jueves, 17 de abril de 2014


My conclusion, Haripada Dasa BrahmachariBy the mercy of Srila Prabhupada and Srimati Radharani , I've spent here in Vrindavana Dhama two happy months , much chanting Hare Krishna , much reading , I 've read almost all Chaitanya Charitamrita and much prasada distribution .My conclusion of the spiritual life , life in Krishna consciousness is that we must have God or Krishna and His representative Srila Prabhupada as our objects of love, make friends with the devotees of God or Krishna , a devotee is he who have full faith that by following the rules and regulations and spiritual practices will someday be a devotee, avoid the envious , envious people are not happy that you 're happy in Krishna consciousness , and give mercy to the innocent, an innocent person is one who believes in God is a believer and who is not very advanced in the spiritual life , if that person shows interest must give Krishna consciousness.I encourage everyone to come here to Vrindavan , the atmosphere is so spiritual, there are 5000 temples , the inhabitants of Vrindavana do not experience the threefold miseries , those caused by our body and mind , those caused by other living entities and those caused by disturbances of nature , here all lead a simple life centered on God's love .OM TAT SAT PEACE AND WELL

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