miércoles, 26 de febrero de 2020

I am that inhabitant of Vrindavana

I am that inhabitant of Vrindavana, by Haripada dasa
Once a disciple of Lokanatha swami told me that his guru had told him that he once told Srila Prabhupada that you say in his books that to enter Vrindavana's mood we have to follow in the footsteps of a Vrindavana inhabitant, but I no, I don't know any inhabitant of Vrindavana, and Srila Prabhupada told him that I AM THAT INHABITANT OF VRINDAVANA.
The whole problem in Iskcon and outside Iskcon is the poor realization that people have to understand and accept that and who Srila Prabhupada is. Srila Prabhupada is a SAKTYAVESA AVATARA, A NITYA SIDDHA, THE MOR SENA PATI THE COMMANDER IN HEAD OF THE SPIRITUAL FORCES OF SRI GAURANGA MAHAPRABHU, THE ACHARYA OF OUR DISCIPLE SUCCESSION THAT WAS TO ESTABLISH THE SINGLE OF THE BIRTH OF THE BIRTH OF THE CARRIER KRISHNA WILL SING IN EVERY PEOPLE AND VILLAGE, THE ACHARYA THAT MOST EXPANDED KRISHNA'S AWARENESS THROUGHOUT THE WORLD, THE ACHARYA THAT THROUGH HIS BOOKS WILL BE THE ACHARYA FOR THE NEXT 10,000 YEARS. Now why people do not understand or accept this, because instead of obeying Srila Prabhupada they offend him, if a person obeys Srila Prabhupada and sings his 16 rounds, he follows the 4 regulatory principles and does a service to Srila Prabhupada with faith , love, attachment and thanks, Krishna or God will be very happy with that person and from the heart will give him the ability to LOVE KRISHNA OR GOD AND EVERYONE, TO GIVE MERCY TO THE INNOCENT, WILL GIVE THE LOVE TO THE DEVILS AVOIDING THEM AND WILL DO FRIENDSHIP WITH THE TRUE DEVOTES. Only the good souls who have sacrificed their lives to make Srila Prabhupada happy, God or Krishna gives them the intelligence to understand who and who Srila Prabhupada is.
Today there are very unfortunate people, people who think they are on the same level as Srila Prabhupada, (SPIRITUAL SUPERMAN) people very sick of the soul, and who do not believe in God or Krishna, nor in Srila Prabhupada, nor in the law of karma , those people are called mayavadis, and anyone who contacts that kind of people their spiritual life is ruined. The fate of these people is very dark.
We all know what Srila Prabhupada wants from us, that we sing our 16 rounds of the Hare Krishna maha-mantra without offenses, that we follow the 4 regulative principles very strictly, 1, do not eat meat, fish or eggs, 2, no illicit sex, just sex is allowed to procreate and with one's wife, 3, not gambling, and 4, not drinking tea, coffee, alcohol, drugs, etc., that we lead an honest life without deceiving ourselves or others , that we establish personal relationships with other devotees based on love and trust, that we do not change the message of the guru-parampara, that we do not fight each other, that we free ourselves from sexual attraction by experiencing a superior taste or in others Words that we are HAPPY IN THE CONSCIOUSNESS OF KRISHNA, SARVE SUKHINO BHAVANTU.
That the Jagat-guru, the Savior of the Fallen, Saktyavesa Avatara, MOR SENA PATI, THE COMMANDER IN HEAD OF THE SPIRITUAL FORCES OF SRI GAURANGA MAHAPRABHU, A.C. BHAKTIVEDANTA SWAMI PRABHUPADA bless you and protect you all.

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