By: Haripada Dasa
In the Srimad Bhagavatam 7.9.1 Purport in meaning is said: The Supreme Personality of Godhead and His devotee know how to use correctly the lust, anger, greed, delusion, pride and envy.
In the Bhagavad Gita 3.37 Srila Prabhupada says: "Thus, the origin of lust is also in the Supreme. If, therefore, lust is transformed into love for the Supreme, or transformed into Krsna consciousness or, in other words, desiring everything for Krsna, then both lust and wrath can be spiritualized. Hanuman, the great servitor of Lord Rama, exhibited his wrath in action to set fire to the golden city of Ravana, but in doing so became the most prominent devotee of the Lord. Again, in the Bhagavad-gita, the Lord induces Arjuna to use his anger against his enemies, to the satisfaction of the Lord. So lust and anger, when used in the process of Krishna consciousness, they become our friends, not our enemies."
Lust is greed's cousin, but there is a difference, the person like to enjoy luxurious living things, people, animals, etc.., The greedy person like to enjoy dead things, money, property, etc.. For example, ISKCON now requires a lot of spiritual greed to please the guru parampara in Mayapur Dhama being the largest temple in the world.
How does the devotee utilize and use the illusion? Devotees distributing Srila Prabhupada's books are very adept at using the illusion in the service of Krishna. An example is telling people, "Oh you look like a very good person!" I once gave a man a copy of 'Science Of The Self' to a man and said, "Oh does your face look like a good person it seems you long to Pope John Paul II!" The man immediately pulled out his wallet and gave me $100, one hundred dollars. Srila Prabhupada said, "You just have to glorify them."
Once I gave a book to a girl and said, "You look like a saint." Immediately the girl helped me and told me, "You know why I collaborate with you, it is because you told me I look like a saint." Then comes the pride... She says, "Pride is the prelude to the fall, or, pride comes before a fall." This kind of pride you have to be cautious of and afraid of. But there is also healthy pride-- We can be proud of belonging to the family of the Vaisnava acharyas and proud of the parampara which contains so many wonderful devotees, with all 26 of the Vaishnava qualities visible in them in a way that is so exceptional. In Chapter 29 of Nectar of Devotion is said: Pride, expressions proudly ecstatic love can be the result of excessive wealth, of exquisite beauty, a first class residence, or the achievement of an ideal goal." We are also proud when we consider the disdain of others.
Bilvamangala Thakur said, "My dear Krishna, you're leaving me, my hands are weak. But I only feel impressed by your strength when you can leave the bottom of my heart."
Here is an example of the pride you feel in ecstatic love for Krishna. Once during the rasa dance, when Radharani was missing and and Krishna went to look, one of the dearest friends of Radharani, Krishna addressed as follows, "My dear Krishna, You have been very willing to serve our Sri Radharani, and now you left all the other gopis to search for Her. Please let me ask you what you want." This is an example of the pride he feels because of exquisite beauty. Sometimes Radharani was proud in Her heart of hearts and say, "Although the cowherd Krishna will prepare a beautiful garlands of flowers when I present my garland, He is full of wonder and immediately accepts it and takes it to His heart."
Similarly, in the Tenth Canto verse 33 of Srimad-Bhagavatam, Lord Brahma says the following... "My dear Madhusudana, people who are pure devotees of Your Lordship having Your friendship actually feel ecstatic, under which are never defeated by enemies. They know that they are always protected by You, and for that reason can go quietly about the heads of their enemies without concern." In other words, one who has taken complete shelter under the lotus feet of the Lord, is always proud and has the ability to conquer all enemies.
A weaver in Mathura addressed Krishna in these words, "My dear King of Vrindavan, I feel so proud of Your causeless mercy upon me, that does not even count on the mercy of the Lord of Vaikuntha, which aspire many great sages absorbed in deep meditation." In other words, even the great sages and yogis sit and meditate on Lord Vishnu, who resides in Vaikuntha. A devotee of Krishna is so proud, he does not consider that meditation is very valuable. That sense of pride is evidence that one has achieved the highest goal of life: Krishna.
And as used envy? How about envy??? Once we went to the room of Srila Prabhupada in Mayapur Dhama, Harikesa Prabhu had offered for the pleasure of His Grace Srila Prabhupada Charitamrita Chaitanya in a language that appeared in the countries of Eastern Europe, when I saw these books as beautifully bound, transcendental envy grabbed me, I thought, look here this whole Caitanya caritamrta in a language that perhaps a few million people speak, and we here in Spain are Spanish speaking people numbering 500 million and still we do not have it printed in our country. In the Nectar of Devotion, Chapter 30, it says something about envy. Padyavali, one of the friends of Radharani states one thing. She is addressed as follows,
"My dear friend, please do not congratulate yourself too much because Krishna will have decorated the front with His own hand. Krishna may still be attracted to some other beautiful young girl. The decoration I see that you have in the front is very well done, so it seems that Krishna was not altered when painted. Otherwise, he could not draw a line as accurate". This is an example of envy caused by the good fortune of Radha.
In the Tenth Canto, Thirty Chapter, verse 30, of Srimad-Bhagavatam, is the following passage: "When the gopis were searching after Krishna and Radha during the rasa dance, and began to speak among them:` We have seen the footprints of Krishna and Radha on the Vrindavan forest floor, and those prints are causing us great pain, because, although Krishna is everything to us, that girl is so astute that took him alone and she is enjoying His kisses without sharing it with us." This is another instance of the object of envy that is the good fortune of Srimati Radharani.
Sometimes when playing cowherd in the forests of Vrindavan, Krishna played in a group and Balarama played in another. Between the two sides had feigned competition and struggle, and when the camp was defeated by Balarama, Krishna's children said, "If the side of Balarama remains victorious, then no one is weaker than us around the world." This is another instance of envy in ecstatic love.
Conclusion: Yukta Vairagya (proper renunciation) is that everyone can take the service of Krishna and lessen sinful activities.
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