sábado, 5 de julio de 2014


Positive messages, Javier Figuerola
Positive messages means messages that make you reflect and elevate your consciousness to a higher state. Eating, sleeping, fearing and mating are the core activities of all living entities, the human form of life is the ability to understand who I am, who God is, what is my relationship with God and yet it is this material manifestation , which is the time that is karma, or activities and where I will go after death.
Take this opportunity to say I'm very pleased and happy to have your friendship, the other day my older brother Paco Javier told me the best you have is that you're always in the company of good people. My attitude to send these messages is healthy, my only intention is to share experiences, I wish more people would respond to these messages, but I understand that most people work very hard to stay and not have time to reply to posts. I received all the mercy of my spiritual master Srila Prabhupada and it is my duty to share my experiences with others, it helps me not to be selfish or envious.
I also sent them these messages to 493 deputies and senators of Spain, have just answered me two, talking about this with some friends all told me the same thing, deputies and senators are people with much false, proud ego thinking they are important people, and when they meet a single person as your heart and always thinking and doing good to others, instead of rejoicing grab them envy.
Your good friend
Javier Figuerola
http / / alimentosparalapaz.blogspot.com

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