jueves, 12 de junio de 2014


Dear friends:With love and trust share who are presenting papers at the Ministry of Interior of Spain to try to legalize political party called Spiritual Party, the inspiration for this game comes from the books of my spiritual master Srila Prabhupada, there is said: " But in Kali-yuga, the Krishna conscious persons can gain control of democratic government. If you do this, the general population will be very happy. "(SB, 4, 16, 4), here I send the Rules of this game, the idea is to send the information to create volunteers across Spain and outside Spain to share and spread this spiritual message. There is vayraguia yukta, this means that everything can be used in the service of God. Personally I may be fool number one, by the mercy of God and my spiritual master Srila Prabhupada since 1984 until now I have been traveling for 17 countries around the world distributing the books of my spiritual master Srila Prabhupada, I have distributed 250,000 books, I will have spoken face to face with 4 million people, I have collected and given to food for life in Vrindavan, India (www.fflvrindavan.org), 200,000 euros to give food to people in need, that's my curriculum. All interested persons are requested to contact me.
Laws of Spiritual GameSpiritual Party is convinced that the basis of material policy is that our political party members are our friends and members of other political parties are our enemies, what is the cause of this philosophy? ignorance and envy, how is it possible for citizens to obtain some benefit from people full of ignorance and envy?.Spiritual Party is fully convinced that God owns everything and that all things were created by Him, when a person uses all the service of God, becomes a righteous and honest person. We are all children of God, men, women, animals, insects, plants, reptiles, water, etc.. God is our supreme father and best friend, as He Matiena all of us and never abandons us. The success of our business is that God is pleased with us.Spiritual Party is convinced that eating, sleeping, fearing and mating are the core activities of all living beings, and that human life form has the ability to understand who I am, who God is, what is my relationship with God and yet it is this material manifestation, which is the time and that is karma, or activities.Spiritual Party is convinced that we are not temporal but eternal life matters spiritual souls, we feed the body, but if we do not feed the soul, there will be disturbances and imbalances, this applies to personal and collective level.Spiritual Party firmly believes that the essence of all religions is the same, the mandate of all religions is that since you get up until you lie down and worship your Lord glorify God. Understand and accept that religion means the law of God and the result of obeying these laws is that one is enabled to be transferred to the spiritual world, go back home back to Godhead, religion also means knowing and loving God.Spiritual Party is convinced that the only crisis that exists today is the lack of interest that people have to know and love God.Spiritual Party is convinced that the true unity of all people in the world, no matter their skin color, religion, profession, nationality, etc. is given in the spiritual platform, there are no discriminations, the injustice, ignorance, envy, fear, fanaticism and doubts. In the spiritual platform there is only transcendental knowledge, bliss and eternity.Spiritual Party firmly believes that good people are kind, tolerant, friendly to all, always respect all and never want to be respected, they are true, pure heart, conquer hunger, thirst, lamentation, envy and old age, not deceive themselves or others, are happy when they see others happy in God consciousness and suffer when they see others suffer and have as their best friends to God and His representatives. Bad people are intolerant, dirty heart, just looking to be respected and they do not respect anyone, are very envious and do not believe in God, they themselves think they are God. If a person is associated with good people just being a good person and if it is associated with bad people being bad person just tell me who your friends are and I will tell you who you are.Spiritual Party is convinced that you should insert the spiritual education in colleges and universities to change the demonic face of society. Disparity in human society is due to the lack of principles in a godless civilization prevails. God, or the Almighty, from whom everything emanates, who keeps everything, and in whom everything merges to rest there. Material science has tried very poorly to find the original and supreme source of creation, but the fact that there is an original and supreme of all that exists source. When a person is highly educated spiritually knows God and loves it, and takes much spiritual force that is educated enough to fend off the onslaught of atheists, and, above all, the ability to convert others, by accepting God as a particular principle.Spiritual Party is convinced that to achieve their goals must publish and distribute books on spiritual education. The purpose of education is to eliminate injustice, when people are educated in a natural way the imbalance of values ​​in life will stop and there will be unity and peace in people.Side note:This message was sent by internet hidden 108 people worldwide, has been shared in 13 groups on facebook, please tell me that you've received this message and if you want to give your opinion on the whole thing.Your good friendJavier FiguerolaPresident of the NGO FOOD FOR WORLD PEACEhttp / / alimentosparalapaz.blogspot.comhttp://prabhupadanugas108.blogspot.com

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