martes, 27 de abril de 2021

Patience, humility and respect

 Patience, humility and respect, by Haripada dasa

Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Prabhupada always said that in this world of ignorance, which is contrary to serving God or Krishna, full of trials and tribulations, only patience, humility and respect for others are our friends to do devotional service to God or Krishna and His representatives.

Regarding patience, I am very clear that only people who live in the mode of goodness can have it, people who live in the modes of passion and ignorance cannot be patient. Also Srila Prabhupada talks about this quality in the Nectar of Instruction, verse 3.

On humility, Srila Prabhupada says in the Gita, 13, 8 that humility means that one should not be anxious to have the satisfaction of being honored by others. Another point is that although one can do wonderful things to please God or Krishna and Srila Prabhupada, one understands that that is all pure mercy of God or Krishna and Srila Prabhupada.

About respect there is a very beautiful verse in the Bhagavatam, 5, 5, 26, this verse was spoken by the incarnation of Krishna called Risabadeva to his children, there it says that my dear children, you should not feel envy of any living entity, or mobile nor immobile. Knowing that I am in them, you must offer respect to all of them at all times. In this way, you will offer respect to Me.

miércoles, 21 de abril de 2021

Everyone's friend

 Everyone's friend, by Haripada dasa

Hare Krishna, I lovingly and confidently share a paragraph from a small book by Srila Prabhupada entitled Meditation and Superconsciousness:

We are looking for a friend to provide us with peace and quiet. That friend is Krishna, God. Just make friends with Him, and you will find that the whole world will become your friend. Since God is situated in everyone's heart, if you make friends with God, He will instruct everyone inwardly to treat you friendly. One who befriends the chief of police receives certain benefits. If you make friends with the president of the country, everyone will be your friend, since everyone is subordinate to the president. If you want something from an official, you just have to call the president and he will tell him: "Okay, help this man," and so everything is resolved. Just try to befriend God, and everyone else will become your friends. All people will become peaceful if they understand this beautiful truth, that God is the friend of all and that He is the supreme owner. Lord Chaitanya also explains this.

By the mercy of Srila Prabhupada and Krishna I have been from 1984 to 2011 distributing Srila Prabhupada's books, I will have spoken face to face with more than 4 million people, in this transcendental activity one experiences that Krishna is the supreme controller and that one is his loving servant, in Guatemala twice Lord Nrisimhadeva saved my life, Srila Prabhupada always said that we should pray to Lord Nrisimhadeva for protection and blessings to be able to preach. Wherever you go you will see selfishness, hypocrisy and fighting, but as Srila Prabhupada says in this paragraph that all people will become peaceful if they understand this beautiful truth, that God is the friend of all and that He is the supreme owner. Lord Chaitanya also explains this.

miércoles, 14 de abril de 2021

Srimati Radharani

 Srimati Radharani, by Haripada dasa

When Srila Prabhupada came to the USA he wrote some very beautiful poems, in one of them he said that I emphatically say to you, Oh, brothers! Only when Srimati Radharani is pleased with you will you obtain your good fortune from the Supreme Lord Krishna.

The 25 transcendental qualities of Srimati Radharani are:

1-She is sweetness personified.

2-She is a young girl.

3-His eyes are always moving.

4-She always displays a bright smile.

5-She has all the favorable marks on her body.

6-She can agitate Krishna with the aroma of her body.

7-She is an expert in the art of singing.

8-She can speak very sweetly and pleasantly.

9-She is an expert in showing female attractions.

10-She is modest and gentle.

11-She is always very merciful.

12-She is transcendentally cunning.

13-She knows how to dress beautifully.

14-She is always shy.

15-She is always respectful.

16-She is always patient.

17-She is very serious.

18-She is enjoyed by Krishna.

19-She is always located at the highest devotional level.

20-She is the abode of the residents of Gokula.

21-She can give shelter to all kinds of devotees.

22-She is always affectionate with superiors and inferiors.

23-She is always bound by the dealings of her associates.

24-She is the greatest among Krishna's friends.

25-She always keeps Krishna under her control.

In the 1972 KARTIKA VRATA Srila Prabhupada said: If we take shelter of the outer energy of Krishna, where forgetfulness of Krishna is very prominent, then we get further and further away from Krishna, but if we take shelter of the inner energy of Krishna, RADHARANI Because she is serving Krishna directly, as well as in Vrindavana, RADHARANI is always spoken of so that you can get closer to Krishna very easily, DAIVIM PRAKITIM ASRITAHA, the ease of Vrindavana is that if you take shelter of RADHARANI directly, He will help you get closer. to Krishna very soon, that is the idea when coming to Vrindavana.

miércoles, 7 de abril de 2021


 Sufferings, by Haripada dasa

We all understand and accept that sinful activities and ignorance are the causes of all our sufferings, in relation to this topic I share these two verses from Srimad Bhagavatam, 1, 8, 24 and 25, there it is said: My dear Kṛiṣhṇa, Your Your Lordship has protected us from a poisoned cake, from a great fire, from cannibals, from the vicious assembly, from sufferings during our exile in the forest and from the battle in which great generals fought. And now he has saved us from the weapon of Aśvatthama. I want all these calamities to occur over and over again, so that we can see You again and again, for seeing You means that we will no longer see repeated births and deaths.

Srila Prabhupada always said that if sufferings remind us of God or Krishna they are very welcome, and that the only way is to tolerate everything. Tolerance and mercy are qualities that go together, a person if he is merciful will be tolerant, and if he is not merciful he will not be tolerant, the example is Jesus Christ, he was done many offenses by demonic and envious people, and he tolerated everything to him. About praying to God for his offenders, he taught us by his example to love enemies. Of course he forgave his enemies for their offenses, but God or Krishna never forgives the offenses they do to His devotees, He shows His love by punishing the offenders, the story goes that the followers of Jesus Christ protested and said that because they were offending this person who is innocent and a very good person, and they answered that if this person is innocent, that the blood of this person passes through our generations, and so it has been and will be, as long as they do not ask for forgiveness for the offenses, those people they will suffer eternally for having offended a pure devotee of God.

It is said in the Srimad Bhagavatam, that the supreme worship of God or Krishna is to accept the sufferings of others in your own person, that is what a representative of God or Krishna does, at the moment of spiritual initiation the guru takes everything the karma of his disciple, and thus the disciple can be pure, Srila Prabhupada says in his books that because of the karma that the guru seizes from his disciples sometimes the guru has bad dreams or becomes ill.