martes, 11 de junio de 2019

About feelings of separation

About feelings of separation
With love and confidence I share these verses of Sri Chaitanya Charitamrita, Madhya lila, 4, 178 and 197 about feelings of separation.
The translation of verse 178 says that Chaitanya Mahāprabhu exposed the intense level of love of Mādhavendra Purī to the judgment of Nityānanda Prabhu. "All your love activities are extraordinary," Chaitanya Mahāprabhu said. Truly, when we hear about his activities, we are amazed. "And in the meaning Srila Prabhupada says that the living entity has achieved supreme success in life when he feels spiritual separation from Kṛṣṇa (kṛṣṣṇa-viraha). When you do not feel an interest in material things, you are simply experiencing the other side of attraction for material things. However, feeling separation from Kṛṣṇa and engaging in the service of the Lord to fulfill His mission is the best example of love for Kṛṣṇa. Śrī Chaitanya Mahāprabhu wanted to point out that intense love for Kṛṣṇa that was shown by Mādhavendra Purī. All the devotees of Chaitanya Mahāprabhu later followed the steps of Mādhavendra Purī, serving the Lord free of personal considerations.
The translation of verse 197, this verse is considered the supreme verse on the feelings of separation, there it says that "Oh, My Lord !, Oh, most merciful master !, Oh, master of Mathurā! When I'll see you? Because I do not see You, My troubled heart is restless. Oh, the dearest, what am I going to do now? "And in the meaning Srila Prabhupada says that the pollution-free devotees who are strictly based on Vedānta philosophy are divided into four sampradāyas or transcendental groupings. Of those four sampradāyas, Mādhavendra Purī followed Śrī Madhvācārya-sampradāya, and he received the order of sannyāsa according to the paramparā, the disciplic succession. From Madhvācārya to the āchārya Lakṣmīpati, who was the spiritual master of Mādhavendra Purī, there was no understanding of devotional service with conjugal love. It was Śrī Mādhavendra Purī who introduced for the first time the concept of conjugal love in the Madhvācārya-sampradāya; During His journey through southern India, Śrī Chaitanya Mahāprabhu revealed that conclusion of the Madhvācārya-sampradāya when He interviewed the Tattvavādīs, who supposedly belonged to the Madhvācārya-sampradāya.
When Śrī Kṛiṣhṇa left Vṛindāvana to accept the kingdom of Mathurā, Śrīmatī Rādhārāṇī, feeling the ecstasy of separation, expressed the love for Kṛṣṣṇa in separation. Therefore, devotional service with feelings of separation is the central aspect of this verse. For the Gauḍīya-Madhva-sampradāya, the worship with feelings of separation is the highest level of devotional service. According to that understanding, the devotee sees himself as an unfortunate who has been abandoned by the Lord. Therefore he addresses the Lord with the words dīna-dayārdra nātha, as did Mādhavendra Purī. That feeling of ecstasy is the supreme form of devotional service. Śrīmatī Rādhārāṇī suffered greatly because Kṛṣṣṇa had left for Mathurā, and He expressed Himself in the following way: "My dear Lord, now that I am separated from You, My mind is very agitated. Tell me, what can I do now? I am very unhappy, and You are very merciful. Please have compassion on Me and let me know when I can see you ». Śrī Chaitanya Mahāprabhu was always expressing the ecstatic emotions that Śrīmatī Rādhārāṇī showed to Uddhava in Vṛindāvana. In this verse, Mādhavendra Purī expresses those same feelings, according to his own experience of them. Therefore, the Vaiṣṇavas of the Gauḍīya-Madhva-sampradāya say that the ecstatic feelings that Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu experienced in His incarnation came from Śrī Mādhavendra Purī through Īśvara Purī. All devotees who follow the line of Gauḍīya-Madhva-sampradāya accept these principles of devotional service.

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