miércoles, 27 de mayo de 2015


With love and trust I share this message titled spiritual solution.
Even a blind man can see that the world they are ruining the politicians, bankers and false religious. As you can see in my reflections I have come to the conclusion that the only solution to all the problems of society is spiritual.
Spiritual solution, Javier Figuerola
I am fully convinced that the basis of political material is that the members of our political party are our friends and members of other political parties are our enemies, what is the cause of this philosophy? selfishness and jealousy, how is it possible for citizens to obtain some benefit for people full of selfishness and jealousy ?.
I am fully convinced that God owns everything, and that all things were created by Him, when a person uses all the service of God, an honorable and honest person becomes. We are all children of God, men, women, animals, insects, plants, reptiles, water, etc. God is our supreme father and best friend, and that He keeps us all and never abandons us. The success of our activities is that God is pleased with us.
I am fully convinced that political materials means the law of the funnel width narrow for me and for others. Spiritual policy means that God is in the center and there is an understanding and acceptance that we are all eternal spirit souls, eternal and loving servants of God, there is no pure goodness.
I am fully convinced that eating, sleeping, fearing and mating are the core activities of all living entities, and that the human form of life is the ability to understand who and what I am, who and what is God, what is my relationship with God and yet it is this material manifestation, which is the time that is karma or activities and what awaits us after death.
I am convinced that we are not dead matter but temporal eternal spiritual souls, we feed the body, but if we do not feed the soul, there will be problems and imbalances, this applies to personal and collective level.
 I am fully convinced that the essence of all religions is the same, the mandate of all religions is that since you get up until you lie down and worship your Lord glorify God. We understand and accept that religion means God's laws and obey these laws result is that one is enabled to be transferred to the spiritual world, back home to go back to God, religion also means knowing and loving God.
I am fully convinced that the only crisis that exists today is the lack of interest that people have to know and love God.
I am fully convinced that the true unity of all people in the world, no matter their skin color, religion, profession, nationality, etc. It is given on the spiritual platform, there are no discrimination, injustice, ignorance, envy, fear, fanaticism and doubts. In the spiritual platform there is only transcendental knowledge, bliss and eternity.
 I am convinced that good people are kind, tolerant, friendly with everyone, always respect everyone and never want to be respected, they are true, pure of heart, conquer hunger, thirst, lamentation and envy, not deceive themselves or others, they are happy when they see others happy in God consciousness and suffer when they see others suffer and have as their best friends to God and His representatives. Poor people are intolerant, dirty heart, only seek to be respected and they do not respect anyone, are very envious and do not believe in God, they themselves think they are God. If a person is associated with good people just being a good person and if it is associated with poor people just being bad person, tell me who your friends are and I'll tell you who you are.
I am fully convinced that it must introduce spiritual education in colleges and universities to change the demoniac face of society. The disparity in human society is due to the lack of principle prevailing in an atheistic civilization. There God or the Almighty, from whom everything emanates, who all maintained and in whom everything is melted to rest. Material science has tried very poorly to find the original and ultimate source of creation, but it is a fact that there is an original and supreme of all that exists source. When a person is highly educated spiritually knows God and loves, and becomes so spiritual force that is educated enough to fend off the onslaught of atheists, and, above all, the ability to convert others, by accepting God as a particular principle.
I am fully convinced that to achieve peace and harmony in society must publish and distribute books on spiritual education. The goal of education is to eliminate injustice, when people are educated spiritually in a natural way will stop the imbalance of values ​​in life, and there will be unity and peace in people.
What do you think of this?
If you want to buy the two books printed me the Editorial United-pc are sold in amazon.es, the three classes of people and the biography of an insignificant person Part 1 is titled.
Your good friend
Javier Figuerola
http // alimentosparalapaz.blogspot.com
Watch our blog'll like the videos that I filmed in India, and if you give a donation our children in Vrindavan in India will thank you very much.
Chants the maha-mantra: Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare / Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare and be happy.
Srila Prabhupada served with love, faith, attachment and gratitude and your life will be successful and sublime.

sábado, 23 de mayo de 2015

Srimad Bhagavatam, 2.3.19,

With love and trust I share this beautiful and practical verse from Srimad Bhagavatam, 2.3.19, I hope you do not hold the false ego and feel insulted, Srimad Bhagavatam one can understand it free of envy pure souls and is the literary incarnation God or Krishna, I'm only sharing this verse. Translation:
Men who are like dogs, pigs, camels and donkeys, praise those men who never listen to the accounts of the transcendental pastimes of Krishna or God, He delivers from all evil.
Unless the generality of the people they are educated in a systematic way to reach a higher level of life in spiritual values, these people are just animals, and in this verse they have been specifically put in the same level that dogs, pigs, camels and donkeys. Modern university education practically prepares one to acquire what a barking mentality which accepts the service of a greater master. After concluding a so-called education, the alleged educated people going door to door like dogs, filling requests in search of a job, and in most cases are thrown after informárseles no vacancies. As dogs are negligible animals that serve the master faithfully for a few crumbs of bread, likewise man serves a master faithfully without receiving adequate remuneration.
It is said that people do not discriminate when it comes to food and eating all sorts of junk, are like pigs. Pigs are very attached to eat excrement. So, the stool is a kind of food for a certain type of animal. And even the stones are edible for a given type of animal or bird. But man is not made to eat everything and anything; he is made to eat grains, vegetables, fruits, milk, sugar, etc. Animal meat is not to humans. To chew solid food, human beings have a certain type of teeth that serve to cut fruits and vegetables. The human being has four canine teeth as a concession to those who insist on eating meat at all costs. By all know that what is food for another man's poison pair. It is expected that humans ingest the remnants of meals offered to Lord Krishna, and the Lord accepted food-grade leaves, flowers, fruits, etc. (Bg, 9.26). As prescribed Vedic scriptures, the Lord does not offer any kind of animal flesh. Therefore, the human being is destined to eat a certain type of food. He should not imitate the animals for alleged vitamin values. Consequently, it is said that a person who does not discriminate in terms of eating, is like a pig.
The camel is a kind of animal that takes pleasure in eating thorns. It is said that a person who wants to enjoy family life or human life course enjoyment, is like a camel. Materialistic life is full of thorns, so one should only live according to the prescribed method of Vedic regulations, only to make the best of a bad bargain. One keeps life in the material world by sucking their blood. The enjoyment of sexual life and the focus of attraction he feels for material enjoyment. Enjoy sexual life it means sucking blood, and not much more to explain regarding this. The camel is also his own blood while chewing thorny sucks branches. Thorns the camel eats cut off the tongue, making her blood begins to flow into the mouth. The thorns, mixed with fresh blood would produce a certain flavor to the foolish camel, and he has, therefore, a false pleasure, the matter of eating thorns. Similarly, the big business tycoons, industrialists who work very hard to make money in different ways and questionable means, eat the thorny results of their blood mixed with his own actions. Therefore, the Bhāgavatam has ranked among the camels to these diseased subjects.
The donkey is a popular animal like the biggest fool of all, even among animals. The ass works very hard and takes heavy loads without profit to himself. Human life is to get values. This life is called arthadam, or that it can provide values. And what is the best value you can get in life? On returning home, back to God, as stated in the Bhagavad-gita (8, 15). Selfishness one should aim at going back to God. The donkey does not know what suits you, and work very hard just to others. A person who works hard only for others, forgetting the personal property that can get the human form of life is like the ass. In the Brahma-vaivarta Purana it says that human life is so important that even the demigods in the higher planets sometimes aspire to have a human body on this earth, because only in the human body can one go back to God easily. If, despite having obtained such an important body, one does not reset the eternal relationship with Govinda, Lord Krishna, a relationship that is lost, no doubt that one is a necioque forgotten what suits you. This material body in human form is obtained through a gradual process of evolution from one body to another, in the cycle of life 8400.000 varieties. And the poor man, forgetting the importance of his own, becomes entangled in many illusory to raise the position of others, as leader of the political emancipation and economic development occupations. There is nothing wrong with trying to achieve political emancipation and economic development, but one should not forget the real purpose of life, all these philanthropic activities must be coupled to a return to God. One who does not know this is like the donkey, who works only for others, without thinking of the good of them or your own. Usually, the donkey is used by the washerman, whose social position is not very respectable. And the ass characteristic quality is that it is so used to being kicked by the opposite sex. When the ass begs sex, is kicked by the weak, more sex, however, it continues to pursue the female sexual pleasure. So a man who is dominated by his wife, is said to be like the ass. The generality of the people work hard, especially in the age of Kali. This was the human being is actually devoted to the work of the donkey, carrying heavy loads and driving human-powered vehicles. The supposed progress of human civilization has occupied the human being at work ass. The workers in large factories and workshops are also dedicated to the hard work and after working hard during the day, the poor worker have to be kicked again, this time by the fair sex, not only for the sake of sexual enjoyment, but also by many household affairs.
So, the categorization Srimad-Bhagavatam makes the common man without any spiritual enlightenment, placing it in the society of dogs, pigs, camels and donkeys, is not at all an exaggeration. The leaders of these ignorant masses of people may feel very proud to be adored by the large number of dogs and pigs, but that's not very flattering. The Bhāgavatam openly declares that although a person a great leader of that class of dogs and pigs dressed as men, if not feel pleased to be enlightened regarding the science of Krishna, such a leader is also an animal, and nothing else . You can have it designated as a strong and powerful animal, or a large animal, but in view of Srimad-Bhagavatam is never given a place in the category of men, by their atheistic way of being. Or, in other words, these leaders of men atheists dogs and pigs are larger animals, with the qualities of the animals in a larger proportion.
If you want to buy the two books printed me the Editorial United-pc are sold in amazon.es, the three classes of people and the biography of an insignificant person Part 1 is titled.
Your good friend
Javier Figuerola
http // alimentosparalapaz.blogspot.com
Watch our blog'll like the videos that I filmed in India, and if you give a donation our children in Vrindavan in India will thank you very much.
Chants the maha-mantra: Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare / Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare and be happy.
Srila Prabhupada served with love, faith, attachment and gratitude and your life will be successful and sublime.

martes, 19 de mayo de 2015

Good and bad people

With love and trust I share this message titled good and bad people. My spiritual teacher named Srila Prabhupada always said that it is very good to share our experiences with others, so we get rid of envy.
Good and bad people by Javier Figuerola.
A person is known by its activities and qualities, also for their friends, in other words, tell me who your friends are and I'll tell you who you are. I will try to explain the qualities of good and bad people, and you will not deceive.
Good people are kind, tolerant, friendly with everyone, always respect everyone and never want to be respected, are true, pure of heart, conquer hunger, thirst, lamentation, envy and old age, do not be fooled themselves or others, they are happy when they see others happy in God or Krishna consciousness and suffer when they see others suffer and have as their best friends God or Krishna and His representatives. At no time forget God or Krishna and His devotees, in every moment of life feel God's protection or Krishna and His devotees. They live free of fear that their future is very bright and will know that back home back to God or Krishna. Krishna god or hold to turn bad people into good people. They use their selfishness to go back home back to God or Krishna. They not envy anyone for living filled with peace and satisfaction. Know God or Krishna and love as God or Krishna and His energies only they exists naturally love everyone and everything.
Poor people are intolerant, dirty heart, only seek to be respected and they do not respect anyone, are very envious and do not believe in God or Krishna, they themselves think they are God, or Krishna. They are very adept at exploiting and controlling others. His greatest suffering is good to see happy and free in God consciousness or Krishna people. If a person is associated with good people just being a good person and if it is associated with poor people just being bad person, tell me who your friends are and I'll tell you who you are.
If you want to buy the two books printed me the Editorial United-pc are sold in amazon.es, the three classes of people and the biography of an insignificant person Part 1 is titled.
Your good friend
Javier Figuerola
http // alimentosparalapaz.blogspot.com
Watch our blog'll like the videos that I filmed in India, and if you give a donation our children in Vrindavan in India will thank you much

sábado, 16 de mayo de 2015


With love and trust I share this message titled where the crisis is.
Where is the crisis, Javier Figuerola
Recently there was a boxing match in Las Vegas, USA, in the event people spent millions and millions of dollars, to the organizers admitted that it was all an exaggeration, where the crisis is. Now the next June 6 will be played in Berlin, Germany, the final of the European Cup football, also million people, where the crisis is wear out. Scientists around the world millions and millions are spent on making space experiments and weaponry to accelerate the death of people, where the crisis is. All politicians, bankers and religious have very high salaries, where the crisis is. People generally spend millions and millions on sex, alcoholic beverages, drugs and gambling, where the crisis is. The only crisis that there is God consciousness, that if you feel in the atmosphere, very few people are serious and sincere to know and love God.
Everything in life is an experience. I have asked a donation to all deputies and senators of Spain to give food to our children in Vrindavan, India, I also asked a donation to businessmen, athletes, philosophers, very famous people from the media, religious, scientific and people in general. Nobody wanted to take even one euro cent. Will these people when they see someone who does good to others without wanting anything in return grabs envy them. Will these people have the heart harder than steel, and have no good feeling either by themselves or by others.
If there is no crisis that everyone says there is a crisis. That is an invention of poor people to inject fear into people, injecting fear of people is the most powerful weapon we have bad people. It is very difficult to find a person free from fear. Everyone is afraid of birth, death, disease and old age, they will remove the work, the bank will remove the house, afraid to be happy and free, afraid to think that the truth will free, afraid to love God and all people, fear of the future, and fear to lose their fear. The only fear we should have all is offending God and His devotees.
If you want to buy the two books printed me the Editorial United-pc are sold in amazon.es, the three classes of people and the biography of an insignificant person Part 1 is titled.
Your good friend
Javier Figuerola
http // alimentosparalapaz.blogspot.com
Watch our blog'll like the videos that I filmed in India, and if you give a donation our children in Vrindavan in India will thank you much

domingo, 10 de mayo de 2015


Hi, all right?, With love and trust I share this message, and if you want are in contact, your friend Javier.
We are servants, by Javier Figuerola
In the Bible it says that anyone who does not live to serve, not serve to live in these words is the truth of the essence of our lives. I agree that 1983 was a big change in my life, it was two in the morning and left a nightclub and looked at the sky, there were all the stars there were no clouds, and prayed to God to please save me this miserable life, I have interest in knowing and loving God, to understand that we are not temporal matter but eternal spirit souls, to understand that awaits me after death, to understand that I suffer but I would not suffer, to understand where true happiness is, to understand which is the Kingdom of God or the spiritual world, the response was immediate, I heard an inner voice telling me it was time to wake up, that inner voice is called Paramatma, or Holy Spirit, God in the heart of all living entities. From personal experience, I say that there is no greater power in the universe to pray to God. For my spiritual awakening first thing I did was change my diet, I stopped eating meat, fish and eggs and I did lacto-vegetarian, I felt that my conscience was very positive, the idea is to keep body and soul together there to feed the minimum violence by Nature. In 1984 I joined the Hare Krishna movement and participated voluntarily in the Food for Life Vrindavan in India program, distributing prasadam or food offered to God, traveled through 16 Latin countries and USA distributing Srila Prabhupada's books and collecting donations to provide food in Vrindavan in India, God or Krishna distributed through my quarter of a million books of Srila Prabhupada, I will have talked to four million people face to face, that has helped me to see the suffering of people and respect people, and collect a lot of money to provide food in Vrindavan in India. The main practice of the process of Krishna consciousness is to chant the Maha-mantra: Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare / Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare initiated devotees vow to sing every day 27,648 names of God, that the practice takes an hour and a half, is a very simple method filled with spiritual power. When I realized that the leaders of Hare Krishna led by the great ambition to power had poisoned Srila Prabhupada the founder of the Hare Krishna Movement and had changed his instructions I left the movement, now my service to Srila Prabhupada is to share my experiences without wanting anything in return, it helps me a lot to get rid of envy, an editorial published me a spiritual book and have already signed the contract for another book to tell all my personal experiences, and continued collecting donations to distribute food in India . When someone is interested in understanding the issues mentioned above, that person should pray to God with great earnestness and sincerity to send a bona fide spiritual master to understand all these things, then there begins the good fortune for the soul. And what is a bona fide spiritual master ?, the answer is simple, is the representative of God, Jesus Christ, Srila Prabhupada, Mohammed and others are representatives of God, and what are the representatives of God ?, to establish prinicipios religion, Jesus said that I did not come to abolish the law but to fulfill it, and Srila Prabhupada in the Srimad Bhagavatam, 4,8,54 says the guru comes and establishes religious principles, when the guru leaves becomes disorder and bandits, thieves and scoundrels take advantage of the situation. Srila Prabhupada at the end of its meaning from BG, 4, 42 says that a bona fide spiritual master is in the disciplic succession from time eternal, this is in the Gita in English and Spanish in the 1975 edition but in today Gita Spanish is not that, but that changed and now there is a kind of speculation, I asked many gurus that means and no one knows how big power of the words of Srila Prabhupada, with a few words makes it clear to all or unauthorized false gurus. It is said in the Holy Scriptures of India to find a genuine guru in this age is more difficult to throw a lifeline and a turtle ocean, and what a coincidence that when the turtle pokes his head puts it in his life, and harder that is to find a perfect and true disciple of a bona fide guru. There are people who present themselves as servants of humanity but have hidden desires, these people are deceiving themselves and others and never experience happiness either in this life or the next. I am very happy in my personal life, I have the love and trust of many pious and simple-hearted people. The difference between my humble people and false or unauthorized gurus is that I try to educate people to serve and love Srila Prabhupada, and false gurus or unauthorized educate people to serve them and love them, and so Srila Prabhupada away people. Many people have concluded that false or unauthorized gurus externally seems to love Srila Prabhupada, but internally they feel very envious of Srila Prabhupada.
Usually people think that a guru is someone who through a brainwashing exploits his disciples to bring him money and women to enjoy it, that make false and unauthorized gurus. A genuine guru is God's representative and servant of his disciples, Jesus said that I did not come to be served but to serve me, and Srila Prabhupada always said that a genuine and authorized guru is considered the servant of his disciples, he sees His disciples and their gurus, and he thinks it is God who has sent me to these people for me to train in spiritual life. In Chapter 6 of Harinama- Chintamani says the relationship is genuine guru to the disciple is eternal, as long as the two keep their pure positions, however if the guru deviates, the disciple must reject it and vice versa, if the guru deviates disciple must reject, if this is not carried out they are doomed. No one can go to God directly, God or Krishna tells Arjuna in the Adi-Purana that he who says he is My devotee is not My devotee, but who says that is the devotee of My devotee of My devotee of My devotee that It is My devotee. And Siva says to his wife Parvati the highest worship is to worship God or Vishnu, but higher than that is to worship His devotee. And Srila Visvanatha Chakravarti Thakura says in his Guruastaka to meet the representative of God, God is satisfied, but if one does not satisfy the representative of God, no one knows what their fate.
Thoughts to ponder
A true friend or friend is someone who helps you to go home, to return to God the spiritual world, without wanting anything in return.
My mother is the truth, my father is knowledge, my occupational duty is to serve God and humanity is my brother, kindness is my friend, tranquility is my wife, and forgiveness is my son. These six are my family members.
Srila Prabhupada always said that if you do not serve God have to serve your dog.
Chants the maha-mantra: Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare / Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare and be happy.
Srila Prabhupada served with love, faith, attachment and gratitude and your life will be successful and sublime.
If you want to buy the two books printed me the Editorial United-pc are sold in amazon.es, the three classes of people and the biography of an insignificant person Part 1 is titled.
Your good friend
Javier Figuerola
http // alimentosparalapaz.blogspot.com
Watch our blog'll like the videos that I filmed in India, and if you give a donation our children in Vrindavan in India will thank you much

miércoles, 6 de mayo de 2015


With love and trust I share this beautiful verse from Srimad-Bhagavatam:

The Supreme Lord said: "My beloved and revered sages and respectable kings, I have to let them know that a person who accepts this material body made of three elements - mucus, bile and air - is its own being, unless one finds very advanced in spiritual knowledge, one thinks his body is his ego, he thinks his family and relatives belong and are their relatives and friends, who accepts the land where he was born as worthy of worship, to From this concept of life has sprung idología of nationalism, and visiting places of pilgrimage for only bathe there, but never associates with great spiritual personalities, a person, although possessing the form of a human being, It is nothing more than an animal, like an ass. "

In the Bible, in Isaiah chapter 66, verses 12 and 13, it says: "He who kills a bull is like killing a man." Why Does the bullfighters were not convicted of murder?

If you want to buy the two books printed me the Editorial United-pc are sold in amazon.es, the three classes of people and the biography of an insignificant person Part 1 is titled.

Your good friend

Javier Figuerola


http // alimentosparalapaz.blogspot.com

Chants the maha-mantra: Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare / Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare and be happy.

Srila Prabhupada served with love, faith, attachment and gratitude and your life will be successful and sublime.