miércoles, 20 de agosto de 2014


I love you very much, Javier Figuerola
When a friend sent me a very nice message saying that each day we have to tell several people that we love. So I put it into practice and I have titled this writing I love you very much. You long ago with love and trust I send my writings, you may ask yourself why Javier Figuerola or Haripada dasa sends me his writings, the answer to this question is very simple, my spiritual master Srila Prabhupada risked his life to give us awareness God, Krishna consciousness, and through his books with lots of love takes us from ignorance and leads to the spiritual world where there is only eternity, bliss and transcendental knowledge, and it is our duty to share with love and trust with other people all this nectar. People are like magnets, we attract people in our vibration, I always caught my attention the song that glorifies the six Goswamis of Vrindavan, there it is sung that they were loved by all, both gentlemen as ruffians, because they were pure souls without envy.
Another point is the relationship we see in practice the result of interacting with people in the physical and mental plane is terrible for anything people fight, separate, divorce and kill. However spiritual relationships are different, there is no relationship of soul to soul, with God at the center of our life, the result is wonderful, there is love and trust, and as God is pure goodness can not be anything negative. To become conscious of God a person must be very brave and give up many misconceptions that we also have to be very humble, humility is the ornament of the person who has love for God, and as there is only one God and their energies, who has a love for God naturally love everyone and everything and see everything in relation to God. Also keep much faith, faith means to have complete conviction that by chanting the holy name of Krishna automatically perform all the duties and complete all pious activities.
A tip to all, pray that God will not be fooled again, we are in a society of cheaters and cheated, you pray to God that wants to be happy in God consciousness and live the Truth, the Truth will set you free.

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