martes, 29 de marzo de 2016


Preach, by Javier Figuerola or Haripada dasa
Our spiritual master Srila Prabhupada always said that preach God consciousness or Krishna is not an easy task, first of all the preacher must be a pure and transparent soul, and should practice the same everything he preaches, but would a person hypocrite, the words convince but the example drag, and never speaks in theory but on the platform of your personal experience. When people do you expose the naked truths, people react and take them personally, and feel insulted and in extreme cases even to kill the preacher as the example of the Lord Jesus Christ and as Srila Haridas Thakur, who sang each day 300,000 names of God or Krishna and the Muslim governor punished he was hit in 22 markets, and when he did not die told the executioners if not killed I'll kill all your families, the executioners told him Haridas Thakur this to him for compassion and the executioners left the body, then threw the body into the Ganges and miraculously resurrected. Now is a very good to preach God consciousness or Krishna time, I talk to many people and they all tell me the same thing, Javier are disgusted by the materialistic political and atheists and bankers, they do not transmit peace, kindness, satisfaction and hope, true happiness is in serving God or Krishna and His devotees, we are tired of serving our cats and dogs, we want to stop suffering and lead a pure life without sins and be extremely happy and free and among healthy people like us we need to send good vibrations. Srila Prabhupada always said that when politicians hit rock bottom the only way out is war, more suffering.
A major impediment for people to understand and accept God consciousness or Krishna, and not wake up a higher consciousness is that are full of jealousies, fears, doubts, fanaticisms, speculation, prejudice and full of sinful activities, people You not understand or accept that society, worldly love and friendship there is only one drop of happiness, and they have experience that the result of living with God or Krishna and His devotees is that one experiences a boundless ocean of happiness. It is inconceivable as Srila Prabhupada inspired many people to abandon illicit sex, gambling, drugs or intoxicants and consumption of meat, fish and eggs and sang every day 27,648 names of God in their rosaries, parents the devotees could not believe how it is possible that our children who have always lived with such opulence have left everything to be devotees of God or Krishna, of course many parents to see their children as happy devotees were also made. In the USA parents made him a trial of Hare Krishna Movement to be a ruling on whether the Hare Krishna Movement was beneficial to mankind, all the most educated and important people from the USA supported the Hare Krishna Movement and devotees won the trial and judges they said they never disturb this movement. Srila Prabhupada always said that problems do not come from outside but from within, and in his books very mercifully warns us and tells us that within this movement are people dressed devotees but are very envious and must desdeñarles.
Thought to ponder:
"With that kind of friends I want to have enemies."
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miércoles, 23 de marzo de 2016


Durga or imprisonment, for Javier Figuerola or Haripada dasa
By the mercy of Srila Prabhupada understand and accept that there is nothing impersonal, everything is personal; in the Vedic scriptures we find a very interesting information regarding this material world, and it is said there that the ruler of this material or material energy of the Lord personified, and wife of Lord Siva world, is called Durga. This material world is compared to a reformatory and the reason why we are here is that we have misused our free will, we have rebelled against God, and sent us here so that we reform us. There are souls that after many births and deaths cultivating spiritual knowledge and following God's law, they understand everything and surrender to God; and these fortunate souls, the ruler Durga, do not mess with them, in the same way that police do not mess with the good citizens of a state. But there are other souls who are hostile to serve God and love him, and continue their rebellion; these souls, Durga Regent, very mercifully imposes three kinds of suffering: 1) The sufferings that come from the body and mind, 2) The sufferings of nature, earthquakes, floods, etc. and 3) The suffering caused other living entities, mosquitoes, envious people, ghosts, etc. Punishments are not bad, punishments are remedies. I once read an article that said that in North America, in the 1940s, took the country's leadership psychologists and psychiatrists, and his philosophy was that the child should not punish him, if not traumatized, he must leave learn by itself. What was the result ?, children became hippies and irresponsible and women prostitutes; then were psychologists and psychiatrists to the United States Senate and said: "Forgive our mistake."
Another name of Durga is Maya or illusion, in the meaning of the Maha-mantra Hare Krishna Srila Prabhupada says this atmosphere, in which we now live, is called Maya or illusion, and what is it that illusion? The illusion is that trying to be lords of material nature, when in fact they are bound by the shackles of its strict laws, when a servant artificially tries to imitate his topoderoso love, that is called illusion. Contaminated by this comcepto of life, all trying to exploit the resources of material nature, but the reality is that more and entangle us in their complexities, therefore, despite our arduous struggle to conquer nature, we increasingly rely more of it, this illusory struggle against material nature can stop it immediately if we revive our God consciousness or Krishna.
Thought to ponder:
"Never count your most intimate things to your friends, because when you become your enemies will use them against you."
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lunes, 21 de marzo de 2016


The apostle of love, Javier Figuerola or Haripada dasa
If God or Krishna wants to Wednesday next, March 23 around the world conscious of God or Krishna celebrate the 530 anniversary of the transcendental appearance of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and Sri Gauranga Mahaprabhu. This incarnation of God is very special; the Lord is given the name Triyuga, who comes in three yugas or ages, and why is given that name? Because in kali-yuga, the present age, He comes, not as God, but as a devotee of God and teaches us how to be devotees of God. Even some of his closest associates, when he said that You are God, covered his ears. He did this to teach us that in this era everyone thinks, "I am God, I am the creator, controller and enjoyer." And to teach us what is a devotee of God or Krishna, the wine. The he flooded across India with love for God, so is also called the apostle of love for God. This incarnation of Krishna has two purposes to fulfill, one is external, which is to give the yuga dharma for all, or the duty of the era, which is the chant the Maha-mantra: Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare / Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare (H reads j jot) and be extremely happy and free, and the other reason for His coming is that He wanted to feel the happiness felt by His devotees, so he came in the mood of Srimati Radharani God's most exalted devotee. Our teacher espiritua Srila Prabhupada spread His movement around the world, there is a prophecy that says that the books of Srila Prabhupada will be the law books for all mankind for the next ten thousand years, also Nostradamus prophesied that will come from east to west one older gentleman who always go with a cane to establish the Universal Religion worldwide.
Our spiritual master Srila Prabhupada translated from Bengali into English biography and printed in 17 books of 400 pages each, it is now in all languages ​​of the world. If you want to read a summary of his biography put in google prabhupadanugasbiografíadesrigaurangasrichaitanyamahaprabhu
On this day we devotees of Sri Gauranga Mahaprabhu fast until moonrise, and respect lacto-vegetarian food offered to God or Krishna but without grains.
The process that gave Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and His pure devotees is very simple and happy, just sing with love and devotion the holy names of the Lord, dancing in ecstasy, take prasada (lacto vegetarian food offered to God) and lead a pure life in all our actions, simple living and high thinking.
Thought to ponder:
"Everyone wants to send and nobody wants to serve"

viernes, 18 de marzo de 2016


Posts by Javier Figuerola or Haripada dasa
Our spiritual master Srila Prabhupada instructed us to us to share all our spiritual experiences with others without wanting anything in return, in other words, not make life espirtual a business, also he instructed us that all the advice we gave should practice them ourselves, if someone gives spiritual advice and he did not practice that person becomes a source of evil for the world. Took time sending messages online and on facebook, my intention to do this is to satisfy my spiritual master and try to arouse interest in people to practice pure spiritual life without guile, online control messages 64 people, almost all know me personally and it is amazing that no one answer anything, I of course am very detached from the outcome, I can tell someone chants Hare Krishna and be happy, and if the person does not want to sing I have no guilt, as they say in Mexico sings and weep not, and in Spain say who sings frightens evil, there are four things that this was much lower, memory, bodily strength, mercy and sympathy.
We all understand and accept that people do not wake up to a higher consciousness that are full of jealousies, fears, doubts, fanaticisms, speculation, prejudice and full of sinful activities, they think life is that, they have no experience live a life in the company of God or Krishna and His devotees live and be happy and full of freedom. I agree with what he says Srimad Bhagavatam: "So, the categorization Srimad-Bhagavatam makes the common man without any spiritual enlightenment, placing it in the society of dogs, pigs, camels and donkeys, is not in all an exaggeration. The leaders of those ignorant masses of people may feel very proud to be worshiped by the large number of dogs and pigs, but that's not very flattering. The Bhāgavatam openly declares that although a person a great leader that kind of dogs and pigs dressed as men, if not feel pleasure in being illuminated with respect to the science of God or Krishna, such a leader is also an animal, and nothing else. you may be designated by a strong animal and powerful, or as a large animal, but in the Srimad-Bhagavatam opinion is never given a place in the category of men, by their atheistic way of being. or, in other words, those leaders of dogs and pigs men atheists are larger animals, with the qualities of animals in greater proportion.

lunes, 14 de marzo de 2016


Transcendental knowledge, by Javier Figuerola or Haripada dasa
In the fourth chapter of the Bhagavad Gita in verse 38 it is said that there is nothing so sublime and pure in this world as transcendental knowledge. Such knowledge is the ripe fruit of all mysticism. And one who enjoys reached in due time of self that is within himself. In the purport Srila Prabhupada tells us that ignorance is the cause of our captivity, and knowledge is the cause of our liberation, this knowledge is the mature fruit of devotional service, and when one is situated in transcendental knowledge, you need look elsewhere peace because peace is enjoyed within himself. The first thing we learn in transcendental knowledge is that we are not the temporary material body but lovers of God or Krishna and His devotees eternal spirit souls, servants and. In this connection I share that I talked about this with a person who ran a yoga school for 33 years, after a while I saw very changed this person, this person was very intelligent, honest and pious, I revealed that closed the yoga school thinking that if we are not the body as it is possible for someone to some spiritual benefit through bodily exercises, and it is better to chant the Maha-mantra: Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare / Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare (H reads jot j) and was now extremely happy and free. He also revealed that concluded that people do yoga for better health to please your senses and he knew a lot of people doing yoga and they were full of anxiety and were atheists did not believe in God do not know what It does the word yoga.
I end this message by sharing the golden rule in the spiritual life, is in the books of Srila Prabhupada in the Srimad Bhagavatam, 2, 9, 37 there is said that if one does not perform personal service to the representative of God or Krishna, the spiritual master , continue speculating life after life, such as impersonalists and dry speculators, and unable to reach the final conclusion.

sábado, 12 de marzo de 2016

Material life, spiritual life

Material life, spiritual life, by Javier Figuerola or Haripada dasa
Material life means sense gratification either personal or extended, that person lives under the influence of ignorance and false ego and proudly think that here I am the master, this house and family I belong, the fruits of labor are mine by I work like a donkey, I am the enjoyer, my own protector and maintainer, this woman is my wife, here is my brother, my children, and success is the reward for my work, I practice the law of the funnel width for narrow for me and others, always think in terms of me and mine, and I live and dead to the hole bun. That person envy herself and others.
Spiritual life means indulge the senses of God or Krishna. Spiritual life begins with faith, faith means the full conviction that by chanting the holy names of God or Krishna automatically fulfill all spiritual duties and will complete all pious activities, then comes the association of devotees of God or Krishna, the do this faith increases, faith increases attending spiritual festivals, then be initiated by a spiritual master and execute devotional service under the guidance of the spiritual master one is freed from lust, anger, pride, ignorance, envy and fear, and achieves stability in self-realization, obtaining real taste for hearing about the Absolute Personality of Godhead, Lord Krishna, same taste that will take forward to attachment for God consciousness or Krishna this mature and one will experience a lot of spiritual happiness in doing devotional service, and finally reach the stage of the goal of human life, which is to awaken pure love of God or Krishna we all have latent, the highest perfected state the spiritual life. Srila Prabhupada presented Krishna consciousness as a spiritual science and a spiritual culture, there is no place for fanaticism and sentimentalism. The most important thing in spiritual life is humility, one should always think that everything is pure mercy of God or Krishna and his representative my spiritual master.

viernes, 11 de marzo de 2016

The three aspects of God, Part 3

The three aspects of God, Part 3, by Javier Figuerola or Haripada dasa.
With love and trust I remind you that all the information I am sharing is in the books of our spiritual master Srila Prabhupada. Srila Prabhupada translated from Sanskrit and Bengali to English and English to all languages ​​of the world all the sacred scriptures of India, printed 80 books of 400 pages each, until today his admirers and disciples have distributed more than 500 million of his books. This site is all his books: This information personal aspect of God is in the preface to the book of Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, that says: "Now, one can ask the question Why Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead The answer is, because He adjusts accurate and detailed descriptions of the Supreme Being, the Divine, in other words, Krishna is God because He is supremely attractive. beyond the principle of supreme attraction, there is no other meaning of the word "God." How can anyone be supremely attractive First of all, if someone is very rich, if you have great wealth, then becomes an attractive person for people generally Similarly if someone is very powerful, it also becomes an attractive person;?. and if someone is very famous, very beautiful, or wise, or is unattached to all kinds of possessions, he also becomes an attractive person So from practical experience we can observe that one is attractive due to: 1.) wealth, 2 ) power, 3) fame, 4) beauty, 5) wisdom, and 6) renunciation. One who simultaneously possesses all of these six opulences and that has unlimited degree, is understood to be the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Parasara Muni, a great Vedic authority describes these opulences of God. We have seen many rich, powerful, famous, beautiful, learned and erudite people; We have seen many people who belong to the order of renounced life and are detached from material possessions, but we have never seen anyone like Krishna in the history of mankind, which was simultaneously and unlimitedly rich, powerful, famous, beautiful it , wise and unattached. Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is a historical figure who appeared on this planet five thousand years ago and behaved as a human being; but their activities were not parallel, from the moment of its appearance until the time of his disappearance. Each of its activities is unique in world history, and therefore who knows what we mean by the word "God," will accept Krishna as the Supreme Personality of Godhead. No one is equal to God, no one is greater than Him. That is the meaning of the familiar proverb "God is great."
We have already described Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, He has an eternal, blissful, spiritual body. He is the origin of everything, He has no other origin and is the prime cause of all causes. The point is that no one can love a person who does not know when one knows and loves God or Krishna naturally love everyone and everything, because God and His energies exists only, that is called love and universal religion, not it is this hypocrisy that I love my pet but other animals eat them. The only crisis that there is a great lack of interest there is in people to know and love God. This materialistic and atheistic society is mounted so that people forget God, as always said the Archbishop of Canterbury that people want the kingdom of God without God, Srila Prabhupada always said that a society without God is like decorating a dead body I am fully convinced that the true unity of all people in the world, no matter their skin color, religion, profession, nationality, etc., is given on the spiritual platform, there are no discriminations, the injustice, ignorance, envy, fear, fanaticism and doubts. In the spiritual platform there is only transcendental knowledge, unlimited bliss and eternity.

sábado, 5 de marzo de 2016

The three aspects of God, Part 2

The three aspects of God, Part 2, by Javier Figuerola or Haripada dasa.
We have already discussed the impersonal aspect of divinity, God or Krishna; Now we will try to explain the Paramatma or Supersoul, the Holy Spirit. It expands the personal aspect of God or Krishna and enters this material world and is set in the heart of all living entities and even within the atom. And what is the specific role of this Paramatma or Supersoul? He makes a witness, supervisor and sanctioning of all the activities that make souls. Some people argue that I do not believe in the law of karma or reincarnation, because I remember my past activities. In response to this argument it is that the soul being infinitesimal has the propensity to forget, but the Supersoul or Paramatma is everywhere and knows everything; the past, present and future, and gives the soul what he deserves. If the soul wants to go to hell, the Supersoul or Paramatma gives you all the facilities for you to go to hell. If the soul wants to go to the upper or heavenly planets, the Supersoul or Paramatma gives you all the facilities and if the soul wants to go back home, back to Godhead, the Supersoul or Paramatma gives intelligence and helps the soul to reach that destination. This material body is like a machine compares the soul drives the machine through its desires and the Supersoul or Paramatma is the witness, supervisor and penalties. Therefore we say: "Man proposes and God disposes" the example is also given that this body is like a tree, this tree there are two birds, one is the soul and the other is the Supersoul The soul is eating the fruits.. tree and is full of anxiety and Supersoul is observing the activities of the soul. She is neutral, it does not interfere in the free will of the soul. in fact, the Supersoul or Paramatma is our best friend. What is the best friend one? He who never leaves you in any circumstances.
It is said in the Vedic scriptures there 8400.000 species of life or machines inhabited by the soul and the Supersoul. There 900,000 varieties of material bodies in the water, vegetable bodies 2000.000, 1100.000 worms and reptiles, birds 1000.000 3000.000 forms bodies 400,000 beasts and human forms; 8400.000 varieties of these bodies are on different planets of the universe. So the Supersoul or Paramatma accompanies us in the transmigration of souls from one species of life to another and never abandons us, as a good friend who never abandons us.
Thought to ponder:
"Push yourself a lot yourself and do not expect much from others, so you'll save a lot of trouble, my greatest suffering is ask favors of others."
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jueves, 3 de marzo de 2016


Bedlam, by Javier Figuerola or Haripada dasa
If you go to a madhouse see that madmen identify with something they are not, for example, one will say that I am Jesus Christ and I have come to save the world, another will say I am Napoleon or Hitler, we will conquer the world, etc. . All of us are constitutional eternal and pure spirit souls and our natural position is that we are all loving servants of God or Krishna and His devotees, when we enter the material atmosphere full of ignorance we identify with things that are not, for example, one thinks I am Spanish, Muslim, American, rich, poor, educated, illiterate, gay, lesbian, etc. Living in the bodily concept puts you in a state of madness, it is as if one had a very nice cage decorated with diamonds, gold and rubies, and inside the cage is the bird, you you spend all day cleaning the cage and you are so engrossed in the cage that you forget to feed the little bird that lives inside, that's not crazy? In Bombay, India, once a man killed his father, the lawyer who defended him advised him to say that I killed my father I'm crazy, the judge summoned a civilian expert or psychiatrist to examine him the psychiatrist told the judge that yes this person is crazy and that I have examined many people and have come to the conclusion that we are all mad, and the judge replied that I have also come to that conclusion. A curious thing happens in asylums is that fools think they are not fools, but fools are doctors.
Actually we are all serving God or Krishna, some do it in a direct and conscious and others do indirectly or unconsciously, those who serve God or Krishna and His devotees in a straightforward manner are those lucky people who practice devotional activities to feed the spirit soul, under the direction of God's representative, the espirtual teacher is said that he who occupies his words, activities and thoughts to serve God or Krishna is a liberated soul while still within the jurisdiction of the matter, God consciousness or Krishna means practicing devotional activities that transfer you to the material world to the spiritual world, and people who serve God or Krishna indirectly or unconsciously live under the bodily concept and live a life of sense gratification but they ignorantly unaware that their senses and all that exists is God or Krishna as He has created everything, but in his madness deny the existence of God and envy to themselves and others, and when a preacher of Krishna consciousness exposes the truths as they are irritated, put in anger, and in extreme cases kill the preacher as in the case of Jesus Christ. I am very happy to see that today there is a great awakening in the world, people are already disgusted with politicians, false religious, to see that sports have become a million dollar business and that instead of generating peace and contentment generate much violence, that the media only tell you lies and never tell you the truth, and that there is a great crisis of people you pass on kindness, the conclusion is that this world is of deceivers and deceived, and the only solution is to get out of ignorance and live a simple life with high thinking, and have the protection of God or Krishna and His devotees, and that madmen continue doing crazy things ... and get tired.
Thought to ponder:
"Fear means the absence of love, when a person lives full of fears, lives locked, the only way to get rid of the fears is glorifying God and His devotees, when one knows and loves God or Krishna naturally will love all and everything, because God and His energies exists only ".
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miércoles, 2 de marzo de 2016

The three aspects of God, Part 1

The three aspects of God, Part 1, by Javier Figuerola or Haripada dasa
With love and trust I share this information given to us by Srila Prabhupada's books about God, this nondual substance, the Supreme Divinity. There tell us that God has three aspects, one is the impersonal Brahman or light radiating His transcendental body; Another aspect is the Paramatma, Supersoul, the Holy Spirit, or expanded in the heart of all living entities God; and the supreme aspect is Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead.
To understand these three aspects of Divinity sun example is given: are the sun, the solar disk and solar planet regent person. The sun's rays are compared to Impersonal Brahman, Paramatma solar disk or the Holy Spirit and the ruler of the planet sunshine a personal aspect of God or Krishna. There are three kinds of spiritualists: 1) Those who believe only in the energy or impersonalists; 2) Yogis or those who practice meditation and 3) Pure devotees of God or personalistic. The impersonalist reaches the impersonal Brahman, the meditator reaches understanding the Supersoul or Paramatma, God in the heart, he goes to one of the unlimited spiritual planets, and the personalist devotee through devotional service reaches Krishna or God in the highest planet in the spiritual world, called Goloka Vrindavan.
Thoughts to ponder:
"The most dangerous animal is the human being, this animal is happy when he sees others suffer and suffer when they see others happy."
"No one can make you hurt you, only you yourself can make you hurt yourself."
"The others to do whatever they want to me does not concern me, I'm just trying to purify my mind with devotional activities condemned".
"In my personal life when I feel that someone wants me to control, immediately cut the relationship with that person."
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