miércoles, 30 de noviembre de 2016


The most beneficial, by Javier Figuerola or Haripada dasa
By the mercy of Srila Prabhupada we understand and accept that there is nothing more beneficial as associating with the pure devotees of God or Krishna, association with the pure devotees of God or Krishna is more valuable than all the riches of the Universe and more valuable than going To the heavenly planets, a moment of association with the pure devotees of God or Krishna can liberate you from birth, death, old age and disease and go back home to God or Krishna. If the association with the pure devotees of God or Krishna is so valuable because people do not associate with them, the answer is that the generality of the people, or heads of families, think that their primary duty is to give in to solving family problems , And that self-realization or enlightenment in spiritual knowledge is a secondary matter, and it is also that such people are very poor in heart so they do not associate with the pure devotees of God or Krishna. I remember a class from Srila Prabhupada who said that people think that as long as I'm going to be listening to a Bhagavad Gita or Bhagavatam class, that time is best used to be in the office or at work and earn money. It is a very practical fact that one's desires and ambitions develop according to the company one has. If one maintains association with the devotees of God or Krishna, he will surely develop love for God or Krishna.
I share this beautiful verse Srimad-Bhagavatam (3-25-25) which says: "Talks about the pastimes and activities of the Supreme Personality of Godhead in the company of pure devotees are very pleasing and satisfying to the ear and the heart. The one who cultivates this knowledge gradually advances along the path of liberation until it is liberated and its attraction is fixed. Then true devotion and true devotional service begin. "
Evil people who think that great Masters like Srila Prabhupada and others die, they live eternally in their instructions and those who obey them live with them.
Https://alimentosparalapaz.blogspot.com https://prabhupadanugas108.blogspot.com

jueves, 24 de noviembre de 2016


Introduction to Srila Prabhupada, by Javier Figuerola or Haripada dasa
In 1922 in Calcutta, India, the spiritual teacher of Srila Prabhupada named Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Prabhupada told him that you are a very educated person and you know very well English, it would be good if you were to the western countries to preach the conscience of God or Krishna, and then in 1935 told him that if you have money print spiritual books. In order to fulfill the orders given to him by his Gurudeva, Srila Prabhupada left India on a boat in 1965 when he was 69 years old. Srila Prabhupada's dynamic presentation of the Consciousness of God or Krishna, as a positive alternative to a society lacking in spiritual values, especially attracted intelligent Western youth. Many of these intellectuals sought the true meaning of life, being sick of hedonistic materialism, nihilistic atheism, and hypocritical and sentimental religions. He began to sing the Maha-mantra: Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare / Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare in a park in New York and there began his movement, many young people approached him To receive spiritual training. Many people abandoned illicit sex, gambling, drugs and consumption of meat, fish and eggs and sang 27,648 names of God each day in their rosaries. These people felt so much spiritual happiness that in a natural way they wanted to help Srila Prabhupada spread his movement so that everyone would be happy. Srila Prabhupada initiated 10,000 disciples around the world, struck him around the world 14 times, wrote 80 books of 400 pages each, answered more than 7,000 letters and gave thousands and thousands of lectures, opened more than a hundred temples throughout the world World and many agricultural communities and in 1972 founded the program of Food for live or food for life, and ordered that in 15 kilometers around their temples no one should go hungry, millions and millions of prasada dishes have been distributed, or Food offered to God or Krishna. He slept every day for 3 hours from 10 p.m. to 1 p.m., there he got up to translate the great classics of India as Srimad Bhagavatam and Sri Caitanya Charitamrita, his disciples and admirers have distributed more than 500 million His books in all the languages ​​of the world. Srila Prabhupada is Acharya that means one who preaches with his personal example. Unfortunately a few days before entering his samadhi lila he said that he was poisoned, and after disincarnating his disciples taken by their personal interests changed their instructions, these people received much mercy from Srila Prabhupada and still betrayed him. Many people like me and others who were in their movement, we left to be complicit in all the offenses they are doing to Srila Prabhupada, the result of offending Srila Prabhupada is that people become atheists and live in unconsciousness, There is nothing new under the sun and history repeats itself over and over again, the person authorized by God or Krishna comes and establishes the principles of religion, but when it goes away again the disorder. To people who have sacrificed their lives to please Srila Prabhupada, God or Krishna reveals to them who Srila Prabhupada really is. Evil people who think that great Masters like Srila Prabhupada and others die, they live eternally in their instructions and those who obey them live with them.
Thought to meditate:
"There is no greater power in the universe than praying to God or Krishna for others"
http//alimentosparalapaz.blogspot.com  https//haripadadasa.blogspot.com

sábado, 19 de noviembre de 2016


Selfishness and envy, by Javier Figuerola or Haripada dasa
It is very difficult to find in this material world a person who is free of selfishness and envy, people think of their ignorance that I will free myself from selfishness and envy taking pills, or doing some gymnastic exercises, or doing meditation and falling asleep, It is not so easy to get rid of selfishness and envy. God or Krishna moved by His mercy comes personally to this world to invite us to return home back to God, and leaves us Holy Scriptures such as The Bhagavad Gita or Song of God and Srimad Bhagavatam, or send from the Spiritual world to their most intimate servants such as Jesus Christ, Mohammed, Budha, Srila Prabhupada, etc., these great spiritual personalities do not invent any philosophy but always repeat the same philosophy, that God is the Supreme Person, the Absolute Truth, that religion Means that from the time you rise up until you lie down, you glorify God your Lord, that we are not the temporal material body but eternal spiritual souls, loving servants of God or Krishna and His devotees, that this material world is a prison we come here To pay condemnation, that we are here because we have misused our free will, and if you want a guest to leave do not feed him, so our guests such as lust, anger, greed, ignorance, envy and Selfishness will go away when we do not feed them. The process of the consciousness of God or Krishna works by contact, an iron rod has no value but if you put it on fire then it acts like fire, burns, so do we when we connect with God or Krishna through singing The Maha- Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Hare Hare / Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare, and when we connect with the representatives of God or Krishna obeying His instructions we acquire His qualities.
Srila Prabhupada always said that people can not understand or accept the simpler truths of life because they are full of sinful activities, it is said in the Spiritual Scriptures of India that people are so sinful in this age that they will not see the Human form of life in millions and millions of births. People do not understand how valuable this human form of life is, the purpose of life is to understand and love God or Krishna, and since there is only God or Krishna and His energies you will naturally love everything and everyone. Thought to meditate:
"Come out of the dark and come to the Light"
http//alimentosparalapaz.blogspot.com  http//haripadadasa.blogspot.com

jueves, 17 de noviembre de 2016


Srila Prabodhananda Saraswati
Vṛndāvana-mahimāmṛtam (6.1)

Sarvān eva sadā stuvaṁs tata itaḥ sarvān sadā prīṇayan
Sarveṁāṁ sukha-sampadaḥ svabhilaṣan sarvātma-bhāvaṁ bhajan
Sarvāgre vinayātibhāva-namita-grīvo nirastākhilā-pekṣas
  Tu svayam āvasāmy aham idaṛ vṛndāvanaṁ pāvanam

Always glorifying everyone. Always being nice to everyone. Always eagerly longing for the happiness and prosperity of all. Always serving everyone as if they were my own self. Always bowing to everyone with extreme humility - [someday] - I will personally reside in this very purifying abode of Vrindavan, free from all selfish desires and expectations.

martes, 15 de noviembre de 2016


We are all devotees, by Javier Figuerola the Haripada dasa
Srila Prabhupada always said that we should always be ready to offer respect to all, because every living entity is originally a devotee of God or Krishna, but circumstantially the soul being covered by ignorance, is acting like a demon, in this world there are the Divine and demonic people, the divine ones obey the laws of God or Krishna and the demonic ones do not, but the original nature of all is to be a devotee of God or Krishna. The first thing to do in devotional life is to purify designations, designations means things that we are not but we believe we are, for example people in general think that I am the body, and therefore I am Spanish, American, Hindu, etc., I am the master of everything, my house and my family belong to me, I am the enjoyer, the controller of everything, this woman is my wife, here is my son, here my brother, etc., all that Are designations, the result of living with designations is that the person lives full of fears, envy, ignorance and very conditioned, a soul free of designations believes and experiences that I am not the body, but an eternal spiritual soul, loving servant of God Or Krishna and His devotees, my relatives are also children of God or Krishna, my house and everything I own is from God or Krishna and I use everything for the service of God or Krishna, the result of having that God consciousness or Krishna, is that the person lives happy and free.
In devotional life there are three kinds of devotees of God or Krishna, the neophyte, the intermediate stage and the perfect devotee. First, one must understand what faith is, faith means to have complete conviction that in chanting Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare / Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare. Reads like J de jouta) will automatically fulfill all duties and complete all pious activities. The neophyte devotee exhibits a faith that is formal, even worldly, worshiping the Deity but has not developed an interest in serving the representative of God or Krishna, the authorized spiritual master, the middle-stage devotee develops loving affection for God or Krishna , Makes friends with other devotees, has compassion for innocent people, an innocent person is one who believes in God or Krishna, but is not advanced in spiritual life, and evades the company of atheists, and the perfect devotee is one who See God or Krishna everywhere, and God or Krishna is his life and soul, his life revolves around the Maha-Mantra Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare / Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare (the H is read as J de jota), for him, the Holy Name of God or Krishna is the essence of everything.
Thought to meditate:
"People who think ignorance is bliss, being wise is fools."
http//alimentosparalapaz.blogspot.com  http//haripadadasa.blogspot.com

martes, 8 de noviembre de 2016


Inspect Religious and Political, by Javier Figuerola or Haripada dasa
This message has been sent to the media, the Ministry of Justice, some religious and the politicians of Spain.
Hi Rajoy, I am writing to present you two proposals, and I would very much like you to tell me your opinion on all this.
Spain is a secular country, that means that there is freedom of religion, and that the Government does not identify with any religion, I propose that the Government through the Ministry of Justice inspect if the religious are following the commandments of their religions or if they are Deceiving the people in the name of their religion. I will put two examples, in the Christian religion the Lord Jesus Christ ordered not kill, but we see in practice that Christians have the best slaughterers, that is to deceive people and that should be a crime. The other example is that the Founder of the Hare Krishnas before disembodying ordered his disciples to initiate in his name, his disciples carried away by his personal interests did not obey this command and became gurus to control and exploit his disciples, and that too Be a crime. In other words, I propose that the government inspect religions and see if they are following their commandments or if they are deceiving people.
The other proposal is almost the same but this is for politicians, each political party presents some programs for people to vote, I propose that the Government through the Ministry of Justice will inspect if the party is fulfilling what it presented, given that Not meeting that would be considered a crime. And if the President of the Government swears that he will comply with the Constitution but will also be considered a crime, for example if the Constitution says that every Spaniard must have a job and house and does not comply with that is a crime.
Inspecting religious and politicians would end with hypocrisy and deception, if religious and politicians are given free rein can create havoc and much suffering in society.
Thought to meditate:
"If religious, politicians and bankers are good people will do much good to humanity, but if they are selfish and envious people, will cause much suffering in society."
http//alimentosparalapaz.blogspot.com  http//haripadadasa.blogspot.com

miércoles, 2 de noviembre de 2016


Gifts of God or Krishna, by Javier Figuerola
By the mercy of Srila Prabhupada we understand and accept that we are here in the material world, the guilty world and envy because we used bad free will, we were with God or Krishna in the spiritual world and we wanted to come here to exploit and enjoy matter, fijaros full of pure goodness that is God or Krishna that we are not able to create the environment to exploit and enjoy the matter, but God or Krishna which creates it. So all there is here in the material world are gifts of God or Krishna, water, earth, fire, air, ether, mind, intelligence and false ego, all these elements are created by God or Krishna, and when we use the gifts God or Krishna gives us to please our senses we engage more and more in the law of karma, but when we use God or Krishna gifts to serve God or Krishna we become in free people, happy, honored and satisfied.
Srila Prabhupada says in his book that the Communists used psychological techniques to remove faith in God or Krishna in people, went to a village and they told people to go to church to pray to God or Krishna for our daily bread each day, then when people left the Church asked whether God or Krishna had given them bread, and they said no, then the Communists brought their truckloads of bread and gave to the people, then they asked him to people who is better God or Krishna or the Communists, and people said the Communists are better, if there had been a wise, brave and intelligent person would have told them the communists, you have created the rain that has grown wheat , you have created wheat, you have created the fire to bake bread, all the ingredients to make bread has created God or Krishna, you all you have done is rob God or Krishna, that's the truth.
Thought to ponder:
"The only way not to commit sinful activities is always to devotional activities".
http//alimentosparalapaz.blogspot.com  http//haripadadasa.blogspot.com