lunes, 30 de diciembre de 2024

How is health ?

 How is health ?, by Haripada dasa

Hare Krishna, with love and confidence I share that yesterday I was talking with a friend of mine, he is a legal advisor, and he told me that this situation of the pandemic is making many people think, I told him that in the Harinama Chintamani it is said that the people start worshiping God out of fear of death.

I also told him that it is a time to encourage each other to move forward, and it is also a time of much prayer to God or Krishna and His representative Srila Prabhupada for help.

Another friend told me that the virus has stopped all materialistic civilization, and people are very scared. I told him that in the second chant of the Bhagavatam there is a chapter that says that Krishna consciousness is the only solution to all problems.

If we are able to understand and accept that everything we do is an offering of love and devotion to God or Krishna and His representative Srila Prabhupada, that God or Krishna is the owner of everything because He has created everything and that God or Krishna He is our best friend, the best friend is the one who never abandons you, and God or Krishna is always with us. If we are able to experience this we are living in the spiritual world.

lunes, 23 de diciembre de 2024

The authentic anti-system

 The authentic anti-system, by Haripada dasa

Everyone thinks that I am this body and that the goal of life is to satisfy my senses to the fullest, the authentic anti-system for this is that I am not the body but an eternal spiritual soul, and that the mission of human life is know God or Krishna and love him and go back to Godhead.

Nobody believes in God, that is why it is said that the only God that does not have atheists is money, the authentic antisystem for this is to fulfill the vow of the initiate and chant at least 27,648 Holy Names of God every day. This with practice takes an hour and a half to two.

Everyone has sex like dogs, pigs, camels and donkeys, the real anti-system for this is celibacy, the result of practicing celibacy is that one has a lot of body shine, health, a lot of memory and longevity.

To forget the suffering or to extinguish the penalties, everyone takes alcohol and drugs, we are already quite intoxicated by being in contact with the matter, the real antisystem for this is to drink only mineral water.

Everyone lusts for money and that is why everyone plays games of chance, the real anti-system for this is to get used to depending on God, in the end everyone has what they deserve.

Almost everyone eats meat, fish and eggs, the real anti-system for this is to have a vegetarian diet, personally I have been on this diet since 1983 and I do not know what it is to be sick, and to spiritualize food I offer it to God or Krishna in my temple.

After evacuating almost everyone cleans the anus with toilet paper, the real anti-system for this is to clean the anus with water, it is cleaner than the mouth, in India everyone does that.

On politics, Srila Prabupada always said that if the political heads or executives of the state are only interested in themselves, they will never be able to look after the well-being of the citizens. Srila Prabhupada always said that those who fear these hellish politicians take refuge in the Krishna consciousness process.

Another point that we have to understand is that to know and love God the person must be pure and without sins, sinful people only understand that suffering is happiness.

lunes, 16 de diciembre de 2024

Our mission

 Our mission, by Haripada dasa

As I understand it the mission of those people who have full faith that Srila Prabhupada is the way, the truth and the life, and if someone goes back home back to God or Krishna, it is by the mercy of Srila Prabhupada It is helping each other to obey Srila Prabhupada's instructions and free ourselves from doubts, the result of doing this is that we will live with Srila Prabhupada, acquire his qualities and qualify ourselves to go back home, back to Godhead. In relation to this it is very interesting what Srila Prabhupada says in the Bhagavatam, 5, 12, 13, there he says that this movement for Kṛishṇa consciousness has been founded to engage people in the service and glorification of the Lord the twenty-four hours of the day. In this institution, students engage in Kṛishṇa consciousness cultivation from five in the morning until ten at night. That way they don't have a chance to waste time unnecessarily talking about politics, sociology and current affairs. All this follows its own course. The devotee is only interested in serving Kṛishṇa in a serious and positive way.

Another point is that we always have to emphasize strictly following the spiritual standards given by Srila Prabhupada, here everyone chants his 16 offense-free rounds of the Maha Mantra Hare Krishna, everyone follows the 4 regulative principles very strictly, 1, do not eat meat, fish or eggs, 2, no illicit sex, only sex is allowed to procreate and with one's wife, 3, no gambling, and 4, no tea, coffee, alcohol, drugs, etc., all sing the three gayatris daily, everyone follows Ekadasis, Purusottama month, Chaturmasya, Kartika Vrata, appearances and disappearances of the Supreme Lord and His devotees, everyone avoids bad association and is always happy and eager to associate with serious and sincere devotees of Srila Prabhupada, they always wear the tilaka marks on their body, they always have Srila Prabhupada at the center of their lives and they help people to put Srila Prabhupada at the center of their lives and every day they read in the morning and p Hearing Srila Prabhupada's books at night, they only eat Krishna prasada, food offered to Srila Prabhupada, Sri Gauranga Mahaprabhu and Sri Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead.

Here everyone obeys the instructions given by Srila Prabhupada in his books on how we should use our hard earned wealth, Srila Prabhupada gives the example of Srila Rupa Goswami, when he retired from service to the Muslim government and surrendered to the lotus feet of Sri Gauranga Mahaprabhu divided his wealth into three parts. 1-50 percent gave it to the Brahmanas and Vaisnavas, 25 percent for their relatives and the other 25 percent for personal emergencies, by practicing this a transcendental atmosphere is created and egoism is destroyed. Here nobody speculates, we understand and accept that a person is speculating, when he does things in a capricious way without relying on the Guru, Sadhu and Sastra.

In the Iskcon as it is only the original books of Srila Prabhupada are used, we are totally against all the changes that have been made to the original books of Srila Prabhupada.

lunes, 9 de diciembre de 2024

Annoying people

 Annoying people, by Haripada dasa

I share that I have a DVD that Srila Prabhupada is being interviewed by some journalists in Australia, these journalists were very negative against Srila Prabhupada and he defended himself by saying that Jesus Christ was crucified, he did nothing wrong, and still crucified him, in this world there are always annoying people, you can do things right and right, and yet they will criticize and envy you. There is also another dvd in the temple of Dallas, USA, that some reporters are interviewing him and a reporter began to say that the gurus live full of luxuries, have cars, yachts, etc., and Srila Prabhupada told them that that is why I have sitting on the floor or not on the throne, because I already knew that you are very envious, and everyone even the reporters laughed.

When Krishna Himself came in the form of Sri Gauranga Mahaprabhu, the Mayavadis sannyasis of Varanasi criticized him saying that He is not a sannyasi, He is a sentimental or a magician, the devotees were very distressed to hear these criticisms, and to please His devotees Sri Gauranga made all the arrangements and turned all the Mayavadis sannyasis into His devotees.

Even when Krishna came there was a king named Satrajit, who offended Krishna by saying that He had killed his brother Prasena and that he had taken away the Syamantaka jewel, and Krishna made all arrangements to clarify the situation, and King Satrajit was very ashamed for having offended Krishna and handed him the jewel Syamantaka and his daughter. Krishna says in The Bhagavad gita, 9, 11, that fools despise me when I descend in a human-like manner. They do not know My transcendental nature and My supreme dominion over all that exists.

I share that for years that I am preaching Krishna consciousness on Facebook, I don't know why Facebook blocked my account, now, yesterday, Facebook told me that I had my account locked for 24 hours, also on Facebook there have been people who wanted to establish a material and mundane relationship, so that I have not misunderstood and with much education I have told you that I am not interested in that, I am only interested in a spiritual relationship, this means putting God or Krishna and His representative Srila Prabhupada at the center of our life, the result of this will be that one will experience supreme pleasure, spiritual knowledge and eternity.

lunes, 2 de diciembre de 2024

The Three Kinds of Happiness

 The Three Kinds of Happiness, by Haripada dasa

This information is in the Nectar of Devotion, chapter 1:

Śrīla Rūpa Gosvāmī has analyzed the different sources of happiness. He has divided happiness into three categories, which are: 1) happiness derived from material enjoyment, 2) happiness derived from identifying with the Supreme Brahman, and 3) happiness derived from Kṛṣṇa consciousness.

In Tantra-śāstra, Lord Śiva speaks to his wife, Satī, in this way: "My dear wife, a person who has surrendered to the lotus feet of Govinda and who has developed pure Kṛṣṇa consciousness, can receive easily all the perfections desired by impersonalists; and beyond this, he can enjoy the happiness attained by pure devotees. "

Happiness derived from pure devotional service is the highest because it is eternal. But the happiness derived from material perfection or from understanding oneself as Brahman is inferior because it is temporary. There is no way to prevent one from falling from material happiness, and there is even every chance of falling from spiritual happiness derived from identifying with impersonal Brahman.

And in the Bhagavad-Gita, 18, 37 to 39 it is said that what at first may be like poison but which in the end is like nectar, and which awakens one in self-realization, is said to be happiness in the plane of the mode of goodness. The happiness that comes from the contact of the senses with their objects, and which at first appears to be nectar but at the end appears to be poison, is said to be of the nature of passion, and happiness that ignores self-realization, that it is a delusion from beginning to end, and that it proceeds from sleep, laziness, and illusion, is said to be of the nature of ignorance.

lunes, 25 de noviembre de 2024

I am very happy

 I am very happy, for Haripada dasa

Some time ago I prayed to Srila Prabhupada and to God or Krishna to send me mature and pure devotees of Krishna, by the mercy of Srila Prabhupada and Krishna, now I am associating with such devotees, I am very happy, it is not necessary to mention their names because such devotees are very humble and do not like to be glorified.

These pure devotees of Srila Prabhupada obey the order of Srila Prabhupada and initiate in his name, thanks to one of them I have learned of the glories of the perfect devotee of Srila Prabhupada, said devotee named Jayananda Prabhu practiced Krishna consciousness for 10 years 1967- 1977 and sacrificed his life to please Srila Prabhupada, and when he left the body Srila Prabhupada wrote a very nice letter and said that he was now in the spiritual world, in Goloka Vrindavana.

These devotees have a lot of love for Srila Prabhupada, and they want everyone to serve and love Srila Prabhupada. One can see how powerful this chant is.The Maha-Mantra Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare / Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare (the H is read as J for jota), is said in the Sacred Scriptures that by chanting the word Krishna only once, one can counteract all sinful activities, of course you have to chant on the pure platform, in the chanting of the Hare Krishna Maha-Mantra there are three stages, one is the offensive chant, There are 10 offenses that are made when singing, then there is the clarifying stage, and then pure singing, it is said in El Chaitanya Charitamrita that if one sings with offenses, one can spend millions and millions of lives singing and one will never reach the goal of singing which is to have love for God. That is why there are very demonic people who dress as devotees and pose as devotees, but all they do is deceive and take advantage of innocent people, only a pure devotee can understand another pure devotee.

What I mean by this message is that the most important thing in spiritual life is association with devotees, once a devotee told Srila Prabhupada that Jesus Christ said that I am the way, the truth and the life, and Srila Prabhupada He told him that this is very true, because without the association of a pure devotee, no one can become a pure devotee, I am very happy and happy to see that there are still devotees of Srila Prabhupada who have things very clear and without wanting anything in return They share all their experiences with everyone, I sense that people are already fed up with so many deceptions, that people want to live the truth, the truth will set you free, I remember a program on television and there was a psychologist who said very interesting things , I remember that he said that the result of material and atheistic life, he is a very believing person in God, is that people suffer a lot, and the most important and necessary people for now will be the spiritual advisers, of course this s spiritual advisers will be pure devotees of God and will not cheat people by charging money.

lunes, 18 de noviembre de 2024

 Best friends, by Haripada dasa

A friend is that person who always wishes us our good, in which one has a relationship based on love and trust, and one knows that there will never be betrayal, our best friends are God or Krishna and His devotees, by the mercy of Srila Prabhupada we understand that God or Krishna in His Paramatma or Supersoul form is in the hearts of all living entities, and He is our best friend because He never leaves us.

By the mercy of Srila Prabhupada we understand and accept that we are all in the material world for having misused our free will, it is very interesting what is said in the book of Krishna in the chapter entitled the prayers of the personified Vedas, there it is said that there cannot be any influence of chance on living entities, they have knowledge and, therefore, they are called chaitanya, which means knowingly, their location in different conditions of life, therefore, it is not accidental, it is due to they have chosen like this, since they have knowledge, in other words, that is, it is we who have turned our backs on God or Krishna and have come to this material world, and God or Krishna is so friendly and merciful to us that he believes the material world for the living entities to play God or Krishna.

 The fall of the soul to the material world was illustrated very well by Jesus in the parable of the prodigal son, the son told his father that I want my part of the inheritance to have a life independent of you, the inheritance was spent pleasing his senses with prostitutes, wine, etc., when he had money he had friends, when he ran out of money he ran out of friends and saw himself eating carob beans with the pigs, there he reflected and realized the big mistake he made, he thought with my father he had his love and I never lacked anything, I had everything, what a big mistake I have made, I am going to ask my father for forgiveness, and when he got to his father he threw himself on the ground crying and asking his father for forgiveness, his father was very happy to see his son again and hugged him, and then made a big festival to welcome his son.

Srila Visvanatha Thakura in his book entitled Madhurya Kadambini illustrates very well the entry of the spirit soul into the spirit world, when the spirit soul comes to the spirit world in the form of a cowherd boy and sees Krishna faint, then Krishna goes there and It says that I know all the sufferings that you have had to undergo to be My devotee in the material world, because I have always been with you, all your friends and family despised you, they all thought you were crazy, and you had to tolerate everything for Me, and I have not done anything as a reward for all your sacrifices, therefore I have become your debtor, then the spirit soul tells Krishna that to satisfy my desire to serve at your lotus feet, you deposited the syllables of Your mantra in my ears, You destroyed my sufferings, You purified me with the process of hearing, chanting and constantly remembering Your qualities and Your name and through association with Your devotees You made me understand how to do e service to you, a person as miserably selfish as I deserves to be punished, but on the contrary, you have made me drink nectar by showing me your own personality.

The bottom line is that our best friends are God or Krishna and His devotees.

lunes, 11 de noviembre de 2024

Hare Krishna

  Hare Krishna, with love and confidence I share this message that I have sent to the President of Spain.

Hello, thanks for your reply, now I am writing to ask you 2 questions:

1 The entire government has sworn allegiance to the King and the constitution, which will happen if the government makes arrangements for the Catalans and Basques to become independent of Spain, that the entire government will go to jail for treason and make false oaths.

2 They have done many ministries, there is some ministry that helps people free themselves from lust, anger, greed, envy, ignorance and pride, that helps people understand that the goal of human life is knowing God and loving him, that helps people understand the law of Karma, the law of action and reaction, infallible justice, that helps people understand that the cause of climate change is that Nature punishes us because We do not want to obey God's laws, to help people understand that the result of practicing atheism and materialism, is that people live full of anxieties, unbalanced and very disturbed, to help people understand that we are not the temporary material body, but eternal spiritual souls, if people knew those things they would live full of peace and prosperity, and there would be no more gender violence.

Waiting for your reply, attentively, Jose Javier Figuerola Perez.

lunes, 4 de noviembre de 2024

There are two kinds of gurus

 There are two kinds of gurus, by Haripada dasa

In the book entitled Amrita - vani by Srila Prabhupada Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakura says that there are two kinds of gurus, one is sent by God or Krishna from the spiritual world and it is for very serious and sincere people in the spiritual life and as God or Krishna knows that there will be many people who will want to be deceived there is another guru who is false or unauthorized, that guru deceives himself and others.

Only the great personality that has been sent by the Lord from the spiritual world to the material world to save the conditioned souls like us, who frees the afflicted people from the three types of anguish and sends them back to God, who is very dear to the Supreme Lord and that you represent, and who is the herald of the transcendental subject, is able to act as our spiritual master, the first step in obtaining perfection is the refuge in a spiritual master, through the Thanks to the Lord, the person receives a spiritual teacher according to his personal requirements. But if we are lucky and sincerely seek a genuine spiritual master, and if we humbly pray to the Lord, you get the grace of such a guru, then, by the grace of God you will get a guru of good faith in this life, then by taking refuge in Him our life will be a success.

I share that last November I made an account on Facebook, it is called Haripada dasa and I put a very nice picture of Srila Prabhupada Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakura, now I have almost 3000 friends, almost all of India, in the 5 song of Bhagavatam it is said that He who was born in India, is because he has done many pious activities in his past lives, and also Sri Gauranga Mahaprabhu instructed that all who were born in India, must become Krishna conscious and their life will be successful and help others People to do the same.

On Facebook I participate in several Hare Krishna groups and I put my spiritual messages, several people who like my messages tell me that you are my guru, so that there are no misunderstandings I tell you that here the only authorized guru is Srila Prabhupada, and if you want you and I can be friends and spiritual brothers, so I don't fool myself or anyone else.

lunes, 28 de octubre de 2024

The 26 Qualities of a Pure Devotee of God or Krishna, Part 3

 The 26 Qualities of a Pure Devotee of God or Krishna, Part 3, by Haripada dasa

17- He does not eat more than he needs: Srila Prabhupada said that if one eats more, he will have to sleep more, and if one sleeps more than 6 hours a day he is influenced by ignorance, most of the Hindus are skinny , but they have an inconceivable energy.

18- He is always prudent: In Sriman Bhagavatam, ninth canto, chapter 16 it is said that Parasurama's father, Jamadagni, told his youngest son Parasurama to kill his brothers, for having disobeyed his order and his mother for having been Mentally unfaithful, Lord Parasurama knowing the power of his father, a master in the art of meditation and austerity, immediately killed his mother and brothers, Jamadagni, the son of Satyavati was very pleased with Parasurama and invited him to ask him whatever blessing he wanted, Lord Parasurama asked my mother and my brothers to live again and not remember that I killed them, that is the blessing he asked and Srila Prabhupada in the meaning says that it doesn't matter if we are Kartavyryarjuna, Jamadagni or Parasurama , or whoever, we must act with great prudence and sagacity, otherwise we will have to suffer the results of sinful activities, that is the lesson we get from the Vedic scriptures.

19- He is always respectful of others: Srila Gaura Kisora ​​das babhaji always said that all living entities are worthy of my worship.

20- He does not demand respect for himself: Srila Prabhupada said that we should not demand respect from others, but inspire respect.

21- He is serious: It is said that the devotee of Krishna is so serious that it is very difficult to know his plans and his mentality, even the most intelligent people get confused when they see the words, activities and thoughts of the pure devotees of God.

22- He is merciful .: The symptom of a merciful person is that he is very tolerant.

23- He is friendly: A nickname of Maharaja Yudisthir is that he never created any enemy, the devotee of God or Krishna is so friendly that he even prays to God for his enemies and Srila Visvanatha Cakravatti Thakura says that this is the sign of a paramahansa , who wishes well even to his enemy.

24- He is poetic: Srila Prabhupada says in a class that poetic is not that he writes poetry, but that he writes spiritual literature.

25- He is an expert: I remember that in the Nectar of Devotion it says that the expert person is the one who does the most difficult thing, the most difficult thing to do in this world is to turn people into Krishna devotees, once They asked Srila Prabhupada that the great saints always perform miracles and what is your miracle, Srila Prabhupada answered you see all these people, before they were crows, now they are swans, I turn crows into swans, that is why Srila Prabhupada said that only one Pure devotee can make pure devotees, pseudo devotee cannot, worldly people envy Krishna's pure devotee, seeing him so expert in everything.

26- He is silent: Srila Prabhupada said that the silent person is the one who chants Hare Krishna 24 hours a day and preaches the glories of the Lord.

lunes, 21 de octubre de 2024

The 26 Qualities of a Pure Devotee of God or Krishna, Part 2

  The 26 Qualities of a Pure Devotee of God or Krishna, Part 2, by Haripada dasa

11- He is peaceful: A person can be peaceful when he is free from material desires, I remember a song from a genuine acharya or spiritual master who said that the symptom that I will have gotten the mercy of Sri Nityananda is that I will be free from material desires and When Lord Nrisimhadeva told Prahlada Maharaja to ask for a blessing, he asked that in the bottom of my heart that I have no material desires.

12- He is always surrendered to Krishna or God: In my blog are all the songs of the saranagati or the surrender to the almighty God by Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura, in the Harinama Chintamani chapter 13 it is said that the six principles of surrender to Krishna o God are: 1- the vow to accept everything favorable to the Lord's service, 2- reject anything that is unfavorable, 3- be convinced that Lord Krishna will always give protection, 4- depend completely on Krishna for everything, 5 -always feeling meek and humble and 6- throwing oneself at the lotus feet of Lord Krishna.

13- He has no material desires: I remember a meaning of Srila Prabhupada who said that there was a corner and a devotee wanted there to be a temple and now that temple is visited by millions of people, those are the wishes of the devotees, Srila Prabhupada said that you only have to wish and Krishna will make the arrangements, the only way to subdue material desires is to have spiritual desires and always making plans to please Sri Guru and Sri Gauranga.

14- He is very humble: Srila Krishna das kaviraja gosvami says in the Chaitanya Charitamrita that he is lower than the worms in the excrement, he is more sinful than Jagay and Madhay, that the one who says his name will lose all activities pious, that is humility, in the Kartika vrata of the year 1972 Srila Prabhupada said in the Radha Damodara in Vrindavana that we must always be ready to offer respects, not only to the devotees, but to everyone, because each living entity is originally a devotee of Krishna, but circumstantially, being covered by maya, he is acting like a demon, but his original nature is that of a devotee of Krishna, that is humility.

15- He is always fixed in his purpose: From faith to love for God there are 9 states of perfection, nistha or being fixed is the fifth, 1 is faith, 2 is association with devotees, 3 is the spiritual initiation, 4 is cleansing the heart from undesirable things, 5 is being fixed, 6 is feeling a taste in devotional service, 7 is feeling an attachment, 8 is feeling spiritual emotions while rendering devotional service and the 9 is the goal of human life, prema pumarto mahan, pure love for God or Krishna.

16- He has triumphed over the six material qualities: lust, anger, greed, envy, madness and illusion, in Srimad Bhagavatm 7,9,1 it is said that the Supreme Personality of Godhead and his devotee know use correctly lust, anger, greed, illusion, pride and envy, lust is spiritualized when we use everything in the service of Krishna, the example of this are the gopis of Vrindavana, anger is spiritualized when we use it to defend Krishna from his enemies, the example of this are Arjuna and Hanuman, greed is spiritualized when we use it to buy the ticket back home back to Godhead, I remember a meaning of Srila Prabhupada that says that the desire to leave with Krishna is not a wish that stirs the mind, the illusion is used a lot by the Sankirtaneros, I told a man that you have the face of a very good person, you look like the Pope, he immediately took out his wallet and gave me a donation of 100 dollars I told one mother who has the face of a saint, she immediately collaborated with me and told me that I collaborate because you have told me holy, pride, Srila Prabhupada said that the words of the spiritual master are the pride of the disciple, also pride is spiritualized when we become proud of Our acharyas or spiritual teachers who form our disciplic succession, what great personalities! They come from the spiritual world, we must not imitate the acharyas, but follow in their footsteps, I remember reading in the Nectar of Devotion that the devotee mahabhagavata is in raganuga , but to set an example to neophytes, act as a neophyte and envy, I remember in the centenary of Srila Prabhupada in the year 1996 the bbt of Spain promised in front of the Deities and 500 devotees that the Sri Chaitanya Charitamrita would print, there are countries very young people who have all of Srila Prabhupada's books translated and printed into their languages, that is transcendental envy.

lunes, 7 de octubre de 2024

The order of renunciation

 The order of renunciation, by Haripada dasa

I share here another instruction of Srila Prabhupada that very few know and practice, in the Chaitanya Charitarita, Madhya lila, 25, 194, there Srila Prabhupada says that so it is mandatory to accept sannyasa or the order of renunciation at fifty years of age. The problem in Krishna consciousness is that there are no genuine renunciants, the sannyasis of now are only interested in offending Srila Prabhupada and his devotees, they deceive themselves and others and live as kings, the result of this is that all They go to hell.

Regarding this topic, the conversation between Lord Gauranga and his wife Visnupriya was very interesting, before Sri Gauranga took sannyasa.

In El Chaitanya Mangala, Lochana Dasa Thakura recounts hobbies that are not mentioned elsewhere. It tells the moving and last conversation that Lord Gauranga had with Vishnupriya Devi the night before taking sannyasa: "With a voice choked with emotion, said Vishnupriya, 'Tell me, 0 Prananatha (Lord of my life), is the rumor true that I heard that you will take sannyasa and leave me? If I lose His association, I will end my life drinking poison. ”Sri Gauranga replied with compassionate and soft words and told Vishnupriya that you are as dear to me as life itself, there is no need to worry, please listen to what I am going to tell you, because it will help you a lot, in this world only Bhagavan and the Vaisnavas or the pure devotees of God or Krishna are the only truth, everything else is illusion. Fathers, mothers, children, relationships between men and women they are illusory or temporary, Krishna is the master, the real husband of the whole world, do not lament, therefore, fulfill the true meaning of Vishnupriya and always think of Krishna within your cor azon

Krishna consciousness goes beyond the sannyasa order, so Sri Gauranga always said that I am not brahmachari, grihasta, vanaprasta or sannyasa, I am not brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya or sudra, I am aham brahmasmi, jivera svarupa haya , nitya krishna dasa, gopi kamalayor dasadasadasanudasa, this means that I am not the temporary material body, but eternal spiritual soul, I am the servant of the servan

lunes, 30 de septiembre de 2024

Lead by example

 Lead by example, by Haripada dasa

Western educators say: “Don't follow me; follow my words ”; Or, put another way: "Do not do what I do, but what I say." Srila Prabhupada's life refutes this principle, as he applied all the instructions in his books in his own life and was a vivid example of them. There is not a single instruction in his books that he has not personally followed, and therefore there is no disparity between his writings and his life; between his actions and his words.

Srila Prabhupada taught us that a true spiritual master is one who preaches with his personal example, once Sanatana Goswami told Haridasa Thakura that you are the perfect devotee of God or Krishna, there are those who preach but do not practice and there are those who practice but not preach, but you practice everything you preach.

I share a beautiful verse from the Bhagavad gita, 3, 21, there it says that common men follow in the footsteps of a great man, whatever action he performs. And whatever guidelines he establishes through exemplary acts, the whole world follows them, and in the purport Srila Prabhupada says that the generality of people always requires a leader who can teach them through their behavior in practice. A leader cannot teach people to quit smoking if he smokes himself.

Srila Prabhupada always said that what people like the most is to be deceived and suffer, and he also said that one of the great impediments to expanding Krishna consciousness is the large number of deceivers there are, and how people She is so lazy to do the spiritual awakening they take advantage and tell people you give me 30 euros and I will give you a mantra and in six months you will be God, and people are so stupid that they believe it. That is why this society is one of deceivers and deceived.

The words convince, but the example drags. In the Jaiva dharma it is said that if someone gives religious advice without practicing it himself, it becomes a source of evil for the world.

Two thoughts to ponder:

1- Give good advice to a wise person and they will appreciate it and give good advice to a foolish person and they will get angry.

2- If you have nectar in your heart you will never give poison and if you have poison in your heart you will never give nectar.

martes, 24 de septiembre de 2024

The Supreme Swan

 The Supreme Swan, by Haripada dasa

Once Srila Prabhupada visited one of his temples in the USA, in the house in front of the temple they had painted a great insult against the Hare Krishnas, there he said that the Hare Krishna are a children of ..., so that Srila Prabhupada would not see this when He went out to do his morning walk, he was surrounded by the highest devotees, in one way or another Srila Prabhupada saw the insult and said that this house is the luckiest house in the USA, because it says Krishna, the highest level devotees are called paramahansas, that means the supreme swan, the swan has the ability that from a mixture of water and milk, he will take the milk and will not touch the water, in the same way the devotee who lives in pure goodness has the ability to drink from this world the spiritual part, the positive part, and he never touches the material part or the negative part, in other words, he takes gold even from poison, Srila Prabhupada, Jesus, Srila Haridasa Thakura, etc., envious and ignorant they attack them a lot, in the period Germany's most important story on the first page put a great criticism against Srila Prabhupada, there he said that in Los Angeles, USA, there is a guru who has his disciples like crazy selling his books, while he lives a life full of luxury.

People generally do not understand the pure devotee of God or Krishna, only a pure devotee can understand another pure devotee, in the Bhagavatam, 8.7.44 it is said that great personalities usually accept voluntary sufferings to alleviate the suffering of people common. This is considered to be the highest form of worship of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is in everyone's heart, and in the purport Srila Prabhupada says that we should strive for that which we cannot attain even if we travel the entire universe. from top to bottom, carried away by the reactions of karma. And what is that? We should strive to be Krishna conscious. When someone tries to spread Krishna consciousness all over the world, it should be understood that he is doing the best beneficial activity. Immediately, the Lord is very pleased with him, and if the Lord is pleased with him, what more can he get? It is very possible that the person who has been recognized by the Lord does not ask the Lord for anything, but the Lord, who is in everyone's heart, will give him whatever he wants. This is also confirmed in the Bhagavad-gītā (teṣāṁ nityābhiyuktānāṁ yoga-kṣemaṁ vahāmy aham). And, as stated in this verse, tapyante loka-tāpena sādhavaḥ prāyaśo janāḥ. The best beneficial activity is raising people to Krishna consciousness, for the suffering of conditioned souls is solely due to their lack of Krishna consciousness.

Cheers up! Srila Prabhupada instructed us and said that everyone should follow Jayananda prabhu's example, let's all try to obey this instruction together and make Jagat-guru Srila Prabhupada Mahasaya happy, and not do anything that displeases him.

viernes, 20 de septiembre de 2024

The authentic anti-system

 The authentic anti-system, by Haripada dasa

Everyone thinks that I am this body and that the goal of life is to satisfy my senses to the fullest, the authentic anti-system for this is that I am not the body but an eternal spiritual soul, and that the mission of human life is know God or Krishna and love him and go back to Godhead.

Nobody believes in God, that is why it is said that the only God that does not have atheists is money, the authentic antisystem for this is to fulfill the vow of the initiate and chant at least 27,648 Holy Names of God every day. This with practice takes an hour and a half to two.

Everyone has sex like dogs, pigs, camels and donkeys, the real anti-system for this is celibacy, the result of practicing celibacy is that one has a lot of body shine, health, a lot of memory and longevity.

To forget the suffering or to extinguish the penalties, everyone takes alcohol and drugs, we are already quite intoxicated by being in contact with the matter, the real antisystem for this is to drink only mineral water.

Everyone lusts for money and that is why everyone plays games of chance, the real anti-system for this is to get used to depending on God, in the end everyone has what they deserve.

Almost everyone eats meat, fish and eggs, the real anti-system for this is to have a vegetarian diet, personally I have been on this diet since 1983 and I do not know what it is to be sick, and to spiritualize food I offer it to God or Krishna in my temple.

After evacuating almost everyone cleans the anus with toilet paper, the real anti-system for this is to clean the anus with water, it is cleaner than the mouth, in India everyone does that.

On politics, Srila Prabupada always said that if the political heads or executives of the state are only interested in themselves, they will never be able to look after the well-being of the citizens. Srila Prabhupada always said that those who fear these hellish politicians take refuge in the Krishna consciousness process.

Another point that we have to understand is that to know and love God the person must be pure and without sins, sinful people only understand that suffering is happiness.

viernes, 13 de septiembre de 2024

Our mission

 Our mission, by Haripada dasa

As I understand it the mission of those people who have full faith that Srila Prabhupada is the way, the truth and the life, and if someone goes back home back to God or Krishna, it is by the mercy of Srila Prabhupada It is helping each other to obey Srila Prabhupada's instructions and free ourselves from doubts, the result of doing this is that we will live with Srila Prabhupada, acquire his qualities and qualify ourselves to go back home, back to Godhead. In relation to this it is very interesting what Srila Prabhupada says in the Bhagavatam, 5, 12, 13, there he says that this movement for Kṛishṇa consciousness has been founded to engage people in the service and glorification of the Lord the twenty-four hours of the day. In this institution, students engage in Kṛishṇa consciousness cultivation from five in the morning until ten at night. That way they don't have a chance to waste time unnecessarily talking about politics, sociology and current affairs. All this follows its own course. The devotee is only interested in serving Kṛishṇa in a serious and positive way.

Another point is that we always have to emphasize strictly following the spiritual standards given by Srila Prabhupada, here everyone chants his 16 offense-free rounds of the Maha Mantra Hare Krishna, everyone follows the 4 regulative principles very strictly, 1, do not eat meat, fish or eggs, 2, no illicit sex, only sex is allowed to procreate and with one's wife, 3, no gambling, and 4, no tea, coffee, alcohol, drugs, etc., all sing the three gayatris daily, everyone follows Ekadasis, Purusottama month, Chaturmasya, Kartika Vrata, appearances and disappearances of the Supreme Lord and His devotees, everyone avoids bad association and is always happy and eager to associate with serious and sincere devotees of Srila Prabhupada, they always wear the tilaka marks on their body, they always have Srila Prabhupada at the center of their lives and they help people to put Srila Prabhupada at the center of their lives and every day they read in the morning and p Hearing Srila Prabhupada's books at night, they only eat Krishna prasada, food offered to Srila Prabhupada, Sri Gauranga Mahaprabhu and Sri Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead.

Here everyone obeys the instructions given by Srila Prabhupada in his books on how we should use our hard earned wealth, Srila Prabhupada gives the example of Srila Rupa Goswami, when he retired from service to the Muslim government and surrendered to the lotus feet of Sri Gauranga Mahaprabhu divided his wealth into three parts. 1-50 percent gave it to the Brahmanas and Vaisnavas, 25 percent for their relatives and the other 25 percent for personal emergencies, by practicing this a transcendental atmosphere is created and egoism is destroyed. Here nobody speculates, we understand and accept that a person is speculating, when he does things in a capricious way without relying on the Guru, Sadhu and Sastra.

In the Iskcon as it is only the original books of Srila Prabhupada are used, we are totally against all the changes that have been made to the original books of Srila Prabhupada.

lunes, 2 de septiembre de 2024

Krishna consciousness

 Krishna consciousness, by Haripada dasa

When Srila Prabhupada founded the International Society for Krishna Consciousness in 1965 in New York, a friend of his told him why he did not put God consciousness instead of Krishna, and Srila Prabhupda replied that Dio is somewhat vague, but Krishna is something concrete, and if someone does not know that Krishna is God, come here and we will explain it to them.

In the preface to Krishna's book Srila Prabhupada explains why Krishna is God: Now, one can ask the question why is Krishna the Supreme Personality of Godhead? The answer is, because He conforms exactly and in detail to the descriptions of the Supreme Being, the Divine, in other words, Krishna is God because He is supremely attractive. Beyond the principle of supreme attraction, there is no other meaning of the word "God." How can someone be supremely attractive? First of all, if someone is very rich, if he possesses great wealth, then he becomes an attractive person to people in general. Similarly, if someone is very powerful, he also becomes an attractive person; and if someone is very famous, very beautiful, or wise, or detached from all kinds of possessions, he also becomes an attractive person. Thus, from practical experience we can observe that one is attractive thanks to: 1) wealth, 2) power, 3) fame, 4) beauty, 5) wisdom and 6) renunciation. One who possesses all these six opulences simultaneously, and who possesses them to an unlimited degree, is understood to be the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Parasara Muni, a great Vedic authority describes these opulences of God. We have seen many rich, powerful, famous, beautiful, learned and learned people; we have seen many people who belong to the renounced order of life and who are detached from material possessions, but we have never seen anyone like Krishna in the history of mankind, who was simultaneously and unlimitedly rich, powerful, famous, beautiful , wise and detached. Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is a historical person who appeared on this planet five thousand years ago and behaved just like a human being; but his activities were unparalleled, from the moment of his appearance to the moment of his disappearance. Each of their activities is unique in the history of the world, and consequently whoever knows what we mean by the word "God" will accept Krishna as the Supreme Personality of Godhead. No one is equal to God, and no one is greater than Him. That is the meaning of the family proverb "God is great."

Krishna consciousness means the art of focusing our attention on God and giving him our love. Many people think that they will be happy promoting the cause of moral principles and religious rites, others think that they will be happy in economic development, and others through sense gratification, but the truth is that people can only be happy loving God or Krishna. And all the great representatives of God in different cultures like Jesus Christ, Srila Prabhupada, Muhammad, Confucius, etc. preach this truth: Love God above all things, and your neighbor as yourself. Krishna consciousness is not a sectarian but a universal process, and it is practiced all over the world, Srila Prabhupada always said that Krishna consciousness is simple for the simple-hearted and for those who are serious and sincere and it is complicated for those of twisted mind. Although the origin of Krishna consciousness is India, punya bhumi the land of piety, the caste system ruined the entire spiritual culture of India, so Srila Prabhupada came to the west to preach Krishna consciousness and then went to India with its Western disciples and Hindus were very surprised that Westerners full of love for God chanted the Hare Krishna maha-mantra. It is very interesting what Srila Prabhupada says in the introduction to the Bhagavad Gita about the difference between faith and sanatana dharma, faith can change, we see that a Christian becomes Muslim, or becomes Hindu, or vice versa, but sanatana dharma it does not change, sanatana means eternal, and dharma means duty, the eternal duty of the eternal spiritual soul is to serve God or Krishna and His devotees.

Personally I am very happy and happy to see that so many people are interested in knowing God and loving him, it is a fact that today there is a great spiritual awakening throughout the world, and that there are more and more peaceful dialogues between religions, The other day a friend of mine told me that Pope Francis spoke about the law of karma and when Srila Prabhupada was asked what he thought about Jesus Christ, he always said that Jesus Christ is our spiritual master, thank God we are no longer of the age In the middle of the Inquisition era, that for saying that the Earth was round they burned you at the stake, while that was happening in the West in India Sri Gauranga Mahaprabhu and his associates were discussing the Srimad Bhagavatam that informs us of the nature of all planets of the universe and the distances between all the planets in a scientific way.

lunes, 26 de agosto de 2024

Most beneficial

 Sri Janmasthami 2024 KI JAYA , JAGAT GURU Srila Prabhupada, KI JAYA

Most beneficial, by Haripada dasa

By the mercy of Srila Prabhupada we understand and accept that there is nothing more beneficial than associating with the pure devotees of God or Krishna, the association with the pure devotees of God or Krishna is more valuable than all the riches of the Universe and more valuable than going To the heavenly planets, a moment of association with the pure devotees of God or Krishna can free you from birth, death, old age and disease and go back home to God or Krishna.

If the association with the pure devotees of God or Krishna is so valuable because people do not associate with them, the answer is that the generality of the people or the heads of families think that their main duty is to give themselves to solve family problems , and that self-realization or enlightenment in spiritual knowledge is a secondary matter, and it is also that such people are very poor of heart that is why they do not associate with the pure devotees of God or Krishna.

I remember a class by Srila Prabhupada who said that people think that the time I am listening to a class of the Bhagavad Gita or the Bhagavatam, that time is better used to be in the office or at work and thus earn money. It is a very practical fact that one's desires and ambitions develop according to the company one has. If one maintains association with the devotees of God or Krishna, he will surely develop love for God or Krishna.

I share this beautiful verse from the Srimad-Bhagavatam (3-25-25) which says: “Conversations about the pastimes and activities of the Supreme Personality of Godhead in the company of pure devotees are very pleasant and satisfying to the ear and heart. One who cultivates this knowledge gradually advances along the path of liberation until he is liberated and his attraction is fixed. Then true devotion and true devotional service begin. "

Those who think that the great Masters like Srila Prabhupada and other Masters of the disciplic succession die, they reason eternally in their instructions and those who obey them live with them.

lunes, 19 de agosto de 2024

Srila Prabhupada's Men


Srila Prabhupada's Men, by Haripada dasa

Srila Prabhupada's men are people who have decided to use their lives to please Srila Prabhupada. Srila Prabhupada's men are by nature meek and humble, but when they see that there are people who offend Srila Prabhupada they are like lightning bolts. In the same way that drug addicts cannot do without their drug, Srila Prabhupada's men cannot live without reading Srila Prabhupada's books every day. Srila Prabhupada's men are always making plans for people to be happy in Krishna or God consciousness. Srila Prabhupada's men are the smartest people because they are always chanting Hare Krishna. Srila Prabhupada's men love even their enemies. Srila Prabhupada's men never engage in sense gratification. Srila Prabhupada's men are the only people who have overcome lower taste by finding great satisfaction in higher taste.

Srila Prabhupada's men are assured of their return home, their return to Godhead. Srila Prabhuada's men use everything for the service of Sri Guru and Sri Gauranga. Srila Prabhupada's men are obedient to Srila Prabhupada's instructions. Srila Prabhupada's men have no time for maya. Srila Prabhupada's men understand and accept that Srila Prabhupada is the Acharya through his books for the next 10,000 years. Srila Prabhupada's men establish relationships with other devotees based on spiritual love and trust. Srila Prabhupada's men are very careful to offend any moving or immobile living entity. Srila Prabhupada's men have found a taste in being the servants of others. Srila Prabhupada's men have decided that their love is for Srila Prabhupada. Srila Prabhupada's men understand and accept that many unauthorized people have used Srila Prabhupada for a living.

Srila Prabhupada's men understand and accept that Srila Prabhupada is our direct link to the guru-parampara. Srila Prabhupada's men understand and accept that Srila Prabhupada is the Jagat-guru the guru of the universe and to all devotees who have accepted Srila Prabhupada as the way, the truth and the life offer their respectful obeisances. Srila Prabhupada's men establish a friendly relationship and see all the devotees who have accepted Srila Prabhupada as their Gurudeva as godbrothers. Srila Prabhupada's men obey Srila Prabhupada's order to initiate on his behalf, they don't speculate.

lunes, 5 de agosto de 2024

Become a mouse again

 Become a mouse again, by Haripada dasa

According to the Harinama Chintamani, the pure devotee of Krishna is an ocean of mercy, and he distributes this mercy in 4 ways, 1, through his instructions, 2, the remnants of his food, 3, the dust of his lotus feet and 4, the water that washes his lotus feet, when Krishna's pure devotee enters his samadhi lila, the only way to live with him is by obeying his instructions. There are disciples who are so grateful for all his mercy that they sacrifice their life to make their Guru happy, and they develop great love for Sri Guru, and they become perfect devotees, and Krishna loves those devotees very much, and there are others who are very hypocritical, externally they pass themselves off as serious and sincere devotees, but internally they have many hidden desires, to illustrate this subject Srila Prabhupada expounded a story, the mouse and the sage, there was a mouse that was chased by cats, and he was to see a great sage who has many mystical powers, and he told the sage the cats want to devour me, and the sage told him what do you want, to be a cat, it's okay to be a cat, some time passed and he returned to the sage and He told him the dogs want to kill me, and the wise man said and what do you want, to be a dog, that's fine, be a dog, and in the end he went to see the wise man again and told him that the tigers want to devour me, and what do you want , be a tiger, okay, be a tiger, and stared at the wise man thought I'm here because I have my lunch, and the wise man told him to turn back into a mouse.

Srila Prabhupada criticized his disciples many times saying that they did not read his books, the result of not reading Srila Prabhupada's books is that one becomes fanatical and sentimental, I have come to the conclusion that to establish relationships with devotees based on in love and trust at least you have to be on the platform of Madhyama or intermediate, between Kanisthas or neophyte devotees it is not possible, because in the Kanistha there is envy, selfishness, hypocrisy and the tendency to fight with others is very strong, there is a book by Raghunatha dasa goswami entitled Mana-siksa or preaching to the mind, the essence of this book is that it tells us that the most difficult thing to purify is the tendency towards deception, we deceive ourselves and others, the only way to purify this is to dive into the ocean of nectar of Krishna consciousness.

lunes, 29 de julio de 2024

Here everyone has a chance

  Here everyone has a chance, by Haripada dasa

Here in the process of Krishna consciousness everyone has the opportunity to chant The Maha-Mantra Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare / Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare (the H is read as J for jota), and be happy in Krishna consciousness, here there is neither discrimination nor exploitation, everyone has the opportunity to lead a pure and sinless life, for that you have to follow the 4 regulative principles, 1, do not eat meat , fish or eggs, 2, no illicit sex, only sex for procreation and with one's wife is allowed, 3, no gambling, and 4, no tea, coffee, alcohol, drugs, etc., all have the opportunity to be initiated by a disciple of Srila Prabhupada who initiates in the name of Srila Prabhupada, here there is no place for opportunists or for climbing positions, here we are all friends and humble servants of each other, we are all friends and spiritual brothers and sisters , and the one with the greatest capacity to serve, we accept as leaders. natural der, of course we follow the spiritual etiquette that the senior devotee with more experience gives his mercy to the junior devotee, and the junior devotee is thankful and respectful to the senior devotee, everyone has the opportunity to follow all the instructions given in Srila Prabhupada's books, and helping each other do the same, by doing this we live with Srila Prabhupada and acquire his qualities. Our love and service is for Srila Prabhupada, and we have full faith that Srila Prabhupada is the authorized person who is going to take us back home, back to Krishna.

Here we are not interested in the opinions of an ordinary person, ordinary people have four types of defects, the first defect is that they tend to make mistakes, another defect is being in illusion, the third defect is the propensity to deceive and finally our senses they are imperfect. Any opinion other than revealed truth is worthless. Revealed truth means truth, or scripture that comes from a reliable source, the chain of disciplic succession formed by bona fide spiritual masters is the reliable source; since these people are self-realized and pure souls, and they are free from the four defects mentioned above. Here nobody speculates, we understand and accept that a person is speculating, when he does things in a capricious way without relying on the Guru, Sadhu and Sastra. Here only the original books of Srila Prabhupada are used, we are totally against all the changes that have been made to the original books of Srila Prabhupada. Here we have full faith that Srila Prabhupada is the way, the truth and the life, and if someone goes back home back to Godhead or Krishna, it is by Srila Prabhupada's mercy.

martes, 23 de julio de 2024

Most amazing

 Most amazing, by Haripada dasa

Once a great sage asked King Maharaja Yudisthir what is the most amazing thing there is, and the King replied that you see that relatives, friends and other people die, but one thinks that I will never die.

Usually people do not like to talk about death because they are very afraid, it is said that the devotee of God or Krishna experiences God through devotional service and that materialists and atheists experience God at the time of death. I remember a video of Srila Prabhupada speaking with some theologians and Srila Prabhupada telling them that God will come like death, and all his money, his prestige, his family, etc. It will be taken away, do you understand God now? God or Krishna says in the Bhagavat gita that I am death, I remember that in the fourth song of Srimad Bhagavatam to Maharaja Dhruva a plane from the spiritual world came for him and taking advantage that the personification of death came, he put his feet on the head of death to get on the plane, so until death he takes pleasure in serving the devotee of God or Krishna.

It is very interesting that the personification of death is represented as a skeleton with a harvest, that is to remind us that what you sow, harvest, in other words each person is the architect of his destiny, each one has what he deserves. , and God or Krishna also says that this material world is a place of suffering and temporary, someone can argue that I have a lot of money, women, material enjoyment, yachts, etc., that you have because you deserve it because surely in your life In the past you did many pious activities, but do not forget that everything is temporary. God or Krishna has created everything, therefore everything belongs to God or Krishna, as Srila Prabhupada always said that a person is honest and honest when he uses everything to serve God or Krishna and His devotees.

The process of God or Krishna consciousness is a scientific process, and it is for very brave people who want to raise their consciousness to a higher state, unhappily nowadays people think that God or Krishna things have already gone out of style. , now we are going to live full of lust, anger, greed, envy, pride and ignorance, and we are going to suffer and be deceived, that is true happiness, and out of envy they criticize and say that the devotees of God or Krishna are parasites of society, they do nothing for the country, for the family, always chanting The Maha-Mantra Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare / Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare (the H is read as J de jota), it is said that in the paradise of the foolish and ignorant, being a wise man is great foolishness.

lunes, 15 de julio de 2024

Letter to Srila Prabhupada, by Haripada dasa

 Letter to Srila Prabhupada, by Haripada dasa

With love and confidence I share my Vyasa Puja letter to Srila Prabhupada Mahasaya.

All the devotees who serve and love Srila Prabhupada write a letter called the Vyasa Puja letter, Vyasadeva is a literary incarnation of God or Krishna, He wrote all the Vedic literature, The Bhagavad-gita, The Srimad-bhagavatam, The Mahabharata etc, and our spiritual master's birthday is called Vyasa Puja day, on this day the spiritual master is glorified and thanked for all his mercy, all this spiritual knowledge given to us by Vyasadeva is transmitted from the guru to the disciple through the chain of disciplic succession, all these truths are eternal and never change, that's why Srila Prabhupada always said that the philosophy of Krishna consciousness is very easy, because we don't have to invent anything, we just have than to repeat what the previous spiritual masters said.

Thanks to Srila Prabhupada we have found the Truth and the Truth will set you free. Thanks to Srila Prabhupada we have come out of ignorance, which is the cause of all suffering. Thanks to Srila Prabhupada we have understood the purpose of human life, to understand and love God or Krishna, and since there is only God or Krishna and His energies, by doing this in a natural way one loves everyone and everything. Thanks to Srila Prabhupada we have understood that this material world is full of envy and is no place for a gentleman, here there are only cheaters and cheated. Thanks to Srila Prabhupada we hope to go back home to God and Krishna and His devotees, and the experience of having been in this material world will be a bad nightmare. Thanks to Srila Prabhupada we have understood that we are not the material body, but eternal spirit souls, eternal loving servants of God or Krishna and His devotees. Thanks to Srila Prabhupada we are now no longer a rudderless ship, now Srila Prabhupada is the person we trust and love the most. If Srila Prabupada had not come, what would have become of us?

lunes, 8 de julio de 2024

Help each other

 Help each other, by Haripada dasa

As I understand it, association with devotees means helping each other, and if in this association we see someone who has a lot of hypocrisy, personal interests and contradictions, our duty for the sake of that person and others is to help him, Srila Prabhupada He said that I am very proud to have had a disciple like Jayananda prabhu, and he also said that everyone should follow his example, the essence of Jayananda prabhu's life is that everything he did was for Srila Prabhupada to be happy, in him no vested interests existed, having vested interests in Krishna consciousness is terrible, once I sent a message titled the spiritual aspect, the gist of this message is that Srila Prabhupada taught us in practice that when the spiritual aspect is very strong, God or Krishna is very pleased and reciprocates with giving much intelligence and material opulence, association of devotees means open relationship based on love and trust, due We would like to ask each other, how are your 16 rounds going, are you chanting them, are you following the 4 regulative principles, are you reading Srila Prabhupada's books, when there is a good relationship with devotees we overcome our hypocrisy and impersonalism, I share a very nice poem Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura who has helped me a lot, he always said: "Forget the past, it is asleep, and in the future your heart must not dream, and in the present you must become Krishna conscious, that is your obligation".

When Srila Prabhupada arrived in the USA, he wrote some very beautiful poems, in one of them he said that when all the souls that are suffering in this material world are happy in Krishna consciousness, the wish of the Acharyas or authorized spiritual teachers will have been fulfilled. . That is the only wish of a true devotee, that everyone be happy in Krishna consciousness. Regarding leadership in Krishna consciousness, my humble opinion is that a leader is one who has the greatest capacity to serve, Jesus always said if you want to be a leader, become the servant of all, I agree that Srila Prabhupada gave readings on the Nectar of devotion in the 1972 Kartika at the Sri Radha Damodara in Vrindavana, his topics were the association of devotees, the position of the spiritual master and living in Vrindavana. "The spiritual master should be treated as Hari, the Supreme Person, even if he is offered the same respect as Hari, he must think that he is a humble servant of Hari and everyone, he thinks of his disciples as if they were his spiritual masters , that is the position, he must think that Krishna has sent him many spiritual masters, he does not think of himself as spiritual master, he thinks that he is a servant, because they have to be trained, Krishna has appointed him as the one who will train them, therefore he must think that he is the servant of his disciples."

martes, 2 de julio de 2024

I like the spiritual life

 I like the spiritual life, by Haripada dasa

Material life means sense gratification, egoism, me and mine, and the law of the funnel, wide for me and narrow for others, spiritual life means pleasing the transcendental senses of God or Krishna, always thinking about doing the good to others without wanting anything in return and it is also the law of the funnel but in reverse, the spiritualist sacrifices the wide part for the good of the narrow. I like to sing every day The Maha-Mantra Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare / Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare, (H is read as J for J) 16 rounds are at least 27,648 saints names of God, this with practice is from an hour and a half to two hours. I like to offer incense to the Altar and to the Deities, I like to offer food to Srila Prabhupada, Sri Gauranga Mahaprabhu and Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, I like to share spiritual experiences online and on Facebook, I like that my life is not controlled by worldly and demonic people, I like to go to Vrndavana in India, to distribute prasada or spiritual food to school children, to bathe in Radha Kunda, to make pilgrimage to the holy Govardana Hill, I like to study the books of Srila Prabhupada, that means associating with Srila Prabhupada, Bhaktivinoda Thakura always said that he reasoned badly who says that devotees of God or Krishna die, They are still living, in the sound!, they die to live, and while they live they try to spread the Holy name around the world. Many people asked him what will happen to his movement when you die, and Srila Prabhupada always said that I will never die, I will always live in my books and those who obey my spiritual instructions will always live with me, Srila Prabhupada wrote 80 books of 400 pages each , there is everything a person needs to practice genuine spiritual life.

I like to see that so many people are deprogramming themselves from material life and are having a great interest in knowing and loving God, I like to lead a pure and sinless life, that is why I have abandoned illicit sexual life, games of chance, drugs and the consumption of meat, fish and eggs, Krishna consciousness is the practice of spiritual activities, the result of these practices is that we transfer from the material world to the spiritual world. I like to go to bed at 10 at night and get up at 5 in the morning, God helps those who get up early. I like to establish relationships with other devotees based on spiritual love and trust. I like to be a humble servant of Srila Prabhupada and all of humanity.

Thanks to God or Krishna and His representative my spiritual master Srila Prabhupada since 1984 I detached myself from society, love and worldly friendships, since then I have tried to establish a relationship with people based on spiritual love and trust, love spiritual means the full conviction that success in life is to please God or Krishna and His devotees and confidence means that there will be no betrayal.

viernes, 28 de junio de 2024

Negative and positive changes

 Negative and positive changes, by Haripada dasa

This message is related to the changes that have been made to Srila Prabhupada's books, these changes are negative and positive, this requires an explanation, an example of negative changes is for example verse 4, 34 of the Gita, in the original it says that the self-realized soul can impart knowledge to you because he has seen the truth, that is, he puts the guru in the singular, but they changed him and put the self-realized souls can impart knowledge to you because they have seen the truth, these changes have not been made to satisfy Srila Prabhupada but to satisfy the personal interests of the many iskcon gurus, or in other words, they belittled Srila Prabhupada to favor others, and that is a mistake and a great offense against Srila Prabhupada, in negative changes there is always malice against Srila Prabhupada, and now I expose the positive changes.

For example in the meaning of the Gita, 10, 29 it is said that there is also a planet of trees where Aryama presides, we all understand that there is no planet of trees, as I understand the devotee who was listening to Srila Prabhupada's tape and writing the Gita he understood it that way, but if you look at the verse word by word it says that pitrinam means of the ancestors or ancestors, so in the meaning it should put that there is also a planet of ancestors or ancestors where Aryama presides, another example of positive changes, in the CC, AL, 6, 73 Srila Prabhupada says in the purport that this verse was spoken by Queen Kunti, but actually that verse was spoken by Rukmini, positive changes means that we are helping Sria Prabhupada in his service of writing his books, and unlike the negative changes that are based on malice against Srila Prabhupada, the positive changes are based on love for Srila Prabhupada. I would like to know your opinion on all this.

lunes, 17 de junio de 2024

Disciples of Srila Prabhupada

 Disciples of Srila Prabhupada, by Haripada dasa

The example of a perfect disciple of Srila Prabhupada is Jayananda Prabhu, he was always busy serving Srila Prabhupada with love and devotion, he always chanted his 16 rounds of The Maha-Mantra Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare / Hare Rama , Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare (H is read as J for J), strictly followed the 4 regulative principles and chanted his 3 Gayatris, the result of this is that this great devotee was the friend of the whole world. Now I am going to analyze the mentality of the false disciples of Srila Prabhupada, they think that because they are disciples of Srila Prabhupada they are the chosen ones, and if they see that someone does wonderful services, but is not a disciple of Srila Prabhupada, they think that this devotee is worthless , is doomed, the fake Srila Prabhupada disciples, they don't chant the 16 rounds or follow the 4 regulative principles, and yet they want everyone to respect them, and the followers of these fake Srila Prabhupada disciples, are worse than them , because they think that when my guru dies, I will be his successor, so those people create a society of cheaters and cheated, and they are very strange, envious and very dangerous people, you have to be afraid of those people, and you have to ignore them .

It is very interesting what Srila Prabhupada says in Chaitanya Charitamrita, Madhya lila, 15, 111: Being properly initiated or not is not something to be taken into account. An initiated person may still be contaminated by the Māyāvāda philosophy, but a person who casually chants the holy name of the Lord will not be subject to such contamination. A properly initiated Vaiṣṇava may be imperfect, but one who casually chants the holy name of the Lord is completely perfect. I take this opportunity to thank Nalini Kantha prabhu for having initiated me in the name of Srila Prabhupada, that has helped me a lot to feel the presence of Srila Prabhupada and in my life and to purify myself from the contamination of having been previously initiated by two false gurus, and i also want to thank mahatma prabhu because thanks to him i have known the glories of jayananda prabhu.

lunes, 10 de junio de 2024

Return to God

  Return to God, by Haripada dasa

Human life is to achieve values. This form of human life is one that can provide values. And, what is the greatest value that can be achieved in life? To return home, back to Godhead, one's egoism should aim to go back to Godhead. Notice how merciful is God or Krishna, Pure Kindness, even though we have turned our backs on Him, He keeps us by giving us food, water, etc., everything, the reason we are in this material world, the world of envy, is that we have misused free will, and we have turned our backs on God thinking that we will be happy without God, and God is so merciful that he does not interfere with our freedom, the material world is a true prison where rebellious souls are punishes them, so-called material pleasures cause more suffering, but because punishments are remedies, souls are reformed through suffering, when a person suffers the false ego loosens, but how right Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura was when he always said that the rebellious soul is hostile to serving God and His devotees.

The consciousness of God or Krishna is a spiritual science, and to reach the goal of life which is to have love for God, one has to go through nine stages, the first is faith, then one associates with pure devotees of God, the The result of this is that faith increases, then one begins to chant the Hare Krishna maha-mantra, by singing and leading a sinless life, the heart is purified of the bad qualities that rob the soul of energy, these are the lust, anger, greed, envy, pride and ignorance, then one gets fixed in spiritual life, then one likes spiritual life, then one becomes attached to spiritual life, then when one does spiritual practices he feels spiritual emotions, tears in his eyes and the hairs on his body stand on end, etc., and then love for God, when one reaches this goal he cannot live without God just as a fish cannot live without water.

The difference between the spiritual culture of India and other cultures is that in the Holy Scriptures of India there are ten billion verses that inform us of the unlimited names, forms, qualities and pastimes of God, and there are also many detailed information about God. what is the Kingdom of God, there only exists God, His Devotees and the love relationships between God or Krishna and His Devotees.

In the Nectar of Devotion in chapter 9 it is said the price that must be paid to return to God, to return to our true home, in other words, we must learn to cry for the Lord. We must learn this little technique, and we must be very eager ---and actually cry--- to engage in some particular kind of service. This is called laulyam, and those tears are the price of the highest perfection. If this laulyam, or excessive yearning to find and serve the Lord in some particular way, develops in someone, it is the price for entering the Kingdom of God. Otherwise, there is no material way to calculate the value of the ticket that allows us to enter the Kingdom of God. The only price for that ticket is this laulyaí lālasāmayī, or desire and longing.

lunes, 3 de junio de 2024

Bharata Varsa or India

 Bharata Varsa or India, by Haripada dasa

Formerly India was called Bharata Varsa, in honor of the great Holy King Bharatha Maharaja, in the 18 chapter of the Nectar of devotion the great Holy King is glorified.

There is a good example of this detachment in relation to the character of King Bharata. In the Fifth Canto, Chapter 14, verse 43, of Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam it is said: "Emperor Bharata was so attracted by the beauty of Kṛiṣhṇa's lotus feet that even in his youthful life he gave up all attachments to family , children, friends, kingdom, etc., as if they were untouchable feces”.

I remember a walk by Srila Prabhupada who said that this planet Earth is very good for spiritual unrealization, and the best place for spiritual life is India, and the best of India is Bengal, there is a saying that what it is done in Bengal, it is done all over India, and this is because Sri Gauranga Mahaprabhu appeared there more than 500 years ago, He is Krishna Himself playing the role of Krishna's devotee, to teach us all to be Krishna's devotees.

The entire spiritual culture of India was destroyed by the caste brahmanas, they invented that no one can be a brahmana if one is not born into a brahmana family, Srila Prabhupada and all the guru parampara destroyed this invented idea, in the sastras or scriptures it is said that If one is a brahmana but is not a devotee of Krsna, he is the lowest of mankind, and if one is born in a dog-eating family but becomes a devotee of Krsna, he is the most glorified and fortunate person.

jueves, 30 de mayo de 2024

Brahmana and Vaisnava

 Brahmana and Vaisnava, by Haripada dasa

Srila Prabhupada always said that you have to be conscious first and then Krishna conscious. A conscientious person is one who lives in the mode of goodness, for a person to live in the mode of goodness they have to live a life without sins and strictly follow the 4 regulative principles: 1- Do not eat meat, fish or eggs , 2- No gambling, 3- No illicit sex, only sex with your own wife to procreate and 4- No intoxication, no tea, no coffee, no tobacco and no alcohol. By chanting the Hare Krishna maha-mantra one will have spiritual strength to follow these four rules and regulations, the first thing Srila Prabhupada did is to give the Hare Krishna maha-mantra, and by chanting it one obtains the necessary strength and purification to be able to lead a life sinless and follow the 4 rules and regulations above. When Srila Prabhupada performed the first initiations in New York, then he put a piece of paper written in his own handwriting in the temple, on the paper it was said that all initiates must follow these 4 rules and regulations, and the devotees asked Srila Prabhupada what is there to follow those 4 rules and regulations? and Srila Prabhupada very happily replied that it is good that they have asked me, yes, those 4 rules and regulations must be followed.

In the Bhagavatam, 7, 11, 14 the 6 brahminical activities are said, by practicing them one becomes a brahmana: 1- Study the Sacred Scriptures or sastras, 2- Teach the sastras to others, 3- Worship the Deities, 4 - Teach others to worship the Deities, 5- Receive charity, and 6- Give charity.

In the verses of Srimad Bhagavatam, first canto, chapter 2, verses 17 to 21, the entire process of Krishna consciousness is explained in a scientific way. By serving Srila Prabhupada with faith, love, attachment and gratitude one acquires the 26 qualities of a Vaisnava: 1) He is always kind to everyone, 2) He does not seek quarrels, 3) His interest lies in the essence of life , which is spiritual, 4) He is equal to everyone, 5) No one can find fault with him, 6) His mind is magnanimous, 7) His mind is always pure, 8) His mind is always sharp, 9) His mind He is always devoid of material obsessions, 10) He is a benefactor to all living entities, 11) He is peaceful, 12) He is always surrendered to Krishna, 13) He has no material desires, 14) He is very humble, 15) He is always fixed on his purpose, 16) He has triumphed over the six material qualities such as lust and anger, 17) He does not eat more than he needs, 18) He is always prudent, 19) He is always respectful to others, 20) He does not demand respect for himself, 21) He is serious, 22) He is merciful, 23) He is friendly, 24) He is poetic, 25) He is expert and 26) He is silent. (The teachings of Lord Chaitanya, chapter XII, The Devotee).

lunes, 20 de mayo de 2024

Glories to Srila Jayananda Prabhu

 Glories to Srila Jayananda Prabhu

We celebrate the disappearance of Srila Jayananda Prabhu, I share this glorification of Jayananda Prabhu, this great devotee is the example of the perfect disciple of Srila Prabhupada, this great devotee will be a great inspiration for future generations of devotees of Srila Prabhupada and Krishna, just as I I understand, the essence of this great soul is that all he did was for Srila Prabhupada to be happy, and he never did anything that displeased Srila Prabhupada, he was not a politician, I like him, he is my friend, he falls for me wrong, is my enemy, was humble, tolerant and everyone's friend, and never criticized anyone, Srila Prabhupada said that I am very proud to have had a disciple as good as Jayananda prabhu, everyone should follow his example. This great devotee enjoyed serving Srila Prabhupada and Krishna and the whole world, and that is the perfection of Krishna consciousness, that can only be done when one has awakened his great love for Srila Prabhupada and Krishna. As I understand it, only people who have sacrificed their lives to make Srila Prabhupada happy can receive the mercy of Krishna, if you want see a video about Jayananda Prabhu this is the link:

lunes, 13 de mayo de 2024

Love for God

 Love for God, for Haripada dasa

There is a spiritual book called the Madhurya Kadambini or the Nectar Clouds of Srila Visvanatha Chakravarti, there in a scientific way reveals all the experiences that we all must go through from faith to love for God, faith means that one obeys the instructions given in the holy scriptures, then one associates with the devotees, that increases the faith, then one is initiated by the authorized spiritual master, the initiation means that the disciples accept the instruction of the spiritual master and Kṛiṣhṇa accepts the disciple immediately to give him a spiritual body, the result of initiation is that one becomes purified of all the dirty things of the heart, such as lust, anger, greed, etc., then one becomes fixated on devotional service, then one likes the spiritual life, then one becomes attached to the spiritual life, then one experiences spiritual emotions and then one comes to love for God, and thus one fulfills the purpose of life Human love for God is eternally there in everyone's heart, and it is awakened when one practices Krishna consciousness. Ecstatic love for Kṛiṣhṇa (prema) is explained in the Bhakti-rasāmṛita-sindhu (1.41) with the following words: “When the heart has completely softened and is free from all material desires, and when emotional feelings become very strong, a person becomes very attached to Kṛiṣhṇa. This purified emotion is known by the name of pure love.

In the state of love for God or Krishna he considers his friends as useless as a desert, too big, and his home becomes like a thorn forest, the food becomes completely tasteless, the praise of other devotees seems to him like the bite of a snake, daily activities seem as painful as death. All the members of his body are like an unbearable burden, the consolation of his companions is like poison. Although he is constantly awake, he is awake. Like an ocean of penance, and if the dream comes it is seen as mortal (worldly) anguish. His body seems like the Lord's target of punishment. And breathing seems as sterile as sowing roasted grains. What else can be said? That what were always his favorite things are now abandoned as great calamities. Even thinking about the Lord is like tearing your body to pieces.

Cheers! Srila Prabhupada instructed us and said that everyone should follow Jayananda prabhu's example, let's all try to obey this instruction together and make Jagat-guru Srila Prabhupada Mahasaya happy, and not do anything that displeases him.

lunes, 6 de mayo de 2024

The most dangerous animal

  The most dangerous animal, by Haripada dasa

The most dangerous animal is the human being, this animal is happy when he sees others suffer and suffers when he sees others happy. A person is known by their activities and qualities, also by their friendships, in other words, tell me who you hang out with and I will tell you who you are. There are two classes of people, the divine and the demonic, now I am going to expose their qualities so that they do not deceive you. Divine people are kind, tolerant, friendly to everyone, always respect everyone and never want to be respected, are truthful, pure in heart, conquer hunger, thirst, lamentation and envy, do not deceive themselves nor others, they are happy when they see others happy in God or Krishna consciousness and suffer when they see others suffer and have God or Krishna and His representatives as their best friends. At no time do they forget God or Krishna and His devotees, in all moments of life they feel the protection of God or Krishna and His devotees. They live free from fear because their future is very bright and they know that they will go back home, back to Godhead or Krishna. God or Krishna empowers them to make demonic people divine. They use their egoism to go back home back to Godhead or Krishna. They do not envy anyone because they live full of peace and satisfaction. They know God or Krishna and they love Him and because there is only God or Krishna and His energies they naturally love everyone and everything.

Demonic people are intolerant, dirty at heart, they only seek to be respected and they do not respect anyone, they are very envious and do not believe in God or Krishna, they themselves think they are God or Krishna. They are very adept at exploiting and controlling others. His greatest suffering is to see divine people happy and free in God or Krishna consciousness. If a person associates with divine people he ends up being a divine person and if he associates with demonic people he ends up being a demonic person, tell me who you hang out with and I will tell you who you are.

I end this message with a high thought to meditate, no one can hurt you, only you can hurt yourself.

lunes, 29 de abril de 2024


 Respect, by Haripada dasa

In chapter five, verse 18 of The Bhagavad Gita it is said that one who has spiritual vision sees with the same equality a humble priest, a cow, an elephant, a dog and a dog-eater, this is to have true respect. Today people do not respect anything or anyone because they do not respect themselves, the other day a young woman was driving her car all drugged up and ran over 3 cyclists and killed them. Respect is the basis for coexistence, when respect is lost, offenses enter, people do not know how to live without offending others. There are no educational institutions that teach people to be peaceful and respectful, and parents do not want their children to be peaceful and respectful, once some parents told me that they had to take their son to a psychologist because they saw that their son was very strange, he didn't go after women and he didn't go to discos, he went to the mountains and he was a vegetarian, so they were very worried.

 Political leaders don't want people to be peaceful and respectful, political parties are made to spread materialism and atheism, nowadays they do hate trials, they don't believe in the law of karma, the law of karma means that any suffering that you do to another living entity, that same suffering you will have to suffer in your own person, violence begets violence, animals follow the laws of nature in a natural way, it is an act of hatred when one kills a animal because by killing it you are interrupting its evolution, I mean, if an animal had to live 20 years, and you kill it when it is 10 years old, that soul that lives in the animal has to be reborn in the same species to complete its 20 years, to understand this point the example given is that I go to your apartment and break everything, that is a criminal act because I am causing inconvenience to the person who lives in that apartment, non-violence means that you let the animal live and die naturally, and act of hate is that you kill the animal. If you want to eat meat, fine, you eat it when the animal dies, but don't kill it, because killing is an act of hate. Why don't they prosecute everyone who eats meat, fish and eggs for acts of hate?

Srila Prabhupada says in his books that just because of the killing of innocent animals, the karmic reaction to this is that every once in a while there is a world war and millions of people die. Nowadays people don't believe in anything, they are worse than animals, they only believe in money and power. Usually people do not awaken to a higher consciousness because they are full of envy, fear, doubt, fanaticism, speculation, prejudice, and are full of sinful activities, and they have no interest in purifying themselves. I end this message with a beautiful verse from Srimad Bhagavatam that says don't be a father or mother, don't be a ruler, don't be a spiritual master, but you are capable of liberating your dependents from the cycle of birth and death.

lunes, 22 de abril de 2024

Humility, delusion and tolerance

 Humility, delusion and tolerance, by Haripada dasa

Humility, humility means feeling insignificant, and if we do something positive to help others awaken to their Krishna consciousness, it is by the mercy of Srila Prabhupada and God or Krishna.

On cheating, on a walk in Mayapur, India, March 14, 1976 Srila Prabhupada says that the whole world is a society of cheaters and cheated, that is my Gurudeva's version, so don't become a cheater and don't let fool you, that's intelligence.

All conditioned souls are born with 4 defects, 1, we make mistakes, to err is human, 2, we have imperfect senses, 3, we have the tendency to fall into ignorance and 4, we have the tendency to deceive ourselves and others .

In Srila Raghunatha Dasa Gosvami's book entitled mana-siksa or preaching to the mind, he says that the only medicine to cure delusion is humility, humility means feeling insignificant, and if we do something positive to help others awaken their Krishna consciousness, it is by the mercy of Srila Prabhupada and God or Krishna.

On tolerance, Jesus Christ was given many offenses and was crucified, but he prayed to God for his offenders. He was merciful and tolerant, it is said that a great personality is measured by his degree of tolerance, of course tolerance and mercy are two qualities that go together, a person is tolerant when he is very merciful, materialists are not even tolerant nor merciful, every day they send millions and millions of innocent animals to the slaughterhouse, and they are not tolerant, I saw how a person honked at the car in front because the traffic light had turned green and the other got out of the car all upset and they ended up punching each othe

lunes, 15 de abril de 2024

The symptom of love

  The symptom of love, by Haripada dasa

Years ago, a devotee named Devarsi prabhu translated some things from the books of conversations into Spanish and gave me those translations. I remember reading an interview there between Sria Prabupada and one of his disciples. Srila Prabhupada said that I will play the Christian and you will play Hare Krishna, Srila Prabhupada told him that we have millions and millions of followers, temples, etc., and you are very few, the devotee said, but we have love for God or Krishna and that is the important thing, Srila Prabhupada told him He said that we also have love for God and we go to church and pray to him, the devotee told him that if you had love for God you would obey his orders, Jesus ordered you not to kill and you have the best slaughterhouses, and Srila Prabhupada told him that there It is where I wanted to take you. The symptom that you love God is that you obey his orders. A person who does not know or love God cannot obey God's orders. Today there are many groups of Christians, and also of Hare Krishnas, so that you are not deceived, you must see if these people are obeying the orders of Jesus and Srila Prabhupada.

One of the points of the philosophy of Krishna consciousness is that we are not interested in the opinions of an ordinary person, ordinary people have four kinds of faults, the first fault is that they tend to make mistakes, another fault is that they are in illusion , the third defect is the propensity to deceive and finally our senses are imperfect. Any opinion other than revealed truth is worthless. Revealed truth means truth, or scripture that comes from a reliable source, the chain of disciplic succession formed by bona fide spiritual masters is the reliable source; since these people are self-realized and pure souls, and they are free from the four defects mentioned above. You can cheat yourself and others, but no one can cheat God or Krishna and His pure devotees.

In Srimad Bhagavatam, 5, 26, 15 Srila Prabhupada says that whether we are Hindus, Muslims or Christians, we all must follow the religious principles that correspond to us. However, whoever invents his own religious path, or does not follow any religious principles, will be punished in hell.

lunes, 8 de abril de 2024


 Blessings, by Haripada dasa

In relation to the blessings, Srila Prabhupada always told a very interesting story, once a Spiritual Master was walking with his disciples, and in the course of the walk he gave different blessings to several people, first they met a King, and the Master The Spiritual Master told him that I bless you that you live, but do not die….later they met a butcher, and the Spiritual Master told him that I bless you that you do not live and do not die….then they met a pure devotee of God or Krishna and the Spiritual Master told him that you are the same whether you live or die, upon hearing these blessings the disciples did not understand them and told the Spiritual Master to please explain the blessings, and the Spiritual Master said that the King live but do not die means that now that he is King the opulence that God has given him instead of using it to serve God and His devotees, he is using it for his sense gratification, to your personal enjoyment, that's why you live but don't die because when you die you will have to spend a lot of time in hell, then to the butcher you don't live or die, that means that this person his life is hell, always cutting meat, his hands full of blood, and when I die more hell, and to the pure devotee of God or Krishna I told him that it is the same whether you live or die, because living you are living with God or Krishna always, and when you die you will continue living with God or Krishna and His devotees in the spiritual world. A great Spiritual Master always said that those who say that the devotees of God or Krishna die, they die to live, and living are always expanding the glories of God or Krishna and His devotees, reason badly.

Nowadays there is no interest in knowing God and loving him, people have very few reserves of pious activities from their past lives, from the time they get up until they go to bed they only do sinful activities, thus their brain is full of cow dung, they do not understand the simplest truths of life, there is only sense gratification, a demonic principle, the symptom that one has an interest in spiritual life is that they ask spiritual questions, for example what and who am I, why do I not want suffer and I suffer, what and who is God, how can I purify my existence, what awaits me after death, etc., when a person asks himself these questions he is said to be aware of God, the problem is pride, one thinks I know everything, nobody is above me, I am the best, because of his pride that person will never learn from anyone, only the humble person learns from everyone.

miércoles, 3 de abril de 2024

An ocean of mercy

 An ocean of mercy, by Haripada dasa

Srila Prabhupada is an ocean of mercy. The spiritual master receives the blessing of the ocean of mercy. Just as a cloud pours water on a forest fire to put it out, the spiritual master releases the afflicted material world by extinguishing the blazing fire of material existence. I offer my respectful obeisances to the lotus feet of that spiritual master, who is an ocean of auspicious qualities.

I share a very moving story, we were in Vrindavana, India, in the house of some Italian devotees, we were respecting some maha-prasada pizzas, a very old disciple of Srila Prabhupada arrived, I don't remember her name, but I know she was Lohitaksa's wife , she told us that Srila Prabhupada was in the temple in New York and they were doing guru puja, suddenly a person with very long hair and a beard and very dirty entered the temple as if it were a dog on all fours. He headed towards Srila Prabhupada, Srila Prabhupada recognized him immediately, and crying at Srila Prabhupada's lotus feet told him several times that forgive me I have failed you, Srila Prabhupada crying was stroking his head, and all the devotees in the guru puja were crying, then that person left and no one ever heard from him.

A few years ago I was talking to an Iskcon guru in Vrindavana, India, he told me that Srila Prabhupada deviated from the guru-parampara by ordering his disciples to initiate in his name or the Ritvik philosophy, as this philosophy does not come in the Sastras or Scriptures, when I heard this I thought that this person has less intelligence than a mosquito, I told him that Srila Prabhupada distributes his mercy to everyone, but if you do not want to obtain it, the fault is yours, Srila Prabhupada ordered his disciples who initiated in his name, this is supported by a special document that Srila Prabhupada sent to all Iskcon from Vrindavana, India, on July 9, 1977, anyone can read this document, and if you do not want to obey this order, blame It is not from Srila Prabhupada but from you. I also told him that according to Harinama-chintamani, the result of offending the guru is that one becomes a mayavadi or atheist. Then some years passed and we also saw each other in Vrindavana, and he said sorry for what I told you several years ago, I replied that you should not ask forgiveness from me, but from Srila Prabhupada.

lunes, 25 de marzo de 2024

We are all devotees


We are all devotees, by Haripada dasa

Srila Prabhupada said in 1972 in Kartika in Vrindavana that we must always be ready to offer respect to everyone, because each living entity is originally a devotee of God or Krishna, but circumstantially the soul being covered by ignorance, is acting as a demon, in this world there are divine and demonic people, divine people obey the laws of God or Krishna and demonic ones do not, but everyone's original nature is to be a devotee of God or Krishna.

The first thing to do in devotional life is to purify the designations, the designations mean the things that we are not but that we think we are, for example people in general think that I am the body, and therefore I am Spanish, American , Hindu, etc., I am the master of everything, my house and my family belong to me, I am the enjoyer, the controller of everything, this woman is my wife, here is my son, here is my brother, etc., everything these are designations, the result of living with designations is that the person lives full of fear, envy, ignorance and very conditioned, a soul free of designations believes and experiences that I am not the body, but an eternal spiritual soul, a loving servant of God or Krishna and His devotees, my relatives are also children of God or Krishna, my house and everything I own belongs to God or Krishna and I use everything for the service of God or Krishna, the result of having that God consciousness or Krishna, is that the person lives happily and free.

In devotional life there are three kinds of devotees of God or Krishna, the neophyte, the middle stage, and the perfect devotee. First you have to understand what faith is, faith means having complete conviction that when chanting the Maha-Mantra Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare / Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare (the H se read as J for j) will automatically fulfill all duties and complete all godly activities. The neophyte devotee exhibits a faith that is formal, even worldly, worships Deity but has not developed an interest in serving the representative of God or Krishna, the authorized spiritual master, the devotee in the middle stage develops loving affection for God or Krishna , makes friends with other devotees, has compassion for innocent people, an innocent person is one who believes in God or Krishna, but is not advanced in spiritual life, and avoids the company of atheists, and the perfect devotee is one who he sees God or Krishna everywhere, and God or Krishna is his life and soul, his life revolves around The Maha-Mantra Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare / Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare (the H is read as J for j), for him, the Holy Name of God or Krishna is the essence of everything.