martes, 14 de enero de 2014


The false ego, by Javier Figuerola or Haripada Dasa Brahmachari

All living entities are eternal spirit souls , full of bienventuranza , knowledge and eternity. The reason that we are now imprisoned in these material bodies is the envy of God and we want to enjoy the art. We have acquired the gross body composed of earth , fire, water , air and ether , and the subtle , subtle body means that we do not see , consisting of mind, intelligence and false ego. Envy is terrible, Srila Prabhupada always said that there are two envious living entities , snakes and people , snakes can be controlled by means of mantras or vibrations , that I have seen it many times in India, but envious people no one can control. Because of envy and false ego is there so much suffering, Srila Prabhupada says in his books that people who eat meat is great jealousy they have for the animals , and the cause of wars are also envy and ego false. The Nectar of Devotion Srila Prabhupada says a verse spoken by one of the Kumaras , there is said : " The false ego is like iron chains which bind the conditioned soul , the only way to cut this item tether is serving pure devotees of God with faith , love , attachment and gratitude . "

The results serve with faith, love, attachment and gratitude to the pure devotees of God that one becomes free from envy, bigotry , fear, prejudice and doubt, and one lives with God. Ego means identity , we have a spiritual body latent in us all spiritual practices if not awaken that spiritual body are a big waste of time and energy. Back home back to the spiritual world with God is not a cheap thing, Srimad Bhagavatam there is a very nice verse that says look at those shepherds who are playing with God or Krishna , have been able to achieve this position after practicing devotional service during millions and millions of lives and become a pure devotee of God is not cheap thing at the end of the preface to the Bhagavad Gita , Srila Prabhupada says that if a man becomes a pure devotee of the Lord , consider our private attempt as a success, and also says in his books that if someone tries to help people to go back to God and fails , to make this attempt his return to God is already assured.

Thoughts to ponder

Push yourself much to yourself and do not expect much from others , so you will save a lot of trouble .
Do not give them very intimate things with your friends , because you can get back your enemies and use those things against you .


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