lunes, 7 de octubre de 2024

The order of renunciation

 The order of renunciation, by Haripada dasa

I share here another instruction of Srila Prabhupada that very few know and practice, in the Chaitanya Charitarita, Madhya lila, 25, 194, there Srila Prabhupada says that so it is mandatory to accept sannyasa or the order of renunciation at fifty years of age. The problem in Krishna consciousness is that there are no genuine renunciants, the sannyasis of now are only interested in offending Srila Prabhupada and his devotees, they deceive themselves and others and live as kings, the result of this is that all They go to hell.

Regarding this topic, the conversation between Lord Gauranga and his wife Visnupriya was very interesting, before Sri Gauranga took sannyasa.

In El Chaitanya Mangala, Lochana Dasa Thakura recounts hobbies that are not mentioned elsewhere. It tells the moving and last conversation that Lord Gauranga had with Vishnupriya Devi the night before taking sannyasa: "With a voice choked with emotion, said Vishnupriya, 'Tell me, 0 Prananatha (Lord of my life), is the rumor true that I heard that you will take sannyasa and leave me? If I lose His association, I will end my life drinking poison. ”Sri Gauranga replied with compassionate and soft words and told Vishnupriya that you are as dear to me as life itself, there is no need to worry, please listen to what I am going to tell you, because it will help you a lot, in this world only Bhagavan and the Vaisnavas or the pure devotees of God or Krishna are the only truth, everything else is illusion. Fathers, mothers, children, relationships between men and women they are illusory or temporary, Krishna is the master, the real husband of the whole world, do not lament, therefore, fulfill the true meaning of Vishnupriya and always think of Krishna within your cor azon

Krishna consciousness goes beyond the sannyasa order, so Sri Gauranga always said that I am not brahmachari, grihasta, vanaprasta or sannyasa, I am not brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya or sudra, I am aham brahmasmi, jivera svarupa haya , nitya krishna dasa, gopi kamalayor dasadasadasanudasa, this means that I am not the temporary material body, but eternal spiritual soul, I am the servant of the servan

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