The law of karma , or by Javier Figuerola Haripada Dasa Bramachari
The law of karma is a law of God which means that if you cause any pain or suffering on another living being or suffering the same pain as you have to experience in your own person , the law of action and reaction, as Jesus said what planting crops. It is very interesting what Srila Prabhupada says in her text tenth of the Nectar of Instruction , says that there are people who are only interested in material happiness , these people are called materialists karmis or within the materialistic some people perform sacrifices to please God and receive His blessings , they are elevated to the heavenly planets, and there are others who engage in impious activities so degrade and are born as animals, trees or plants. By the mercy of Srila Prabhupada understand and accept that the only activity that creates positive or negative karma is devotional service , there are nine devotional activities 1 hear the name and glories of God or Krishna , 2 sing His glories 3 remember God or Krishna , 4 serve the lotus feet of the Lord , worshiping the Deity 5 , 6 offer obeisances to Lord 7 act as servant of the Lord 8 making friends with the Lord and 9 completely to the Lord .
I agree that when I was 16 I asked a Franciscan monk in practice we see that a child is born into a very wealthy family , everyone wants it and is surrounded by lots of opulence , etc. and simultaneously we see that a child is born a prostitute , nobody wants it , all dirty , drugs , police, etc. , why this happens ? , the Franciscan monk replied that God is the creator of all creations and some will go well and others badly, when one understands the law law of karma and transmigration of the soul from one body to another is very easy to understand and accept this, the child born under such favorable conditions is that in past lives did many good things , giving charity , helping others , etc. and as a result well born , the other child born in terrible conditions is that in his past life became very negative things to hurt people , kill people , steal from people, etc. . The saying goes that everyone has what they deserve has much depth. The difference between God's laws and the laws made by men is that God's laws are perfect and infallible and the laws of men are imperfect and fallible .
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