sábado, 16 de mayo de 2015


With love and trust I share this message titled where the crisis is.
Where is the crisis, Javier Figuerola
Recently there was a boxing match in Las Vegas, USA, in the event people spent millions and millions of dollars, to the organizers admitted that it was all an exaggeration, where the crisis is. Now the next June 6 will be played in Berlin, Germany, the final of the European Cup football, also million people, where the crisis is wear out. Scientists around the world millions and millions are spent on making space experiments and weaponry to accelerate the death of people, where the crisis is. All politicians, bankers and religious have very high salaries, where the crisis is. People generally spend millions and millions on sex, alcoholic beverages, drugs and gambling, where the crisis is. The only crisis that there is God consciousness, that if you feel in the atmosphere, very few people are serious and sincere to know and love God.
Everything in life is an experience. I have asked a donation to all deputies and senators of Spain to give food to our children in Vrindavan, India, I also asked a donation to businessmen, athletes, philosophers, very famous people from the media, religious, scientific and people in general. Nobody wanted to take even one euro cent. Will these people when they see someone who does good to others without wanting anything in return grabs envy them. Will these people have the heart harder than steel, and have no good feeling either by themselves or by others.
If there is no crisis that everyone says there is a crisis. That is an invention of poor people to inject fear into people, injecting fear of people is the most powerful weapon we have bad people. It is very difficult to find a person free from fear. Everyone is afraid of birth, death, disease and old age, they will remove the work, the bank will remove the house, afraid to be happy and free, afraid to think that the truth will free, afraid to love God and all people, fear of the future, and fear to lose their fear. The only fear we should have all is offending God and His devotees.
If you want to buy the two books printed me the Editorial United-pc are sold in amazon.es, the three classes of people and the biography of an insignificant person Part 1 is titled.
Your good friend
Javier Figuerola
http // alimentosparalapaz.blogspot.com
Watch our blog'll like the videos that I filmed in India, and if you give a donation our children in Vrindavan in India will thank you much

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