jueves, 23 de enero de 2014

Everyone knows

Everyone knows , or by Javier Figuerola Haripada Dasa BrahmachariEveryone knows that happiness is not women enjoy , have lots of money and have the power to control people , above all this is the knowledge to understand and accept that I am not the temporary material body but a soul spiritual eternal , and my relationship is with God or Krishna , the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and that there is true happiness and that happiness is eternal happiness and sense gratification is temporary. Higher than this knowledge is love for God , that is the goal of human life and the greatest power of the universe , that love for God is latent in all living entities and who wakes has reached the goal of human life and his life is a success. Now the question that arises is that everyone knows this, but why people are not interested in awakening the love of God? , An answer would be that people usually are attached to the subject and detached from matter is not easy , one answer is that people are afraid to change, see generally that people are like sheep in a herd , where one goes they all go today to have your own personality without anyone influence you is very difficult the definitive answer to all this is given in Srimad Bhagavatam , there is said that when a person practices or devotional service to Lord Krishna , naturally the person will be in transcendental knowledge and detachment from matter . People usually think that to practice spiritual life one must go to the Himalayas and meditate without being disturbed and forsake all , people do not know or understand what the vairagya yukta that means understanding and acceptance that everything is God or Krishna because He has created everything , and everything that God gives me I occupy in His service , to do this I become conscious of God and honest person .

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