sábado, 10 de mayo de 2014


TELL ME YOU HURT ... AND I MEAN THAT DIRE .• The heart represents love, joy and blood . The heart is the pump that , with love, makes the joy flow through our veins. When we deprive ourselves of love and joy, the heart shrinks and cools, and as a result , the circulation becomes sluggish and go way anemia , angina and heart attacks . But the heart does not " attack ". We who entangled us so much in the dramas we create often fail to pay attention to the little joys that surround us. We spent years driving all the joy of the heart , until, literally takes the pain . People who suffer heart attacks are never happy people . If you take the time to appreciate the pleasures of life, what it does is prepare a " heart attack ." Golden heart , heart of stone, open heart, no heart , wholeheartedly ... which of these expressions is that you think fits you most?The body " With love I hear the messages of my body - . 'm Convinced that we create what we call " disease. " The body, like everything in life , is a mirror of our ideas and beliefs. The body is always talking to us ; we only need to bother to listen. Every cell in your body responds to each of the things you think and every word he says . As a way of speaking and thinking becomes continuous , ends expressed in behaviors and body postures in ways of being and ' malaise '. The person who continually has a scowl created not having gay thoughts or feelings of love. The face and body of elders clearly show how they have thought about for a lifetime. Which side will you at eighty ?The ears represent the ability to hear . When problems with ears , that usually means that one is happening something you do not want to find out. Ear pain indicates that you hear causes anger. It is a common pain in children , who often have to hear things at home you do not really want to hear. Often, house rules prohibit children express their anger , and their inability to change things then causes earache . Deafness is a negative that can come from long ago, someone to listen . Note that when a member of a couple is " hard of hearing " is usually another charlatan.The head represents us . It is what we show to the world, part of our body which we usually recognize . When something goes wrong in the head region , usually means that we feel that something is wrong with "us."The hair represents strength . When we are tense and frightened , we often fabricate these " steel bands " that originate in the muscles of the shoulders and from there up to the top of the head; sometimes even around the eye . Hair grows from hair follicles, and when there is a lot of tension on the scalp , may be subject to such a pressure that does not let you breathe , causing his death and fall. If the voltage is maintained and scalp does not relax , the follicle is still so tense that new hair can not get out, and the result is baldness . In women , baldness has increased since they started entering the " business world ", with all its tensions and frustrations , but is not so evident in them because wigs for women are very natural and attractive. Unfortunately , the male inserts are still too visible from quite a distance . Being tense is not strong . Stress is weakness. Be relaxed , centered and serene, that's being really strong. It would be good for all slacken over the body, and many also need to relax the scalp. Try it . Tell your scalp relax , and see if there is any difference . If you have a perceptible feeling of relaxation , I would say that you practice this exercise often .The eyes represent the ability to see , and when we have problems with them it usually means that something does not want to see, either in ourselves or life , past, present or future . Whenever I see young children wearing glasses , I know the house is going on something they do not want to look . Since they can not change the situation , find a way to not see it so clearly. Many people have had awesome experiences healing when have been willing to go back in the past to make a 'clean' , and pull what they did not want to see one or two years before they had to start wearing glasses. Do not be denying yourself something that happens in your present ? What you do not want to face? Are you afraid of seeing the present or the future? If I could see clearly what would now not see? Can you see what is being done to himself? It would be interesting to consider these questions.JOINTS : Allow production moves with grace and ease . If we were stiff and unable to move joints rigid we become our means of expression is taken rigid and inflexible. Through joint we can express easily and property. Joints contain hard tissue , soft tissue and fluids , so that problems in the area can affect one or more of these three aspects . An inflammation in the joints reveals , therefore , a resistance movement or irritation respect , maybe a fear of what awaits us in front , or a difficulty in submitting to it. There is a lack of energy that moves through the joints , indicating that we are taking energy from that part of our body-mind. This will depend on the area of the body affected . For example , the shoulder joints , elbows and wrists allow us to move the energy from the heart to the hands, so we can express our feelings of affection . These joints also allow the free expression of our creative and active energy , our manipulative and executive skills . A dysfunction in any of these joints may indicate a fear to express that energy, a setback or resistance to itThe headaches come from the fact ourselves desautorizarnos . The next time you get a headache , stop to think about how and when was it unfair to yourself. Forgive , do not think more about it , and head color will dissolve into the nothingness from which it came .Migraine headaches are the people who create them want to be perfect and that excessive pressure imposed on themselves. They stakes intense repressed anger . The sinus problems that manifest themselves in the face, next to the nose area , mean that one irritates someone who is very close presence in your life. You may even feel that that person is suffocating or crushing . We start by forgetting that the situations created us, and then we abdicate our power , blaming someone else for our frustration. No person, place or thing has any power over us , because in our mind we are only thinking entity . We create our experiences, our reality and everything in it . When we create in our mind peace, harmony and balance , that's what we find in life. The back represents our support system. Having problems with it usually means that we do not feel supported , and that too often we only find support in our work, in our family or partner, when in reality we have the full support of the Universe, of Life itself . The upper back has to do with the feeling of having no emotional support. "My husband (woman , lover, friend or boss) does not understand me or did not support me . " Middle part is related to the fault, with all that we leave behind us. Are you afraid to see what's there behind their backs? Maybe it is hidden - Tando ? Do you feel stabbed in the back ? Are you really tired ?Your finances , are they made ​​a mess , or you worry excessively about them? Then you probably have discomfort in the lower back. The cause is the lack of money or the fear of not having enough. The amount you have has nothing to do with it .The throat represents our ability to " defend " verbally , asking what we want to say 'I am' , and so on. When we have problems with it, that usually means that we are not entitled to do those things. We felt inadequate to assert ourselves . Sore throat is always angry . Mental confusion if there is also a cold there too. Laryngitis usually means that one is so angry he can not speak. The throat also represents creativity flowing in our body. It is the place in the body where we express our creativity , and when frustrated and sweltered , it is common for throat problems . We all know how many people have to live their entire lives for others , never do what they want . They are always pleasing mothers, spouses , lovers or bosses.Tonsillitis and thyroid problems are nothing more than frustrated creativity, inarticulate . The energy center at the throat , the fifth chakra, the body is the place where change takes place . When we resist change , or we are in the hand, or are trying to change , we often have a lot of activity in the throat or coughing when you hear someone else. When you cough , ask yourself, " What you just said ? What we are reacting ? Is endurance and stubbornness , or the process of change is happening ? '. In my seminars , coughs use as a means of self-discovery. Every time someone coughs , I touch the throat and say aloud , "I am willing to change " or " I'm changing ."Hope you like it :Your friend Javier Santonja

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