jueves, 9 de enero de 2025


 Mercy, by Haripada dasa

By the mercy of Srila Prabhupada we understand that justice means the balance, each person has what they deserve, the law of karma, and that mercy is a much higher concept than justice, since mercy means that they are giving you something that you don't deserve A merciful person suffers when he sees others suffer and is happy when he sees others happy in God or Krishna consciousness.

Mercy and tolerance go hand in hand, a very merciful person is very tolerant, for example, envious people made many offenses to Jesus Christ, they humiliated him, beat him and crucified him, he had to tolerate the intolerable, however Jesus Christ was at the same time merciful and prayed to God to forgive their offenders because they did not know what they were doing, also the great devotee Srila Haridasa Thakura for chanting Hare Krishna the Muslims whipped him in twenty two markets, and the chief of the Muslims told the executioners that If they did not kill him he would kill all their families, and Srila Haridasa Thakura out of compassion for the executioners so that they would not kill their families went into a coma and died, the Muslims threw Srila Haridasa Thakura's body into the Ganges River, and when he touched the The water rose again and came out on the other shore singing Hare Krishna, seeing this the Muslims realized that they had committed a great offense to a holy person and they went there and t They went to the lotus feet of Srila Haridasa Thakura to forgive them, here we see a great difference between the Jewish and the Muslim race, to this day the Jews have never asked forgiveness for all the offenses they did to Jesus Christ, without However, the Muslims immediately apologized to Srila Haridasa Thakura for their offenses.

Materialistic people are neither merciful nor tolerant, to satisfy their palate they send millions and millions of innocent animals to the slaughter every day, and when they are at a traffic light and the car behind whistles turns green, the man grabs the fake ego and he gets out of the car and they fist it up.

Once a disciple of Srila Prabhupada told him in a sentimental plan to give him his mercy, Srila Prabhupada told him that I have given you 80 books of 400 pages each, if you read my books and practice what you read, the result of this will be that your latent love for God or Krishna will awaken and your human life will be a success, this seems to you little mercy. The difference between Srila Prabhupada and other gurus is that God or Krishna sent Srila Prabhupada from the spiritual world to do a mission on Earth, that is why he is called jagat-guru or saktyavesa avatara, the guru of the universe or the Savior of the world. , Srila Prabhupada's mission was to give us his books, he called their meanings his spiritual ecstasies, unfortunately many very demonic people have used the figure of Srila Prabhupada to satisfy their personal and selfish interests, and for doing this God or Krishna is punishing them very severely. The transcendental activities of God or Krishna and Srila Prabhupada bring pleasure to pious devotees, but for the envious, they bring pain.

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