martes, 15 de junio de 2021

Love for God


Love for God, for Haripada dasa

There is a spiritual book called the Madhurya Kadambini or the Nectar Clouds of Srila Visvanatha Chakravarti, there in a scientific way reveals all the experiences that we all must go through from faith to love for God, faith means that one obeys the instructions given in the holy scriptures, then one associates with the devotees, that increases the faith, then one is initiated by the authorized spiritual master, the initiation means that the disciples accept the instruction of the spiritual master and Kṛiṣhṇa accepts the disciple immediately to give him a spiritual body, the result of initiation is that one becomes purified of all the dirty things of the heart, such as lust, anger, greed, etc., then one becomes fixated on devotional service, then one likes the spiritual life, then one becomes attached to the spiritual life, then one experiences spiritual emotions and then one comes to love for God, and thus one fulfills the purpose of life Human love for God is eternally there in everyone's heart, and it is awakened when one practices Krishna consciousness. Ecstatic love for Kṛiṣhṇa (prema) is explained in the Bhakti-rasāmṛita-sindhu (1.41) with the following words: “When the heart has completely softened and is free from all material desires, and when emotional feelings become very strong, a person becomes very attached to Kṛiṣhṇa. This purified emotion is known by the name of pure love.

In the state of love for God or Krishna he considers his friends as useless as a desert, too big, and his home becomes like a thorn forest, the food becomes completely tasteless, the praise of other devotees seems to him like the bite of a snake, daily activities seem as painful as death. All the members of his body are like an unbearable burden, the consolation of his companions is like poison. Although he is constantly awake, he is awake. Like an ocean of penance, and if the dream comes it is seen as mortal (worldly) anguish. His body seems like the Lord's target of punishment. And breathing seems as sterile as sowing roasted grains. What else can be said? That what were always his favorite things are now abandoned as great calamities. Even thinking about the Lord is like tearing your body to pieces.

Cheers! Srila Prabhupada instructed us and said that everyone should follow Jayananda prabhu's example, let's all try to obey this instruction together and make Jagat-guru Srila Prabhupada Mahasaya happy, and not do anything that displeases him.

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