow the laws of nature in a natural way, it is an act of hatred when you kill a Animal because when you kill it you are interrupting its evolution, I explain, if an animal had to live 20 years, and you kill it when you are 10, that soul that lives in the animal has to be reborn in the same species to complete its 20 Years, to understand this point the example given is that I go to your apartment and I break everything, that is a criminal act because I am causing inconvenience to the person who lives in that apartment, not violenc Ia means that you let the animal live and die naturally, and an act of hatred is that you kill the animal. If you want to eat meat, that's fine, you eat it when the animal dies, but do not kill it, because killing is an act of hatred. Why do not they make a judgment by act of hatred to all the people who eat meat, fish and eggs?
Srila Prabhupada says in his books that only by the slaughter of innocent animals, the karmic reaction of this is that every so often there is a world war and millions of people die. Nowadays people do not believe in anything, they are worse than animals, they only believe in money and power. People generally do not awaken to a higher consciousness because they are full of envy, fears, doubts, fanaticisms, speculations, prejudices and are full of sinful activities, and have no interest in purifying themselves. I end this message with a beautiful verse from Srimad Bhagavatam that says you are not a father or mother, do not be a ruler, do not be a spiritual master, but you are able to release your dependents from the cycle of birth and death.
https://alimentosparalapaz.blogspot.com  https://haripadadasa.blogspot.com

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