sábado, 7 de septiembre de 2013


Share with the group extracts the monumental work written by Bhaktivinoda Thakura entitled, THE Bhagavatam, YOUR PHILOSOPHY, THE ETHICS AND THEOLOGY 3.

The Bhagavata , like all religious works , activities and philosophical writings of great men , has been the victim of reckless conduct useless readers and critics stupid. The first would have caused so much damage , they have surpassed the latter in dire consequences . Men of bright thoughts have read this work in its search for philosophical truth , but the prejudice that readers absorbed useless and behavior make a sincere prevented investigation. Not to mention others , the great genius of Raja Ram Mohan Roy , the founder of the sect of Brahmoism did not think it worthwhile to study this ornament religious library . He crossed the door of Vedanta as interpreted upright designer mayavada Sankaracharya - the enemy chose the Jains , and traced their way to unit form the Christian faith , which had been given Indian appearance .
Ram Mohan Roy was a capable man . I could not be satisfied with the theory of illusion contained in the philosophy of Sankara mayavada . He had a heart full of love for nature . Through discernment realized he could not believe in the concept of identity with God. He ran furiously from the borders of Sankara to the ends of the Qur'an , yet he was not satisfied . Then studied prominently beautiful precepts and history of Jesus first translations into English and finally in the original Greek , and took shelter under the sacred banners Jewish reformer . But Ram Mohan Roy was also a patriot and wanted to reform his people in the same way he had reformed . He knew very well that the truth does not belong exclusively to an individual, a nation or a particular race , it belongs to God , and man , either of the poles or Ecuador , has the right to claim the property of his Father. Based on that , claimed the truths inculcated by the western redemptive well as their own and their fellow citizens , and thereby established the Company ( samaj ) of whatever Brahmos in their own country and was established in the beautiful Bagavata . Their noble deeds will certainly seek a high position in the history of the reformers . However, in truth, he would have done more if he had begun his work of reform at the point where the last reformer of India left . We do not intend to go further in this matter , suffice to say that the Bagavata not attract the genius of Ram Mohan Roy .
" Renouncing the honors at which the world aims , I desire only to know the truth."

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