martes, 18 de marzo de 2014


Happy and free, Javier Figuerola or Haripada Dasa Brahmachari
According to Nectar of Devotion three kinds of happiness, is the sense gratification , that happiness also experienced by dogs and pigs , the other is the experience that I am not matter but spirit soul and the goal of life is merging into the impersonal Brahman or the rays of light from the transcendental body of God or Krishna , and the third and this kind of happiness is eternal , is the happiness of loving relationship with God or Krishna. God or Krishna has unlimited names and chant the holy names one lives with God and Krishna and experience this happiness .
Srila Prabhupada wanted his disciples to be people with an independent intelligence , that means you get used to depend on God or Krishna , there is true freedom. It does not matter if a person is married or is in the renounced order , or if you work in a factory , etc. , the freedom of the soul is something internal , the soul is free when it is pure , when no longer performs sinful activities anyone can understand himself or Krishna or God if performed sinful activities. To illustrate this point Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakura Prabhupada put this example , once in Bengal there was a wedding and as far seized and were guests on a boat on the Ganges , paddling all night and when the sun rose they were viewed in the same place and the boatman realized he did not raise the anchor, a person can perform devotional activities but leaves sinful activities not advance anything. Srila Prabhupada always said that very few people want to be happy and free , most people like to fool them and suffer. Sometimes materialistic people do not understand the position of the devotees of God, and critics say are parasites who do nothing nor family , nor the nation, nor humanity , these reviews are full of pure envy .
Thoughts to ponder :
"Between deceivers and deceived can not be honest and spiritual relationships."
"False or unauthorized gurus are clowns cosmic ."
" The illusion , deception , pretense, ignorance, deviation and the act of committing offenses are different aspects of pride."

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