jueves, 23 de marzo de 2017


Fans of suffering, by Javier Figuerola or Haripada dasa
Srila Prabhupada always said that what people like most is to suffer and to deceive them. People think that when a person suffers is because he is a very good person, so people become fanatics of suffering. God or Krishna says in the Bhagavad Gita that this material world is a place of suffering and temporal, there are three kinds of suffering, those that come from our body and our mind, as physical and mental diseases, those that come from nature, Such as earthquakes, floods, etc., and those that come from other living entities, there are people who envy us, who want us evil, there are insects that sting us, etc., someone can say that this world is temporary, but I I have lots of money, yachts, cars, women, etc. But what that person does not know is that if he does not use what God or Krishna has given him to serve God or Krishna and His devotees, in your next life you will be a One of your yachts, Srila Prabhupada always told this story, that a person worked very hard and amassed a fortune for his relatives, in his next life he was born as a shoemaker in front of his old house, and when he was there his sons and grandchildren They hit a shoe. Srila Prabhupada also said that in India he was given astrological calculations to a great politician and concluded that he was born as a dog in Switzerland.
When people see a person happy and free they suspect a lot of it, they see it as a strange person, today people do not trust their shadow, there is a saying that he who does not trust is not reliable . I do not believe anything of what the media say, everything is contaminated by personal and selfish interests. I have a lot of faith in the Scriptures like the Bhagavad Gita, Srimad Bhagavatam and Sri Caitanya Charitamrita, those scriptures are made by God or Krishna and His devotees, they are perfect and do not have the four flaws that we have, imperfect senses, we have The tendency to deceive, we fall into ignorance and we make mistakes. The conclusion is that it is possible to be happy and free in this world full of suffering, all one has to do is have faith in people who are free and happy and follow their instructions.
https://alimentosparalapaz.blogspot.com  https://haripadadasa.blogspot.com

sábado, 18 de marzo de 2017


One and different, by Javier Figuerola or Haripada dasa
By the mercy of Srila Prabhupada we understand and accept that everything is one and different, one means that the origin or cause of all causes is God or Krishna, and different means that in the energies emanating from God or Krishna there is variety. The great pure devotees of God or Krishna have classified the energies of God or Krishna into three categories, the higher or spiritual energy, the lower or material energy and the marginal energy, the higher or spiritual energy manifests the unlimited names, forms, qualities and Pastimes of God or Krishna and His devotees in the spiritual world, the lower energy or material manifests the material elements, earth, fire, water, air, ether, mind, intelligence and false ego, and All the cosmic universes, and the marginal energy manifests all spiritual souls, we are called marginal because we have two tendencies, one is to be with God or Krishna in the spiritual world and the other is to misuse our independence and fall into the material world. The process of the consciousness of God or Krishna is a practice of spiritual activities that transfer us from the material world to the spiritual world.
There are two kinds of philosophers, impersonalists and personalists, impersonalists say that everything is energy and that we are all one, personalists say that the origin of all energies or the cause of all causes is God or Krishna, so always We say that not a blade of grass moves without the will of God or Krishna, also in The Bhagavad Gita God or Krishna tells Arjuna that there was never a time when I did not exist neither you nor all these kings, nor in the future None of us will cease to exist, there God or Krishna establishes the individuality or personality of all, both past, present and future, if we were all one that meant that if one soul were released we would all be released, but each soul Is an individual or person and different from other souls.
https://alimentosparalapaz.blogspot.com  https://haripadadasa.blogspot.com

sábado, 11 de marzo de 2017


Good people and strangers, by Javier Figuerola or Haripada dasa
In this world there are two kinds of people, good people and strangers, I will try to expose the qualities of them so that they do not deceive you, since this world is a world of deceivers and deceived. The difference between good and strange people is that the former are not selfish and always think of doing good to others and strangers are very selfish and never think of doing good to others.
Good people always live happily in the consciousness of God or Krishna and are free, (The Truth will make you free) and are kind, tolerant, friendly to all, always respect everyone and never want to be respected, are truthful, pure Heart, conquer hunger, thirst, lamentation, envy and old age, do not deceive themselves or others, are happy when they see others happy in the consciousness of God or Krishna and suffer when they see others Suffer and have as their best friends God or Krishna and His representatives. At no time do they forget God or Krishna and His devotees, at all times of life feel the protection of God or Krishna and His devotees. They live free from fear because their future is very bright and they know they will go home back to God or Krishna. God or Krishna seizes them to turn strangers into good people. They use their selfishness to go back home to God or Krishna. They do not envy anyone because they live full of peace and satisfaction. They know God or Krishna and love Him and as only God or Krishna exists and His energies naturally love everyone and everything.
Strange people always live full of fear, doubt, envy, fanaticism, prejudice and intolerance, dirty of heart, only seek to be respected and they respect no one, are very envious and do not believe in God or Krishna, themselves They think they are God or Krishna. They are very skilled at exploiting and controlling others. His greatest suffering is to see good and happy people in the consciousness of God or Krishna. If a person associates with good people ends up being a good person and if he associates with strange people ends up being a strange person, tell me who you walk with and I'll tell you who you are. When strange people see good people instead of rejoicing they envy them, and thus they become stranger people.
Today, eighty per cent of people are strangers, that is why there is no peace or prosperity, when eighty per cent of the people are good, then there will be peace and prosperity.
Thoughts for meditation:
"You will not go to bed without knowing one more thing, life is a continuous learning and can also be a continuous degradation."
Who is a pure devotee of God or Krishna? A pure devotee of God or Krishna is one who is beyond the influence of gold, women and the tigress of fame ... Such a person is detached and pure ... Such Person can defeat the ignorance of the whole world.
https://alimentosparalapaz.blogspot.com  https://haripadadasa.blogspot.com

miércoles, 1 de marzo de 2017


 Very moral, by Javier Figuerola or Haripada dasa
Once a football team called the Alcoyano was losing 14 to 0 against Real Madrid, and the players of the Alcoyano asked the referee to give them an extension to go up the score, as a result of that came the saying that you have More moral than Alcoyano. To be a devotee of God or Krishna you have to be very brave and have a lot of morals, because you have to do what no one does and do not do what people do, no one spends 24 hours a day glorifying God or Krishna, But the devotee of God or Krishna is 24 hours glorifying God or Krishna, everyone leads a sinful life, everyone practices the illicit sex life, gambling, alcohol and drugs and eat meat, fish and eggs, the Devotee of God or Krishna leads a pure life and sinless, when one becomes a devotee God or Krishna creates many enemies, people are very envious and when they see the devotee God or Krishna happy and free envy, Srila Prabhupada always counted That in the temple of Los Angeles the neighbors were very envious of the devotees, the neighbors said these Hare Krishna people do not work, they have a lot of money, and they are always happy to sing Hare Krishna, dancing and eating healthy things, this is terrible, and the Devotees told them to come here and sing with us, dance and eat prasada the mercy of God or Krishna, but the neighbors always answered no, that we are very attached to selfishness, envy and suffering.
Srila Prabhupada always said that the material world is an asylum, people are crazy, a madman is one who does not know who he is and thinks it is something that is not, nobody understands or accepts that we are not the body, that we are eternal spiritual souls , Eternal loving servants of God or Krishna and His devotees, sometimes in the asylum mad people think that they are not crazy but the crazy ones are the doctors, similarly the mad people think that the crazy ones are the devotees of God or Krishna and that They are not crazy.
https://alimentosparalapaz.blogspot.com  https://haripadadasa.blogspot.com