lunes, 10 de octubre de 2016


The true formula of peace, by Javier Figuerola or Haripada dasa
The guru of the universe called Srila Prabhupada teaches us that true peace formula is in chapter 5, verse 29 of the Bhagavad Gita, there God or Krishna declares that He is the ultimate beneficiary of all sacrifices and austerities, in other words when everything we do we offer it to God or Krishna with love and devotion, that activity purifies and is the only action that is outside the law of karma, then he says that I am the proprietor of all planets and demigods, this statement has a lot of logic and reasoning, no one in the history of mankind has said that I am the owner of all, God or Krishna can tell because He has created everything, if known this simple truth, there would be peace in the world , things are already there given by God or Krishna, are people full of ignorance and envy and claim that this land is mine, and others say no, it's mine and fight, if people want out of ignorance, think, this land has given us our Eternal God or Krishna Father, and we are all brothers, we will share this land with love and trust, and the third statement made by God or Krishna is saying that He is the benefactor and friend of all living entities, there God or Krishna refers not only to humans but to all species of life, there 8400.000 species of life, including plants, insects, fishes, mammals and humans, is just out of sheer envy, hypocrisy and ignorance that people say that I love you very much my pet, dog, cat, etc., but others like me in the spiritual culture of India to all living entities are given the same respect for of course the law of God is a living entity is food for another living entity, but the idea is to make minimal violence to nature to feed the tiger has intended to eat another animal, the tiger does not come to eat your grapes , human beings can feed grains, fruits, milk, nuts, vegetables, fruits etc., but man mimics the tiger and the animals eat, but as your teeth is not like tiger has to go to dentist, today science is very advanced, but no intelligence to understand and accept that the teeth of the tiger and the human being is different, and because of that dentists become millionaires, tigers do not go to the dentist. God or Krishna says is our best friend, so the best friend is one who never leaves, so from time eternal God or Krishna lives with us in the form of the Supersoul, God or Krishna is located in the heart of all living entities as our best friend.
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